
Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau) 

Name: Dak Veelon

Rank: General

Scandoc Transmission Code(Screen name): VEELON

Sex(M/F): M

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Classified

Place of Birth(Please include Homeworld): Pictara Mul, Jamul ( Home of the Imperial Academy)

Marital Status(Single,Married,Divorced,Separated): Single

Family: Son of Lord Cantar Veelon and Lady Katara (Mandak) Veelon

***Lord Veelon : former Commodore of the Imperial Academy on Jamul

** No living siblings. Older brother (Kamrak) and younger sister(Sheltara)killed during the Rebel uprising in the Sullust System.

Raised by 2nd cousin Hemler Coslos ( Maintenance Crewman at Makrosia )

Social Status(Destitute,Poor,Well-to-do,Wealthy,Nobility): Nobility


Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Both parents and two siblings killed during a Rebel attack in the Sullust system. Lord Veelon was traveling with his family to Coruscant where he was to receive a medal from the Emperor for Valitorius service when his shuttle and two escort fighters stumbled onto a rebel-pirate arms deal. The two escort Tie fighters were outnumbered by multiple squadrons of X-wing and Z-95 Starfighters. All escorts were lost and the shuttle crash landed on a nearby moon. Dak Veelon was the only survivor. Age 10. Veelon was discovered by a Reconnaissance craft investigating the disappearance of Lord Veelon's shuttle and escorts. Since that time, Dak was entrusted to his second cousin, Hemler Coslos, and was raised at the "Dead Fleet" shipyard at Makrosia.


Significant Events of Adulthood: Hero of the Battle of Maxian. Single handedly defended the shuttle Ramses from capture by the Corelian Cruiser Antares 1 and it's starfighter compliment near the planet Maxian. Ramses was transporting the Lead design team of the Death Star I project. Veelon held off wave after wave of Rebel starfighters until the VSD Intrepid could arrive to assist. Veelon was awarded a Medal for Valor.


Alignment & Attitude: "Cadet Veelon is a tenacious, bold and gifted starfighter pilot and attacks every situation with 'Extreme Prejudice'. I've never seen anyone so anxious to obliterate any Rebel craft. My task will be to teach him control" Cmdr Salinar-Imperial Academy-Tie Instructor.


Former Occupations(if any): Welder at Makrosia Shipyards


Hobbies: Unknown


Tragedies: See Significant Events of Childhood


Phobias & Allergies: Fear of Failure. That he will not see the total annihilation of the Rebel Alliance.


Personal views of the Empire(and Emperor's Hammer): The Empire is the only way. The Empire is strength and the only true force in the galaxy that can bring about peace and prosperity. The EH will be the driving force behind the demise of the New Alliance and the restoration of the Empire.


Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force: Was the only sure way to make a difference in the struggle to defeat the Rebel Fleet.


Other comments or information(optional): Dak Veelon worked for a short time as an assistant welder at the Dead Fleet Decommissioning Storage center at Makrosia. Reports began to filter to Admiral Constar that someone was flying decommissioned starfighters without authorization. The admiral decided to lay an ambush out for whomever was responsible, so he sent a Flight of Tie Interceptors out to the storage facility to lay in wait with systems powered down until the perpetrator showed himself. And show himself he did.

A tug pulled along side a supposed disabled Tie fighter and in seconds the T/F was off. The Flight Leader of the T/I group moved in to engage the unauthorized T/F but got more than he bargained for. The T/F gunned it to full throttle and began weaving in and out of the disabled old ships. The T/I's were fast but could not match this pilot's agility and performance.

The engagement lasted for on half hour when the Admiral, who was overseeing this situation personally, decided that enough was enough. He dispatched his top squadron with several Transports to disable the T/F. He wanted this one alive.

After more aerial highjinks and a few collisions by the T/I's a transport finally got a Ion shot on the T/F and disabled it. The pilot was brought in front of Admiral Constar. The Pilots name was Dak Veelon, age 15, Son of the Deceased Lord Veelon, former Commandant of the Imperial Academy. After some choice words with the young pilot the admiral decided that punishment would not be the way to deal with this young man. He decided that the best way to handle this would be to send young Veelon to the Academy where his skills could be honed and used to it's fullest potential by the Empire.


