The Wing Commander has reluctantly approved the formation of a Bounty Hunter's Guild
for exclusive use with the Emperor's Hammer. Following the Battle of Endor and
considering the current state of chaos in the Empire, such individuals will prove
invaluable in gathering information, tracking down renegades and performing other
"special services" for the Emperor's Hammer.


Other than adherence to the Emperor's Hammer Bylaws, the Bounty Hunter's Guild does
not have to conform to the standard Imperial Naval command structure. Consequently,
Guild Members are expected to follow their own internal Caste structure, as detailed


Since the success of a Bounty Hunter is based solely on his/her ability to find his
"Targets" and collect monetary "Prizes", his/her status in the Guild will be determined by
total accumulated credits for completing Hammer assigned Missions. Thus, the Guild
will be organized according to "Caste Positions".

The below is the minimum credit standings for the postions within the Guild.