Guild Hall

Read Me!


The following Guild Members have been approved for listing in the Guild Roll Call:

Screen Name Caste Total Bounty Credits Ship

BountyLord GMSTR* 2,000,000 AnnRouteau

Lord Los ASST 1,500,000 Blackhole Sun

Infernis56 ASST 1,500,000 Bloodtide the Red

Kyyle Eara ASST 1,000,000 Kraken

Capt Jedi APP 0 -

ChrisMcCla APP 0 -

Jess1007 APP 0 -

KreshNalir APP 0 -

Slave II APP 0 -

Phoenix886 APP 0 -

* - The Caste Position of Grand Master of the Bounty Hunter's Guild is held only so long
as the current Bounty Hunter in that position maintains the highest total accumulated credits.
Obviously, completion of one Primary Target is worth more than several lesser Secondary