Stage IV

"Aurora on the Brink" Plot Line 

Mission 1:"Engagement with the Second Fleet"

(Designed for Wing II)


In an attempt to re-take the Eos Quadrant, the enemy’s Second Fleet trundles towards the position of Wing II. Wing II will move to intercept. The mission would be challenging enough and it was decided that the risk of Hammer losses would be increased if attempts were made to capture the enemy’s capital ships. The SSD Avenger will remain midway between Daedalus and Aurora to drop off its squadrons, and will only hyper-in at the appropriate time.

The mission will be conducted in 3 areas. Kappa Squadron under the command of GN Buddy will execute an attack on the 2nd Fleet's Left Flank. It will be backed up by Rho, should the need arise. They are expected to encounter a Frigate and a Corvette Group.

Sigma Squadron , led by CMDR GN Veelon will attack the Fleet's Right Flank. Sigma's primary target will be the Calamari Cruiser Erythro.

GN Yoni's Theta and BG Alpha's Psi Squadrons will launch a Center Strike. This attack will be directed against a Calamari Light Crusier, and a Frigate.

Once all elements of Wing II have completed their missions, the Auroran 2nd Fleet will be destroyed. 

Task: "Orbital Bombardment of Eos"

(Pertains to Imperator, Ardent and Harpax)


Eos, the moon of Aurora, and prior to our last missions, the most fortified area of the Aurora System, will be our next target. We will conduct an orbital bombardment with an assembled Task Force of our secondary vessels, M/INT Harpax II, M/FRG Imperator, M/FRG Ardent. This will be done to soften-up whatever planetary defenses remain upon the moon. The High Inquisitor, Fleet Admiral Stelek will be in command of this Orbital Bombardment Task Force.

All areas of command and control, as well as planetary defense batteries will be targeted for destruction. The Eos Defense Fleet, mainly comprised of fighters, will have been decimated in the Eos Quadrant Assault of Stage III, so fighter protection for Eos will be almost non-existant.

Once the aforementioned targets have been eliminated, hardened targets, such as ground garrison installations and underground munitions dumps will be targeted. The purpose is to reduce the fighting ability of Eos, in preparation for conquest. 

Mission 2: "Engagement with the Aurora Defense Fleet"

(Designed for Wing III)


In an attempt to re-take the Eos Quadrant, the enemy’s Aurora Defense Fleet is moving towards Eos. Wing III , under the command of Wing Commander MG Nemesis, will hyper in to intercept. As in the case of the Engagement with the Second Fleet, occurring simultaneously, this mission will be an all out battle, involving the enemy fleet and an entire Hammer Wing.

The ISD Colossus under the command of Commodore RA Goatboy, will move into range to drop off its daughter ships, and will then hyper out.

The attack will occur over two phases. Mu, Iota and Phi, under CMDRs GN Top Ace, BG Wedge, and GN Abaddon respectivly, will soften up fighter defenses in the first phase. Pi and Nu, under CMDRs BG Sten, and GN Dude respectivly, will finish off the capital ships.

Collectivly, Wing III will be facing a fully loaded Escort Carrier, 2 Frigates, 1 Modified Frigate, a Corvette Group, all of the squadrons held therein, and numerous patrols. 

Mission 3:"Find 'em, Fool 'em, Frag 'em, and Forget 'em"

(Designed by and for the Infiltrator Wing)


Platform Reventlov remains as the enemy's strongest presence in the Reventlov Quadrant. Since the area is so heavily fortified, it was decided that the Infiltrator Wing be used to launch a surprise attack.

Agents for the Hammer contacted the Aurorans in the guise of New Republic emissaries, with an offer of aid. The Aurorans accepted, and the 'Republic' promised them a CRS to help. Of course this Mon Calamari was actually the Infiltrator's Despot. (v. Infiltrator Wing Operation in main document) 

Mission 4:"Destruction of PLT Daneel"

(Designed for Wing IV)


Platform Daneel is the only defensive position the Aurorans have left in the Reventlov Quadrant. Wing IV, under the command of LG Brett, will be deployed by the ISD Vanguard. It will consist of two squadrons: Viper, commanded by GN Doomsday, and Dragon commanded by GN Andy

In succession, the two squadrons will attack and destroy the PLT and the Modified FRG Galaxia which was sent to defend it.

Hammer Command has elected to use the TIE Dragon, even though the danger of dog fighting exists. Command would like to see how the Dragon performs against some standard fighters. It is hoped that Viper will have eliminated most of the more bothersome fighters, such as the A-Wings, before the Dragons arrive at the scene.