The Fleet Commander herein approves the commissioning of Shadow Works (an exclusive ship construction firm founded by Admiral Shekinah) to be awarded ALL future starfighter and capital ship construction contracts for the Emperor's Hammer until further notice. With the recent chaos in the Empire, Kuat Drive Yards, Sienar Fleet Systems and Cygnus Spaceworks may not be as reliable with their supply convoys as in previous years. Consequently, to assure a steady flow of ships and materiel to the Hammer, Shadow Works will be the Prime Contractor for the Strike Fleet. In addition, its founder, Admiral Shekinah (TACT/AD Shekinah/CF-3/SSD Avr), will be the sole Manager of Shadow Works and no other Members may use its logo, name or fighter designs without his prior permission. 

The Tactical Officer will periodically make new Ship or Fighter upgrades which will be posted in this section of subsuequent Newsletters.Following posting in a Newsletter, new starfighter designs will be added to the Emperor's Hammer Fleet Manual. 


by Admiral Shekinah - Emperor's Hammer / Shadow Works Fighter Design

*TIE Fighter, and all files there of are Copyright of LucasFilm Ltd., and LucasArts Software.


These numbers would go in the Laser ID code of the ships in the UGE list. Where you see "Laser 1 ID Code or Laser ID Code" simply hit return to highlight the number and replace with the number below to change the weapons... 

Hex Number Weapon Effect (Supercharge)/(Normal Charge)

136 Rebel (Red) laser / Nothing

137 Rebel (Red) laser / Rebel (Red) laser

138 Imperial Laser / Rebel laser

139 Imperial (Green) Laser / Imperial (Green) Laser

140 Ion Cannon / Imperial (Green) Laser

141 Ion Cannon / Ion Cannon

142 Proton Torpedoes / Ion Cannon

143 Concussion Missiles / Proton Torpedoes

144 Turbo Laser / Concussion Missiles

** 145 Turbo Laser (Green) / Turbo Laser (Red)

146 Super Ion Cannon (Does Damage, not Disable) / Turbo Laser (Green)

147 Proton Torpedo / Super Ion Cannon (Does Damage, not Disable)

148 Adv. Concussion / Proton

149 Space Bomb / Concussion

150 Heavy Rocket / Space Bomb

151 Magnetic Pulse Rocket / Heavy Rocket

152 Magnetic Pulse Rocket / Magnetic Pulse Rocket

** 153 Magnetic Pulse (damage of Advanced Concussion) no disable

154 No effect

155 No effect

[** These weapons are already in use by Shadow Works / Shekinah's Fighter Labs. The Turbo - Laser was discovered by Md128m under code 144 and improved upon by Shekinah. Codes 153 under the Vulcan Plasma Pulse Generator and this former range of numbers discovered by Shekinah.]

The Super Ion is a conjectural name - the beam is blue and travels slow like the Ion cannon but does physical damage (e.g.: you can't disable with it). The same is true for #153: The 'Magnetic Pulse Rocket' does the damage of an adv. concussion and no disabling effect. 

Turbo Lasers do about double normal damage (about 4% shield damage on a starship per shot). 

We haven't figured out why the weapons change over when the charge goes down, nor have we tried using fractions - the allowable number range is from 0 - 255. 


The use of some weapons and/or fighter designs may be restricted for use with Emperor's Hammer Missions...Consequently, all mission designing Members are requested to contact Admiral Shekinah with questions on a specific weapon's use... 

Below are presented five NEW Fighter designs (see File Archives Section of this Newsletter for file names) recently recleased as FULLY operational for use by the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet... 


New Prototype Developed for use by the Emperors Hammer!

KDY Prototype to be named A-9 Vigilance Interceptor...

An A-9 Vigiliance interceptor on the PLT Daedalus...awaiting
transfer to the ISD Colossus for flight testing by Tau Squadron...
(Photo: ASutton348, 1995)

A-9b Vigilance Interceptor Technical & Background Information 

[Datapac compiled by Stelek/ASutton348 using data from the Dark Empire Sourcebook by West End Games, pp 101-102.]  

