Command Officers

Wing Commander (CF-1): Grand Admiral Ronin (GA Ronin)/Cmdr. of SSD Avenger

Executive Officer (CF-2): Vice-Admiral Renegade (Pappy Rene)/Cmdr. of VSD Monitor

Tactical Officer (CF-3): Vice-Admiral Adams (VAdmAdams)/Cmdr. of VSD Formidable

Flight Officer (CF-4): Vice-Admiral Stelek (Wrchilde)/Cmdr. of TFC Roxanna

Training Officer (CF-5): Rear Admiral Paladin (Mstr Jdi)/Cmdr. of M/INT Harpax II

Operations Officer (CF-6): Rear Admiral Shekinah (Shekinah)/Cmdr. of M/FRG Imperator

Comm. Officer (CF-7): Vice-Admiral Shawshank (Quackodile)/Cmdr. of M/FRG Ardent


Sub Group Commanders

Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood: Admiral Kane (DK LRD VDR)

Bounty Hunter's Guild Grand Master: Guild Grand Master Jedi (Capt Jedi)

First Platoon Commander/Hammer's Fist: Lt. (LearJet35A)/Commander of LCF Excelsior


Support Staff

Medical Officer: GN Nemesis (Thrawn 96)

Flight Nurse: GN Sugar (SweetBrina)

First Wing Commander's Assistant: GN Havok (Havok)

Second Wing Commander's Assistant: GN Jedi (Jedi 007)

Executive Assistant: RA Shekinah (Shekinah)

First Tactical Assistant: GN Wedge (TIEWedge)

Second Tactical Assistant: BG Sten (Genrl Sten)

First Training Assistant: TBA

Second Training Assistant: GN Strife (Gen Strife)


Imperial Advisors

ISB Liason Officer/Counselor: GN Johann Kane (No pilot position.)

Dark Brotherhood Liason Officer: GN Paladin (Mstr Jdi)

Rebel Strategy Specialist: GN Dude (Alenz 59)

Internet Liason Officer: LG Moldman (ScotP)/Commander of VSD Ravager


Squadron Commanders

SSD Avenger

Alpha Commander: GN Talon (Bamwolf)

Beta Commander: GN Jac (JACtRip583/Jac)

Gamma Commander: GN Strife (Gen Strife)

Delta Commander: GN Lucas (MarkFlux)

Epsilon Commander: GN Andrew (Barnacleez)

Lambda Commander: TBA

Kappa Commander: GN Buddy (ROM MOHC)

Psi Commander: BG Jedi (Jedi 1137)

Rho Commander: BG Nemesis (Thrawn 96)

Sigma Commander: LG Moldman (ScotP)

Omega Commander: GN Katarn (Katarn 5)

Theta Commander: GN Yoni (LTSaber/Yoni)


VSD Formidable

Mu Commander: TBA

Nu Commander: GN Crandall (DarkToeJam)


VSD Monitor

Pi Commander: BG Sten (Genrl Sten)

Phi Commander: GN Goatboy (THXGoatBoy)


VSD Ravager

Viper Commander: TBA

Omicron Commander: GN SFunaro (SFunaro)


TFC Roxanna

Iota Commander: BG Wedge (TIEWedge)


M/INT Harpax II

Tau Commander: BG Havok (Gen Havok)


LCF Excelsior

Prefect of the Legion: PRF Learjet (Learjet35A)


Training PLT Daedalus

Zeta Commander: Admiral Kane (DK LRD VDR)

Frank Commander: N/A


M/FRG Imperator

Able Commander: N/A

Baker Commander: N/A


M/FRG Ardent

Charlie Commander: N/A

Dave Commander: N/A


Fleet Order of Battle


SSD Avenger

Escort Vessels

VSD Formidable

VSD Monitor

VSD Ravager

Screening Vessels

M/FRG Imperator*

M/FRG Ardent*

Auxiliary Vessels

TFC Roxanna

LCF Excelsior

Other (Auxiliary Base)

M/PLT Daedalus*

M/INT Harpax II*

*These Vessels were recently pulled from active service...and are currently being upgraded, as follows:

The two FRG's are being modified to carry virtually no starfighters (the TIE bays are being converted to other uses) and instead they have been given heavier shielding, more turbolasers, and a large contingent of Army SpecForce Troops, to facilitate direct landings on enemy held territory by the FRG's (which currently have NO such capacity).

