"Comm center, This is Adm. Renegade, would you ask LG Crandall to meet me on the Bridge." Time to plan our battle, mused Renegade, our first battle as part of the Fleet. Maybe we can show the Officers in the Fleet how a well trained fighting unit can function. I don't think some of them trust a bunch of 'Rebels', especially when they are trained to take out rebel ships and to have an X-wing on their wing might be unsettling. My pilots were trained to kill TIE's and now they are flying formation with the Fleet pilots. What a war.

"Good morning, Sir." said LG Crandall, the IW's Wing Commander. "Any word from the Fleet yet," as he walked into the Briefing room on the Despot, Nodding to the 4 CMDR's sitting there.

"No General, they are still engaged. That's why I want to see you. We better plan our battle. We will be going up against a PLAT and its support ships. We are to capture the PLAT Reventlov. It is the heaviest defended enemy force in this sector. But We have a plan that will allow us to get in very close without firing a shot or invoking them into attacking us." We go in unchallenged we might get real lucky and catch them with their pants down."



" A few days ago a couple of agents from the Fleet approached the Auroran authorities in the guise of New Republic envoys. They promised the Aurorans military aid in the form of an MC-80 with a couple of squadrons of well trained pilots. Gentlemen, we have just joined the New Republic Navy, and "our " orders are to render "aid" to the Auroran's and protect them from the 'HAMMER', HA Ha Ha."

"If I'm in the New Republic navy, does this mean I get a pay raise." asked BG Wilco, the Gray squadron CMDR.

" First we are Rebels, then we are Imperials, we fight pirates and now we are in the NR Navy. I'm getting dizzy from thanking about it." replied BG Avenger.

"Settle down, and no You DO NOT get a pay raise, and Avenger remember you ARE IW first and formost. We follow orders and if we are NR troops on this mission then lets do some fighting as the "NR". General Crandall, will you read the Battle Plan."

"We drop into the Reventlov sector near the PLAT. We will be real friendly. In fact the Fleet is supposed to 'attack' the PLAT with remote-controlled GUN's drones. Black squadron will DRIVE off this invasion. Black Squad will escort the Despot in to the Reventlov system. 


After Black Squadron drives off the "enemy", we will prove to the Aurorans that we are here to help them. This will also help to cement relations between them and the "New Republic". Meaning us.

Instead BLACK will begin attacking and that will be the signal to bring in the other

squadrons. We must take out the Picket ships. Several CRV's. and a FRG and as many fighters

as we can. We will have to come back for the PLAT. we will be spread too thin to worry about all

the fighters and take out the PLAT at the same time but, we do need to disable it. "All pilots are

cleared to fire on anything in the area. We are going to practice the Scorched Earth Policy which

means we leave absolutely nothing intact when we get through."

"Ah Sir, here is the intelligence Report on the defenses of the PLAT."

"The Aurorans, have a fighting force of old and outdated ships, like the Z-95, and R-41,

they are using T/F's and T/B's and some T-wings. It seems like their Navy is made up of a hodge-

podge of ships. They must have gotten them from anybody who would sell to them. There is

none that we can't handle. They are desperate and when they find out who we are, then we will

get everything thrown at us that will fly and has a cannon." 



While we are engaging the enemy protecting the REVENTLOV, GREEN squadron will be destroying the Reventlov Supply Base. This is vital so the Aurorans cannot have access to their supplies. They will also eliminate any Auroran ships that come to the Supply depot to get supplies. 


" Adm. Renegade, what if we changed our plans a little and we present the PLAT to GA Ronin as a present after we capture it. We will use our TRN's and put some of our ships crew to work. They are spoiling for a good fight."

"Agreed, Gen. Crandall, make all preparations and launch BLACK squad when we drop out of Hyper-drive. it's almost time to see if our Ruse works, but even it it doesn't, we will still give them Hell. I'm going to pre-flight my fighter now. Good luck!"