Kuat Drive Yards has long been a major player in the Imperial war industry. Manufactuer of the Star Destroyer (and many other ships). KDY has long wanted a crack at the snubfighter market. Since the TIE fighter has been the fighter of choice for Navy planners, there was little chance, but their project eams, working closely with the new Emperor's Hammer XO and the Dark Jedi of the Dark Brotherhood they have developed a design that has been on the back burner for years...this craft's capacities are actually INCREASED if piloted by one knowledgable in the dark side! 

The A-9 is a sleek, stripped-down fighter. Like other Imperial models, it lacks both hyperdrive and shields to cut all extraneous mass. In addition, it pares down the hull and escape systems (Imperial ejection systems are a joke anyway!). Reduced cockpit complexity makes the A-9 one of the easiest craft to learn. The fighter's weaponry incorporates twin laser cannon that can be fired independently or linked, as usual. The A-9 is a very small craft, trading off mass for manueverability and speed, hopefully this will make it popular with the elite pilot corps....such as the Emperor's Hammer!  

RPG Stats 

Craft:Kuat Drive Yards A-9b Vigilance Interceptor

Type:Territorial defensive interceptor


Length:7.4 Meters


Cargo Capacity:55 Kilograms

Consumables:1 Day

Cost:185,000 Credits



Atmosphere:450; 1,300 KMH







Game Stats (TIE Fighter)

Hull: 20 RU (15 RU Solar Panels)

Max. Speed:156 (100)

Acceleration: 22 (15)

Roll Rate: 54 (48)

Pitch: 30 (20)

Weapons: 2 Heavy Turbolaser Cannons

2 KDY Standard Laser Cannons

Shields: None Standard, can be equipped (None)

Beam: None Standard, can be equipped, usually with Jammer (None)


Note: This has been a comparison of the standard TIE Fighter in the game (data in parentheses) and the A-9 Template.... 

Fleet Commander's Note:  

The production version of the A-9 (the A-9b) has been approved by the Command Staff for full distribution to Tau Squadron. The use of the T-I cockpit design will allow use of the new fighter-mounted TurboLaser Cannon (4% capital ship damage/hit!) as well as the use of the Dark Side (i.e. beams to "disorient" Rebel pilots) by the Dark Brotherhood Pilots. This should make the A-9 one of the most deadly fighters in the Fleet!  


Prototype Phalanx Gunboat landing on PLT Daedalus...
(Photo: E-Mailed by Sjain, 1995)

Cygnus Xg-Sigma Covert Operations Vessel  

Project Designation: Phalanx Interceptor

Chassis: Cygnus Missile Boat Prototype "B" Interceptor

Hull: 60 RU

Speed: 204 MGLT (standard)

Armaments: 4 SFS-1 Lasers

2 Krupx Ion Cannon

2 Sienar Warhead Launchers [4 capacity] - Mag Pulse/HR/or Space Bomb

� Designated for surgical strikes on key targets

1 Sienar Delvax-II Jammer Array

Defenses: Shield Array

External Hull camoflagued to appear as Tyderium-class Shuttle

Morph-Matrix Transponder

Crew: 1 pilot

Additional room for up to 2 "observers" 

Operational Usage: Use restricted to Secret Order designated missions-objectives.

Deep penetration-recon-strike missions.

Compromise Rebel-insurgent security & structure. 

This vessel represents a breakthrough in tactical weaponry & placement on Imperial craft. Further R &D should expand the capabilities of the Emperor's Fleets to deal with Rebel threats. Directives to augment the Elite Strike Wings of the Emporer's Hammer Fleet will take utmost priority. 

As of Sunday, the 4 original designs from X-wing [T/F, T/I, T/B, GUN] use the same basic code and can be modified as the needs of the Elite forces of the Empire dictate.

