"New Republic ship CRS Despot calling the Auroran Commander, Reventlov Sector. I am here with my Wing to help repel the EH. My envoys report that you need help, so the NR High-Command sent us here to help out."

"Hello Despot this is Admiral Landree, Commander of the Auroran forces. We have been expecting you since your Envoys offered us your help. We are glad to see you. The Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet has been attacking us. We cannot hold out much longer without help. We need you to beef up our defenses."


"That's why we are here Admiral. I have 4 squadrons here on the Despot. We will help protect your base, and our Green Squadron will protect your Supply Depot. Is this satisfactory?"


"We had hoped to remain isolated Adm. Renegade, but the Emperor's Hammer found our system and is bent on destroying us and capturing our system. We have no idea as to how they found us, or even how your Envoys found us."


" My wing was created to destroy the Emperor's Hammer, Admiral. We have been chasing them all over the galaxy, and we followed them here, and realized that they were trying to take over your system. Hopefully we can help prevent that from happening. I place my Wing under your command."


"Thank you Adm. Renegade, we are afraid the EH will attack us. Having you here will cut the odds down a bit. AH, WAIT A MINUTE ADM. RENEGADE, I HAVE JUST LEARNED THAT A SQUADRON OF IMPERIAL GUNBOATS ARE COMING OUT OF HYPERSPACE TO ATTACK. CAN YOU HELP."


" We will drive them off for you Adm. Landree. Let the IW show you how we can protect your system from the EH, we have been wanting to fight them. But they keep getting away from us. Maybe this time it will be different. Keep an eye on your sensors and watch us take them out. No need to risk the Auroran pilots on this mission. Let them rest." they probably need it."


" Thank you, Adm. Renegade, GOOD LUCK, Adm. Landree out."

" Roger, Reventlov, Renegade over and out."