And the rest is history.......


I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


Signature: Gen. Dak Veelon



cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer






Subject: Sigma Squadron Enhanced Role 

Codename: Dark Strike 

Overview: GA Ronin has recently approved a bold new approach to dealing with the Rebel Forces that are infesting the Galaxy. The Code name for this plan is DarkStrike. While full detail of it's operation can not yet be revealed, DarkStrike operations will become the nightmare of the rebellion. 

Sigma Squadron will be the primary testing squadron for this new tactical approach. Commanded by General Veelon, Sigma Squadron will be undergoing some "Team" training to restructure it's assault tactics and will then commence in it's Dark Strike operations. 

Currently, Sigma Squadron is the Emperor's Hammer Close Support Squadron assigned to Wing II aboard the SSD Avenger. Sigma's Close Support role will not change. Dark Strike is an enhanced role that will in no way defer from it's support capabilities. Sigma's three flight's consist of T/A's, Missile Boats and Assault Gunboats and will continue with that configuration until such time as the GA sees fit to upgrade the unit. 

Do not confuse this as a Sub-group. Dark Strike is currently a mission role and a tactical theory designed to bring about fear and dissent in the Rebel fleet. 

At this time, Sigma squadron is not at full strength and is currently looking for the "best of the best" in the EH. Any applications or transfer requests to Sigma Squadron will be processed, as usual, by the Flight Officer.  

EMPIRE REBORN............. 

Submitted by: CMDR/GN Veelon/Sigma-I/SSD Avr 


Currently, Sigma Squadron is assigned as Close Support for other main assault forces should the event arrise. When needed, elements of Sigma or, the entire squadron may be called upon to assist in providing fighter cover or to augment an ongoing heavy assault of a target. While this assignment should not be altered at this time due to the obvious need for "backup" during large operations, Sigma's role could be enhanced by providing a resource that has yet to be exploited by the Hammer. 

This enhanced role I will call "Dark Strike". It is an operation that has been used throughout the ages by small forces against a seemingly overwhelming enemy. This small attack force will be able to operate far from any support, be able to lash out and destroy medium to large size targets and then disappear via hyperspace leaving only destruction in thier wake. 

The basic OP would run as follows. The "Dark Strike Force" would gather intel (possibly via the Dark Brotherhood) on rebel supply routes, fighter patrols, convoys, etc... Using this information it would make random attacks on the various Rebel targets. The DSF would hyper in and ambush the Rebels, destroy as many targets as possible, gather intel as to what this group was doing etc... and then escape.  

Another senario could use an "Elite" element of the Hammer's Fist to hyper in and capture rebel pilots and officers from disabled craft. The Troopers would then deliver said prisoners to the Dark Brotherhood for interogation. This senario would help gather information for future DS missions. 

This manner of operation, while never fully employed by the Empire, is effective on many different levels. A small list of it's advantages follows; It is a new tactic for the empire and unexpected by our enemies giving us the element of surprise. It eats away at the emeny's numbers and disrupts thier normal operations. Once operational, stories of the devastation will strike fear into the hearts of the Rebels and weaken thier resolve. It would serve as a great morale booster for our own troops.  

Obviously once these tactics are studied by the Rebels the only course of action they can take is to increase fighter support to these targets which creates a unique situation for the Hammer. We have two options. To increase the size of the DS force (which really defeats the purpose) or use the DS force as bait for a larger waiting force. Example; the time will come when the DS will hyper into a trap set by the Rebels using misinformation through captured rebel agents. When the DS force realizes this the DS leader will call for the force to hyperspace back to predetermined coordinates where a large Hammer Assault Team will be waiting. Should the Rebels persue they will fall into our trap and be crushed by the waiting "Hammer". Instead of chasing the enemy, you bring the emeny to you. 

The reason I think Sigma Squadron is perfect for this role is obvious. Sigma has all the elements needed to make these types of missions possible. You have Flight-I (T/A's) to provide cover and escort-fighter supression. Flight-II (Missle Boats) provide heavy assault for large targets such as freighters and capital ships. Flight-III (Assault Guns) provide support to both Flight-I and Flight-II's basic missions. The DSF hypers in, hits the targets and hypers out. The approach is simple yet extremely effective. 

