TO: Admiral Shekinah

Grand Admiral Ronin

Fleet Admiral Adams


FROM: Rear Admiral Tav Briel`lya 

SUBJECT: Valkyrie "Heavy Interceptor"



Admiral Shekinah, 

I really like this about pickup! A question about the much stronger is a Turbolaser in comparison to a regular laser? Are we loosing firepower by mounting just 1, as opposed to 2 that can be fire linked...or gaining firepower? Thanks!

Rear Admiral Tav Briel`lya

OPS/RA Briel`lya/CF-6/SSD Avr

XO/FA Adams/CF-2/SSD Avr 


Dantooine- An olive, blue, and brown-colored planet with no industrial settlements or advanced technology, Dantooine once served as a primary base for the Rebel Alliance. When interrogated by Imperials aboard the Death Star Leia Organa revealed the base's location, though it had been safely deserted for some time. Dantooine is far removed from most galactic traffic, and its surface is covered with savannahs of lavender grasses and spicky blba trees. Dantooine has two moons and abundant animal life, including herds of hairy beasts, simple ballonlike creatures, and mace flies. Primitive nomadic tribes move along the coasts, though their numbers are so few the planet is essentially uninhabited. During the New Republics war against Grand Admiral Thrawn, Admiral Ackbar planned to visit Dantooine following his inspection of the Farrfin and Dolomar defences. Two years later, fifty colonists from Eol Sha were reloacated on Dantooine until they were wiped out by a group of Admiral Daala's AT-AT Walkers. 


Dargul is the sister world of the blob-racing planet Umgul. It is the location of Palace Dargul, residence of the Duchess Mistal. When the Duchess reached the age of marriage and advertised for a consort, a candidate named Dack altered the Palace computer to name him as the winning suitor. When he could no longer stand the Duchess' company, he fled to Umgul and was captured by Lando Calrissian. Calrissian was given a million-credit award from the duchess for the return of her consort. 


A cool, mist-covered world in the same system as Dargul, Umgul is known as a center for gambling and sports attractions. The Planet's spaceport is located in Umgul City, built on the limestone banks of a wide river that attracts numerous pleasure barges. The city is covered with signs and attractions for visitors, though cheating in the gambling establishments is punishable by death. Tourists primarily visit Umgul to see the famous Umgullian blob races, held in an arena carved from rock and ringed with fans to blow away the fog. The protoplasmic blobs, bred for racing, are kept in stables and monitored by the Umgullian Racing Commission for any signs of illegal enhancements. Lando Calrissian visited Umgul while searching for a possible jedi candidate.  

XO/FA Adams/CF-2/SSD Avr


George Lucas Interview

From the second Star Wars summit held on April 20, 1995

(excerpts of major topics from the "Star Wars Insider" magazine) 

What inspired you to go back and work on A New Hope?

Well, when I did the first film, there were a couple of scenes and a couple of sequences that didn't turn out as well as I hoped. One involved Han Solo and Jabba the Hutt, which in the rush to get the film finished didn't really seem to be necessary because it invloved characters and incidents that didn't appear until later episodes. At that point I didn't know whether th film was going to be successful enough for a sequel, so I said, well, let's just cut this out ans not worry about it now because it'd be too much time to try to get it accomplished. But I've always wanted that scene to be back in the film, and when I finished the other two films, it became even more interesting to me to try and put those scenes back in, because they do relate to the later episodes. We've gotten to a point now with the technology that I can put those scenes back into the movie and make it more like I intended it to be in the beginning. 

When did you decide to go back and do Episodes I, II, and III?

Well, I've always intended to do it. It's just that when I finished the first three, I decided that I needed to take a hiatus. I spent my time building Skywalker Ranch, I started advancing some of the technologies, and doing some of the other kinds of movies that I wanted to do. I'd worked on Star Wars for nine years and I was interested in doing other things for awhile. Plus, the technology hadn't evolved enough for me to really be able to get back and do what I wanted to do. A lot of the issues that have gone on in the last ten years have been issues of perfecting the technology. So that now I can actually make the that I want to make. It's frustrating to work in a very limited palette. You could say that, in the first three films, I worked in a black and white palette, and that now I'm able to add a lot more color. I think it'll be much more exciting, and that's really what I was waiting for. 

How will the new special effects affect your filmmaking?

Well, as I say, it allows me to have yoda walk. It allows me to have a lot more alien characters, a lot more robots, and a lot more varied vehicles than just spacecraft...and to be much more fluid with them, especially in terms of direction. I can actually move around in a scene. Before it wasn't noticeable, but from a director's point of view, it was hard because everybody was cemented in place. It's difficult to direct a scene when your actors can't move around. It's frustrating. 

