BATTLE DESIGNER NOTES: AURORA COMBINED ARMS BATTLE: RA Melan Pyr *. The Battle is broken into 7 "Stages", plus an Operation for the Infiltrator Wing, containing several missions, and written by RA Terran and Admiral Renegade *. Each "Stage" consists of a sequential series of "events" a) events are numbered on the maps with large dark blue Arabic numerals b) events are to be understood as occurring more or less simultaneously *. An "event" may be either a 'Task' or a 'Mission' a) Task: important event in plot, but NOT developed into TIE mission b) Mission: an event that is playable in TIE Fighter *. Maps a) Engagements are boxed in red on the maps b) Captures are circled in red *. Each mission is designed for a specific portion of EH Members a) this is detailed under "Timeline of Events" & "Attn: Flag Officers" Icons b) the lowest specificity is Squadron Level UNLESS the mission is designed for a single flight. In other words, the player flys as the Squadron CMDR. c) I have tried to properly identify all officers down to FLT LDR. My apologies to anyone not so placed. I used the latest Roster as a reference, but constant promotions and shuffling make it difficult. d) When you complete your assigned mission(s), please notify your CO. The ultimate results of the battle will be determined by the participation of each unit *. In-Game Elements a) I have tried to make the Briefing Maps, Officer's Briefings and De-Briefings specific to the Squadron, but general enough that the Flight level will still be able to feel 'at home'. Don't forget that these elements are operational within the game, as in the regular TIE Fighter Missions, so check them out before you enter your cockpit. b) So that all Flight Leaders may be 'seen' (designated as 'special cargo' in TMB), you will always be flying in the second position of the first FG concerned (i.e. Alpha-1 2). No disrespect is intended to any officer above the rank of FLT MBR. *. Special OVLs a) To play Stage II Mission 2, (Tau/DB), you must have the A-9 OVL loaded, or it will play as a normal TIE Fighter b) To play Stage IV Mission 4B (Dragon Squadron) you must have the Dragon OVL loaded, or it will play as a normal TIE Bomber *. Nomenclature: Most Auroran names have been taken from the Robot, Empire and Foundation novels by Isaac Asimov, as a small tribute to the author.