If this proposal is accepted I would like Sigma Squadron to become the first DSF Squadron for testing purposes. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

CMDR/GN Veelon/Sigma-1/SSD Avr





Beginning immediately all members of Sigma Squadron will be assigned to retraining for DarkStrike Missions.  

DarkStrike missions will require a new level of discipline as compared to our ordinary missions. In the past elements of Sigma squadron have been called on to aid the main assault force of the EH to complete an objective when heavy resistance is met. Sigma element were used in pieces. For example; when the main assault force needs more fighter cover they would call for Flight 1 to provide suppression or when more firepower is needed to take out a heavily fortified target they would call in Flight II's Missile boats to finish the job. To accomplish DarkStrike missions all this "Flight" attitude will change dramatically. 

DarkStrike Profile: 

DS is a tactical theory designed to inflict heavy losses on the rebel fleet. 

DS missions will not target any large fortified bases or rebel strongholds. 

DS missions will primarily target Rebel supply lines (freighters, supply centers,etc...) patrols consisting of fighter groups, Corvettes, Frigates, Cruisers and other Capital ships. 

DS missions will employ "Hit and Run" tactics. 

DS operations will be covert to maintain the element of surprise. 

The Unit assigned to perform DarkStrike Missions will be referred to as the Dark Strike Force(DSF). 

The DarkStrike Force performing the DS missions will always have at least one Assault Transport Vessel (manned with an Elite HF stormtrooper unit) on active standby to be able to hyperspace onto the scene to capture any vessels that have been disabled by the squadron. 

Command Structure on the mission will be as follows: 

Squadron Commander


/ \

FL HF Commander

| |

FM HF Trooper 

Squadron Commander will be entirely responsible for the mission's outcome. Flight Leaders will be responsible for directing their individual Flights over the course of the battle, as usual. The Commander of the HF group will retain sole command of his unit but is directed into action by the Squadron Commander who will decide when and where the HF will deploy. 



During DS operations the Squadron will deploy as a full unit with no reserves or any support or logistics from a Capital ship. The DSF will make several hyperjumps to reach the designated objective and will make even more on the return trip to ensure covert insertion and extraction. Should the DSF not be able to complete multiple hyperjumps on the return trip the unit will either find a safe, temporary refuge until repairs can be made to complete the trip home, fight until complete victory over it's enemies or destruction of the DSF. The HF unit will hold position on the next to last Hyper jump point and wait for orders.  

The primary goal of each DS mission is a "Hit and Run" style assault. The DSF will destroy as many targets as possible and then Hyper out of the area. All pilots are instructed to inspect as many craft as possible. Intelligence gathering is an essential aspect of the DS mission. Should enemy officers, new weapons or a unique opportunity be discovered, the pilot would inform the SC (Squadron Commander) immediately and begin to disable the vessel. At which point the SC will direct the appropriate fighters to deal with the situation. Once disabled the SC will call for the HF unit to hyper in and begin it's Capture operations.  

Capture operations will entail taking prisoners, restoring power to the disabled vessel and then hypering out to the pre-arranged departure point. Prisoners will be delivered to the Dark Brotherhood for interrogation and information gathering procedures. This information is vital for future DS operations. 

As stated earlier, the Squadron will act more as a TEAM than a group of Flights. While each flight will obviously have certain responsibilities, they will work as a whole to cover for each other to assure victory with minimal losses. Pilots chosen for DS duty must not only be excellent pilots but must be able to understand and see opportunities when they arise. Most DS missions will have little prior intelligence so a pilot must be able to adapt and react quickly to new and unknown situations.  


Sigma Squadron will exit hyperspace and immediately all pilots will use their targeting system to examine all ships in the area. The SC will then order the unit into attack mode and give the flights their assignments. Sigma squadron was chosen for this task because of it's ship compliment and the SC will use that information to direct the units appropriately. Pilots should be aware that each flight group may change in the blink of an eye. The SC may decide that to take out the 3 Corvettes he wants 3 flight groups consisting of 1-T/A, 1-MB and 1- GUN. When the situation changes he may prefer another configuration. 

The preliminary configurations will be as follows. 

