The Engagements with the Auroran 2nd Fleet, and the Auroran Defense Fleet appears to

have been a success. The decision to destroy the enemy rather than to try and attempt captures

was a wise one. The density of the Auroran resistance would have brought many unnecessary

casualties to the flights of the Hammer.

Although supplies have begun to wane, the grit of our pilots was more than enough to



WING II's Engagement with the Auroran 2nd Fleet

The strategy of the Hammer Command, and tactics executed by LG Lucas seem to have

proved most effective against the enemy fleet. He oversaw the attack flitting from one area to the


The three pronged attack conducted by Kappa, Sigma, Psi & Theta, hemmed in the large

capital vessels, often catching them in their own cross fire. Although the Auroran fighter pilots

started with great enthusiasm, reports indicate that they began to show signs of disorientation due

to the severity of the action. Reports indicate that towards the end, the enemy fighters tried to

avoid directly engaging Wing II's pilots, which made them easy targets.

Although losses of fighter craft were high, a fine rescue operation under the direction of

Medical Officer BG Hunter, will most likely recover many stranded pilots.

A few craft in Sigma Squadron reported some equipment malfunctions, which

necessitated some withdrawals, but the pilots concerned were immediately refitted and returned to


WING III's Engagement with the Auroran Defense Fleet (ADF)

Wing III, under the direct command of MG Nemesis was entrusted with the destruction of

the ADF. In two phases, it took on the Frigates Far Star and Fallom, the Corvette Group Mule,

and the Escort Cruiser Melpomenia. The task was daunting, as most of these ships were loaded

with their complements of starfighters.

The first phase, flown by Mu, Phi and Iota greatly reduced the enemy fighter defenses.

and caused considerable damage to the capital ships. The second phase conducted by Pi and

Nu Squadrons, mopped up the remaining fighters and finished off the capital vessels.

To the surprise of many, TIE Advanced were encountered. This is the first reported

instance of an advanced imperial starfighter appearing among the Auroran defenses.

There were also reports that one of the Frigates and the ESC Melpomenia began to attack each other. Some pilots claim that the Aurorans were responsible for the destruction of the ESC, but that seems unlikely. However, their poor admiralship tends to lead them into close proximity with each other, increasing the likelihood of damage from friendly fire.

The ESC, both FRGs and the CRV group was taken down, and the ADF's fighters were

obliterated after much fighting. Losses to Wing III have yet to be assessed 

Task: "Orbital Bombardment of Eos"

High Inquisitor, Fleet Admiral Stelek in command of the OBTF, consisting of the

M/INT Harpax II, M/FRG Imperator, and M/FRG Ardent, orbited Aurora's moon Eos and began his

attack. It went as planned. Virtually no fighter defense was encountered, due to the devastating

effects of our previous efforts with the Auroran First Fleet, and the whittling away of the Eos

Defense Fleet.

All major areas of tactical concern were targeted at will. All defensive guns were silenced

in short order, paving the way for the conquest of the moon. 

Mission 4:"Destruction of PLT Daneel"

Two squadrons of Wing IV, Viper, commanded by GN Doomsday, and Dragon

commanded by GN Andy, both led by LG Brett, launched a two phase attack against the

Platform Daneel. A Modified Frigate, the Galaxia was stationed in the area to help protect the platform.

The first phase, done by Viper, erased much of the fighter cover for the platform and the

M/FRG. The second phase flown by Dragon, finished off the big targets and successfully tussled

with some remaining starfighters. Pilots reported a 'real rush' when taking out a small fighter with

their TIE Dragons plasma guns. There are also unconfirmed reports that A-Wings were encountered successfully.

The platform and the Frigate were both destroyed.