(X)-Wings of Glory v.1.0 Fly the Imperial Xwing! for Tie fighter with Defenders of the Empire by Brian Turbey What this package contains: xog.txt - This document ship8.lfd - The imperial Xwing!! & 5 new missions - b1m1fm.tie - Gunboat b1m2fm.tie - Xwing b1m3bm.tie - Xwing b1m4im.tie - Xwing b1m5gm.tie - Xwing How to use this package: Notice!!! Backup your files. If you don't, you might have to deal with lost missions or ships! Step 1: (Notice, you don't have to do this step if you have edited your flight.ovl using tiese133 by Jeff Moore) First make a COPY of tieint.int which can be found in the tie\cp dir. Rename this COPY to xwing.int and put it back in the tie\cp dir Step 2: Put the ship8.lfd found in this package in the tie\resource dir. If you already have a ship8.lfd make sure you make a backup!! Step 3: Put the new missions into the tie\mission dir. they will replace the battle one missions so make sure you make a copy of these missions before hand, and keep them in a safe place. Step 4: Confirm that the Xwing is working by looking in the Tech Room, you should see and Imperial Xwing. Also look in the his. Mission Room. You should see and Xwing here as well. Now, play the Battle One missions either with a new pilot or by using the historical missions for battle one Have fun and let me know if you liked it!! Note: Play on the hard setting. I haven't tested the others This package will let you fly an Xwing but you will see out of a Tie/in cockpit. If anyone can get the Missle boat or Gunboat cockpit targeting systems to work right please let me know; they look so much nicer for an Xwing. You can also make your own historical Xwing missions using TMB. Just name the missions hx1w.tie, hx2w.tie, etc. Or, If your too lazy to make your own, Rename missions 2-5 of this package to hx1w.tie, hx2w.tie, etc. when you've finished playing them as part of the battle. These files were created using: Tie Mission builder by Sterling A. Moses - build your own tie missions Tie Ship Editor v1.33 by Jeff Moore - fly A-wings, B-wings, etc and improve your Ties Universal Game Editor by Jack Hartman - Edits just about anything I highly recommend all of these and suggest you get them And make sure you register!! problems, questions, comments? Email me at greysabre@aol.com