BY AD Renegade (Pappy)


"Good morning pilots," said AD Renegade, "Briefing will begin as soon as everybody gets

here. They still have a few minutes, yet."

"Ah Sir, I heard that we get a stand-down after the Aurora battle. Any truth in


"Son, you been in to many Cantina Bull-sessions. But, the answer is that we get a

little time off to replenish and repair, how much is not certain. It depends on the orders we

get from the FC."

"Oh, we are all here now, guess we can begin. We are headed in to attack and

capture the Auroran system. All of you should have read your briefing files provided by

RA Pyr. It details the fleets missions and the IW's mission.

It also details the deception we are going to pull on them. Remember, your New

Republic pilots now, but only for this mission. IT IS NOT PERMANENT. You are in the

Imperial Navy now, please remember that.

Ladies and gentleman, we are going to attack and secure the PLAT Reventlov.

We will take out there picket ships and as many fighters as we can. We will destroy their

supply dump. Then we will capture the PLAT for the FC. Maybe he will be nice enough to give it back to us, to use as a base. PLAT Mendacity, has a nice sound too it.

I want all of you to stay on your toes. The Aurorans have not fought in combat in

over 100 years and we out-class them in every category. Training, firepower, technology,

but don't let that fool you. Reports from the fleet are that the Aurorans will fight to the death and they are very brave pilots. We will take nothing away from them. They may be out-gunned, but they have the advantage in that they are fighting for their home and their way of life. Which is to remain anonymous and hidden from the rest of the Empire. That is why we want to capture this whole system. Nobody knows where it is, and the Fleet can have a safe haven, when they return. The Fleet can also harvest the minerals and 'cheap' labor here.

We will destroy every Auroran that attacks us, BUT if they are fleeing the battle, let

them go. The Aurorans have the habit of gutting the hyperdrives from their craft, so there won’t be much chance of any of them getting too far out before Psi Squadron stops them.

There will be NO atrocities committed by any pilot in this Wing. I will personally bury my stumpy legs where you sit-down at if you are guilty. We will give them the honor of dying for their home, but we will NOT soil that honor by wanton killing of them."

"Sir, what if they want to surrender? Our policy is no retreat, no surrender. I am


"What I meant GN, is that if they are still capable of firing on us, and they persist

in making suicide runs, then we will accommodate them, but if they jettison their weapons

packs, then you ships with ions can disable them and we will get them later. If they bug-

out, let them go. DO NOT shoot at any surrendered or escaping craft. 'A warrior

deserves to die in combat and only dies once, but a coward who runs away dies a

thousand deaths' or so says an old Earth prophet. Besides, if they surrender or bug for

home-then they aren’t worth wasting time on. I can't stand a coward.

"LG Crandall, do you have anything to say. The floor is all yours."

"Thank you, Admiral. I don't have much to add except, come back and be sure you

bring your ship back with you. Especially you Condor's. those B-wings are hard to come

by. But, that goes for all of you. SQUADRONS, ATTEN-HUT. All pilots man their

fighters. We launch in 30 minutes. AD Renegade will lead Eagle squadron in to pull the

deception. I will follow with the rest of the wing after we drive off the DRONES. GOOD

LUCK. Dismissed!! <SALUTE>

<SALUTE> from all pilots.

"Very fine bunch of pilots we have there, don't you think LG."

"Yessir, I am proud of everyone of them. I have every confidence in them. They

are the very BEST."

"That they are LG. I'm headed for my ship now. You be careful. You get killed out

there, I will never speak to you, again."

" No problem there Sir. Good Luck! <SALUTE>

" You too LG, good luck." <SALUTE>