Is the technology you're referring to, like what was used to make Jurassic Park?

Yes, ILM(Industrial Light and Magic) developed a lot of the technology, and spent a lot of time and money to make it happen. (laughs) The last three or four years, starting with Jurassic Park, is when we really broke through and I knew that in the near future, I could do these movies. 

Will any of the characters from Episodes IV, V, and VI appear in Episodes I, II, and III?

It's the beginning story of how everybody got to be where they are now, so what you've seen is sort of the last half of a series, and this is the first half. The characters are the same, but the actors obviously are not going to be the same, because it takes place when they are very young. 

Are you planning on doing Episodes VII, VIII, and IX?

That I can't think about.(Laughs) I have to get through I, II and III. 

So Episodes I, II, and III will seque right into A New Hope?

Well, kind of. It's a story about Ben Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker and how we got to the point where Obi-Wan Kenobi was waiting in the middle of the desert for something to happen. It's also about how Darth Vader got to be who he is, and how the Emperor came to power. It starts out with the Emperor not in power, then it keeps progressing. It'll be one twelve hour movie when it's all finished. 

How old will the main characters be in the new films?

In the first film, they're very young, although Obi-Wan is thirtyish. In episodes Two and Three, Anakin is around twenty. Anakin is about the same age as Luke in Episode Four, and Obi-Wan is about forty then. The second two films take place almost continuously, a couple of years in between. At the end of the third film, Anakin is twenty-two, and Ben is about forty-two, so A New Hope is about twenty years later when Obi-Wan is in his sixties. 

What limitations or restrictions do you have as a filmmaker?

Well, I don't know. I don't fell that restricted, except for the local zoning ordinances....(laughs) But, for me and the company, my ambitions are slightly different from other people's. I'm not out to make fifty movies a year. I've been able pretty much to put together, whatever it is that I've wanted to do artistically. I've got plenty of movies to do, I just don't have a lot of time to do them in. I wish I could live more than 150 years! 





Transcribed and graphed by Allen Kausch 

XO/FA Adams/CF-2/SSD Avr 

COMM/AD Shawshank/CF-7/SSD Avr 


From: COMM Officer Shawshank 

I would like to express my gratitude to the FC for making my COMM position one that has a purpose :).

My new duties dictate that I'm supposed to keep morale high. If you are having a problem with your flight leader or squadron commander, then e-mail me the problem and I will do my best to solve it. If you are not receiving your NL's from your commanders and have tried to e-mail them but get no response, then I will bite their head off and spit it out to get you the NL.

Just remember... I'm here to help with the morale and to make sure the squadron commanders are doing their job. 

Any questions, e-mail me at

Admiral Shawshank in his earlier, "bounty hunter days"...
(Photo: E-Mailed by Quackodile, 1995)


This is a holo photo of my bounty hunter days... before the Imperial Navy. This picture was taken on the raid of one of Jabba the Hutt's suspected hideouts... it turned out to be misinformation recieved from an anonymous source who must have been paid off for more than what I had offered; 100,000 credits. 

COMM/AD Shawshank/CF-7/SSD Avr 

COM/RA Melan Pyr/DGN LichV 

We talked about building missions a bit last evening, so I thought I'd pass along what I've been able to learn (that wasn't covered in AD Shenikah's Help File) while doing the Aurora CAB. 

1. In TMB, when your writing a message that is supposed to fire when a FG is created, if its a FG that contains waves, it will not fire until the lastwave. Therefore, make the message dependent on the condition underwhich the FG is created, rather than the FG itself. 

2. It sounds simple, but remember to designate a proper FG for the player, otherwise TIE fighter will get all screwed up 

3. Remember to place a 1 (ie 1Aurorans) in front of your non-rebel enemies in the "Global Goals and IFFs-IFF Codes" section of TMB, or you will not be able to get them to register as enemies on your radar. 

4. When working with a BSL file, make sure you change the last time at the top of the file. If its set at 100 (default) then the map events won't run past that point. 

5. When using BOX statements, use the FG # from TMB minus 1. ie If the FG you want boxed is #4, then designate the BOX to be 03. 

6. When using TEXT statments for enemies, you have to play around with the right number. It doesn't seem to correspond to the IFF Code in TMB. I designated the Aurorans as IFF 4 in TMB but IFF four comes out a different colour in the BSL file. 

7. In briefing officer's sections, be careful not to make the lines too long. 

I'm sure you've figured most of this out, but I thought I'd pass it along in case you knew of someone struggling a bit to work this stuff out 

RA Pyr