The Phalanx Infiltrator represents New technological upgrades & second generation TIE technology prior to the defeat at Endor. Since these craft represent an enormous amount of technical investment - use should be restricted to DB and special operations missions. 

Admiral Shekinah

Tactical Officer 

TACT/RA Shekinah/CF-3/SSD Avr 


Revised technology breakthroughs are re-working the Phalanx design. 

Current estimates are to improve the use of the shared weapons capacitor. 

Phalanx-II PHX Interceptor  

4 Lasers (Red - Rebel)

2 Ion Cannons (shared capcitor)


2 Warhead Launchers (8 capacity)

Acceleration 12

Roll 15

Pitch 64

Shields 4500

Hull 3000


Speed: 204 Standard

153 Combat (Full Lasers)


TACT/AD Shekinah/CF-3/SSD Avr 


Fleet Commander Ronin's Modified
TIE Defender...the TIE Guardian
(Photo: TREYNARD, 1995)

TIE Guardian/Mark II Defender (Command Fighter Protoype) 

The Fleet Commander has commissioned the research and development of a personal fighter to be based on the TIE Defender fighter design. The primary advances include upgraded powerplant, shields, and sensor suite. Two additional lasers have been added to the popular quad pattern fire linkage. However, it is anticipated that the full fire linking would have to used sparingly due to its expected energy drain. This has resulted in the relocation of the two ion cannons underneath the pilot pod chassis. With the introduction of the newly designed Sienar Fleet Systems SFS L-S7c solar ionization reactor, the speed of the fighter is expected to far exceed that of the Cygnus Missile Boat at full SLAM (>200 MGLT)! The Fleet Commander has has taken the prototype on several trial test flights and is rumored to be more than satisfied with its performance. The Tactical Officer and his Staff have done a remarkable job with this fighter. As of now, only the Fleet Commander (and Tactical Staff for maintenance and research flights) has the authority to fly this craft.

Name/Model: TIE Guardian (T-G)

Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Hull: 33 RU

Combat Designation: Space Superiority Fighter/Interceptor

Crew: 1 Pilot

Power System: SFS L-S7c solar ionization reactor

Propulsion System: SFS P-sd9.2 Twin ion engines (rated at 280 KTU)

Speed Rating: 276 MGLT

Flight Control System: SFS G-s7xx flight avionics system

Maneuverability Rating: 200 DPF

Navigation: SFS N-s7 Navcon computer system

Hyperdrive: SFS OE11 Hyperdrive Activator Unit

Weapons: Six SFS L-s12.4 Laser Cannons (single or fire linked) - panel mounted

Two Borstel NK-4 Ion Cannons (single or fire linked) - pod mounted

Two SFS M-g-4 General Purpose Warhead Launchers - pod mounted

Shields/Armor: Forward/Rear projecting Novaldex Shields (rated at 5500 SBD)

Titanium hull with Quadanium Solar (6 panels: rated at 33 RU)


Operational Usage: Use restricted to Fleet Commander



TIE Guardian {Mark II Defender Command Fighter Prototype} 

Just as the TIE Advanced was initially intended as a superior command fighter over standard TIEs, so the T/G Guardian should hopefully prove to be with the Defender.  

STATISTICS (As prepared and submitted by the Tactical Officer, AD Shekinah, TACT/AD Shekinah/CF-3/SSD Avr): 


6 Lasers (Rebel type - Red)

� 4 Standard Mount [2 banks of 2 located on port and starboard lateral pylons]

� 2 Shared Mount [2 Dorsal mounted Panel tips] 

2 Ion Cannons (share capacitor with 2 dorsal mounted lasers). 

2 Warhead Launchers [8 missile capacities] 

Avionics & Defenses: 

Shields Rated at 5500 SBDs [10% increase]

Power 385 (MIS = 375) [10% increase]

ESTIMATED MAX SPEED: 276 [No power to weapons/defenses]



Hull 1650 HU or 33 RUs [10% increase]

Acceleration 20 [11% increase]

Pitch Per standard

Roll Per standard 


The new TIE Dragon fighter design...
(Photo: Created by ASutton348, 1995)

The TIE bomber design had become, frankly, outdated. The platform, although efficient, was too slow to stand any chance of survival in the Era of the New Republic. Shadow Works began by gutting everything but the hull itself and beginning from scratch. 

