Welcome to the Infiltrator Wing (IW) of the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force. We
are an independent wing of an Imperial Fleet under the command of Grand Admiral Ronin.

This Wing is unique in the fact that we are all Rebal Alliance defectors and we fly for the
Empire, in captured rebel alliance ships.

We have a very difficult and dangerious job ahead of us, to the Rebel Alliance we are
traitors, and we also must prove to the EH Fleet and the rest of the Imperials that we are
trustworthy. If we are caught by the Rebels, we will be executed. If we are caught by Imperial
units other than the EH, we may be executed before we can get across to them who we are.

Neither side except our own fleet knows that we exist, If we get into a situation where we
are challenged, you will tell your captors that you are with a very secret Special Operations
Group and our existence is classified for reasons of security.

GA Ronin has set up a communications unit that will handle all inquires as to who we
are. They are kept up to date on the most current Rebel and Imperial codes. If any pilot is
caught, the wing will do everything we can to rescue you, but if that fails, then every pilot in this
wing has standing orders to destroy the ship you are on and making sure that you die a hero's
death. We must not be captured and tortured!

Grand Admiral Ronin has confidence in us that we can get the job done. He has
exonerated all of us for our crimes against the Empire and has given us all a pardon. Let us not
fail him and the Fleet. We will serve with honor.

All of you were hand choosen for this assignment because you are execellent pilots.
The wing will be set-up into 4 Squadrons of 9 pilots each. A total of 36 in all. There will be a
squadron each of the 4 ships the Alliance flies.