The Bounty Hunters Guild's Investigation of Aurora

(extracted from the BHG Section of NL 24) 

Discovery of Planetary System Around Solaria!

TO: Fleet Commander

FROM: General Johann Kane, ISB Liason Officer

RE: Aurora System (Background provided by CMDR/BG Melan Pyr/Tau-1/ISD Col)



The Grand Master of the Bounty Hunters Guild has recently approached me with some interesting information. Although the Bounty Hunter’s information will be dear, it shall undoubtedly prove to be a very wise investment. 

The Bounty Hunters had learned of the existence of a hidden planetary system. The Grand Master himself had apparently obtained this information from one of a handful of traders who frequent that system to do business. 

The red dwarf star known as Solaria is at the system’s center. It is located at the very edge of the Outer Rim. It has been casually observed that a large cloud of gases revolves around it in an abnormal path. It has been learned that a planet named Aurora (by which the system is now known) orbits Solaria. Aurora has a single satellite called Eos, and a system of platforms, factories and detection devices. 

The Aurorans have reportedly utilized gravity well generators in a ingenious way. They have managed to orchestrate the movements of Solaria’s gasses and material in such a way so as to constantly obscure the presence of Aurora and its satellite. If it were not for the information that the Bounty Hunters have provided the Hammer, the discovery of Aurora might never have occurred. 

Since it is firmly believed that neither the New Republic nor any other Imperial factions have any knowledge of Aurora’s existence, the Emperors Hammer is provided with a fortuitous opportunity. According to the Bounty Hunters’ reports, Aurora is verdant, fertile and rich in natural resources. It has numerous manufacturing faculties, both on and off world, which could be easily adapted to serve the needs of the Hammer. Its population is human, and with persuasion, can be easily pressed into our service. In addition, though well defended, the Aurorans have had no combat experience within the last 100 standard years. 

When acquired, the Auroran System will be a valuable hidden asset to the Emperor's Hammer.