Weaponry: Vulcan Plasma Pulse Generator (Laser ID Code 153)

The dual Hull was roomy enough to house a micro-reactor to power a new weapon - the Vulcan PPG. The device generates a burst of energy similar to an advanced concussion missile and a rate of fire comparable to standard lasers. The generator can fire up to 16 bursts before having to recharge but can fire indefinitely. The generator requires sufficient energy that no other weapons are aboard, they simply couldn't fire...

The Plasma generator takes near light-speed excited particles and through energy conduits around the reactor (making it look like a giant ball of twine) supercharges a stream , similar in concept to a nuclear-form of a Jacob's ladder, until it reaches the emitter barrel running down the exact center of the ship between the double hull. 


The craft is still slow but the micro generators have picked things up by 10%. The speed of the T/R is rated at 90 MGLT. 

Avionics and Hull:

The crafts hull has remained unchanged since it is almost double the size and strength of conventional craft in its class. Manueverability is unchanged, the craft was not designed so much for astrobatics as it was for impact. 

Mission Objectives:

The T/R is mainly designed to single out individual craft and destroy them, especially "hard targets" such as escort shuttles, SPCs, small tonnage starships (such as CRVs, and M/CRV's), and Amored Assault Transports (ATRs, ETRs).

The Dragon is diffucult to maintain as fighters are grounded for a few days after a sortie for repairs from the intense shock of the PPG's use. The craft cannot carry missiles, beams nor any other specialized equipment. It is essentially a "gun with wings".

While the devastating firepower of a properly employed PPG can be obvious, it is expensive and hard to maintain; limited resources make this craft available when necessary or expedient. Overall availablity would be equivalent to the old Rebel B-Wing. 


New Spectre Advanced Missile Boats being unloaded
for flight testing...
(Photo: E-Mailed by Quackodile, 1995)

The Missile Boat suffered from dogfighting capability with one foward mounted laser pod.

Shadow works has overcome this deficiency with a little piece of hardware called the "dual-shunt capacitor". The capacitor allows energy to be diverted to two energy weapon mounts instead of one. The gun power matrix can hold triple the energy for use in shields, improving the defensive qualities of the Spectre. A pair of Ion Cannons are mounted alongside the laser barrel providing optimal Fleet suppression firepower. 

Spectre MIS 

Speed: Standard MIS

Shields: Standard MIS

Avionics: Standard MIS

Armament: 2 Additional Taim & Bak Ion Cannons (using dual-shunt capacitor)

Hull: Standard 

SLAMs: Improved duration by almost 200% due to enlarged power supply in lasers. 

Mission Objectives: Essentially the same as the MIS by Cygnus. The enhancements provided by Shadow Works allows a more controlled and flexible approach by using Warheads to quickly down shields or turbolasers and using the Ion Cannons to disable a fleet in minutes. A single Spectre could conceivably devastate a squadron of CRVs or a pair of FRGs in the hands of a skilled pilot. Planetary defense would be an ideal use for such craft as starships would be susceptible to sub-light speeds and limited intra-system manuevering. A group of Spectres could SLAM in and cripple them with one pass.  

[Admirals Personal Note: In light of the Aurora sector's critical importance, I recommend the formation of one 12 ship squadron of Spectres from our existing reserve of MIS's for Planetary Defense and Security. Although this may be a major shift in resources, they will be secure from attrition, invulnerable to early detection and provide unparalled defense of what may be our most impotant base other than the Avenger herself.]