Tango Configuration: 

Flight 1 - (1) T/A

(1) MB

(1) GUN


Flight 2 - (1) T/A

(1) MB

(1) GUN


Flight 3 - (1) T/A

(1) MB

(1) GUN


Victor Configuration 

Flight 1 - (1) T/A

(2) MB

Flight 2 - (1) T/A

(2) GUN


Flight 3 - (1) T/A

(1) MB

(1) GUN


Upon Assessment of the area the SC will call the strike "No escort presence detected. Tango,Tango - Unit 1 take corvette KIRA-1, Unit 2 take corvette KIRA-2, Unit 3 take Tamek-1."  

CMDR/BG Alpha/Psi-1/ISD Col 

Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau) 

Name:Jeff Rapp

Rank:Brigader General

Scandoc Transmission Code (Screen Name):Fish 57

Sex (M/F):M


Date of Birth:6/5/84

Place of Birth (Please include Homeworld):Earth, Chicago, IL,

Marital Status (Single, Married, Divorced, Separated):Single

Family:1 mom, 1dad, 1step-dad,1step-mom, 1 sister


Social Status (Destitute, Poor, Well-to-do, Wealthy, Nobility):Wealthy

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: geting "TIE Fighter"


Significant Events of Adulthood:N/A


Alignment & Attitude:go for it, no matter what people say, if you want

something, go out and get it!


Former Occupations (if any):N/A


Hobbies:Star Wars, Reading Star Wars, Space, Wanting to be an Astronaut


Tragedies:Great Grandmother almost dead at 90


Phobias & Allergies: Dogs (but I still love them very much and I'm getting

allergie shots), cats, ragweed


Personal views of the Empire (and Emperor's Hammer): I think the Dark side is

better, I wouldn't want to go on a killing spree, but I will fight for it.


Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Fleet: I was getting

bored with just the game, so I joined something to do with the game.


Other comments or information (optional): 

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the

best of my knowledge.


Signature:Jeff Rapp


cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer 

CMDR/GN Threat/Cobra-1/ISD Van 



The time for the Emperor’s Hammer to become special operations has come! Even though the Hammer is an elite organization of elite pilots, many missions require special skills that require extra training, coordination, and finesse. The squadrons of the ISD Vanguard and Wing IV can provide these capabilities! 

Special Ops Missions 

The types of special ops missions we propose to perform have not been finalized, but here is a few ideas that come off the top of my head.  

Kidnapping- this mission would be similar to interdiction, but would specialize in snatching important figures deep in enemy territory. 

Assassination- killing specific targets very quickly deep in enemy territory. Both Kidnapping and Assassination Squadrons would be able to perform these missions in small flight groups so large amounts of EH assets are not risked. 

Psychological Warfare- creating even more fear in the hearts of Rebels. Making our enemies feel that absolutely NOWHERE is safe from the EH! This squadron will give many sleepless nights to many a Rebel! 

Special Insertion/Extraction- specializing in making insertions of agents/spies deep in enemy territory and getting them and their information back to our intelligence people. 

Test Squadron- test all new craft and discover strengths and weaknesses of that craft. Design tactics for that craft to give pilots better chances of completing their missions and surviving. Captured enemy craft will also be evaluated by the squadron. 

EH Flight Demonstration Squadron- the U.S. Navy has the Blue Angels, the U.S. Air Force has the ThunderBirds, Canada the SnowBirds...why not the EH? Excellent way to raise morale and even better recruitment tool. 

VIP Escort- the Secret Service of the EH. Defend extremely important people and material. 

Let me note that this list of missions is far from complete. These are what come to mind as I sit here alone with no other input. The line officers of the ISD Vanguard will be having a meeting to come up with more. Also, since special ops missions do not come up all the time, squadrons will have secondary missions like that of other EH squadrons (interdiction, close support, etc.). 

Squadron Craft 

Because of the demanding nature of special ops missions, the squadrons of the ISD Vanguard will require the latest fighters available. The Defender, Spectre, Dragon, MIS, Phalanx, and A-9 will be heavily used.  


Missions sometimes require specialized skills. The ISD Vanguard and Wing IV want to be the ones to provide those skills. Elite fighting units throughout history have had specialized troops and the Emperor’s Hammer should be no exception! 

Respectfully Submitted, 

GN Threat

Cobra Squadron Commander