At current design stages...there will be perhaps 2 or 4 TIE Starfighters for limited protection. However, this may change as the modifications proceed.

The INT Harpax II is having massive storage containers with the FRG's, most of her starfighter decks have been converted to Shuttle/Transport bays. She has undergone some minor shielding and weaponry upgrades, the only significant change in her equipement being the installation of new hyperdrive engines, effectively doubling her hyperspace speed! As a side note, this also gives her increased power for her other systems while in realspace (as additional generators to power her new hyperspace drive had to be installed)!!

M/FRG-INT Update: All modified craft have had their Starfighter capacity restored to maximum, via utilization of powerful compression techniques to install new equipment.

The Emperors' Hammer Auxiliary Base, and Training Center-PLT Daedalus, will be having Gravity Well Generators installed, to provide a static defense, against ANY foe, should they learn of her position...and attack before reinforcements can be sent from the many nearby Imperial systems...

S.F. Starfighter Complement Flights Craft

[T/A] TIE Advanceds': 25 100

[T/D] TIE Defenders': 19 76

[MIS] Missile Boats: 22 88

[GUN] Assault Gunboats: 08 32

Strike Fleet Pilot Information Center


The Flight Officer, via the Office of the Wing Commander, posts the following transfers, promotions, demotions, and deaths to the GN Pilot Roster.

All Inactive Members will also be posted here.


Trainee Per (Lady Jer/Per) Training PLT Daedalus==>Psi II Flight Member

Trainee Jonathan (Kupot/Jonathan) Training PLT Daedalus==>Sigma II Flight Member

Trainee Patton (Ger90/Patton) Training PLT Daedalus==>Kappa I Flight Member

Trainee Tarkin (jeff neill/Tarkin) Training PLT Daedalus==>Lambda II Flight Member

Trainee Blake (Kirby2Zoe/Blake) Training PLT Daedalus==>Alpha III Flight Member

Trainee Striker (BrianH49er/Striker) Training PLT Daedalus==>Gamma III Flight Member

Trainee DKFalcon (YYamato/DKFalcon) Training PLT Daedalus==>Mu III Flight Member

Trainee Paul (pfries2/Paul) Training PLT Daedalus==>Mu II Flight Member

Trainee Blitz (Matt Finer/Blitz) Training PLT Daedalus==>Gamma I Flight Member

Trainee Philip (phil956/philip) Training PLT Daedalus==>Epsilon I Flight Member

Trainee Vader (Divertim/Vader) Training PLT Daedalus==>Lambda I Flight Member

Trainee Robert (Bobthebard/Robert) Training PLT Daedalus==>Alpha III Flight Member

Trainee Phillip (Gunman1234/Phillip) Training PLT Daedalus==>Psi I Flight Member

Trainee Ardul (PSocrates/Ardul) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho I Flight Member

Trainee Logray (Rick 1397/Logray) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho II Flight Member

Trainee Stone (Q tip 22/Stone) Training PLT Daedalus==>Tau I Flight Member

Trainee Coelis (Coelis/Vader) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho III Flight Member

Trainee Steev (GenSteev/Steev) Training PLT Daedalus==>Mu II Flight Member

Trainee Richtor (ChriBailey/Richtor) Training PLT Daedalus==>Kappa II Flight Member

Trainee Archon (AngusND/Archon) Training PLT Daedalus==>Pi III Flight Member

Trainee Solo (RichYZ/Solo) Training PLT Daedalus==>Kappa III Flight Member

Trainee Greg (MasterXP11/Greg) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho III Flight Member

Trainee Megaman (MEGAMAN G/Megaman) Training PLT Daedalus==>Psi III Flight Member

Trainee Dragof (BAllen23/Dragof) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho II Flight Member

Trainee Roger (J J Kehoe/Roger) Training PLT Daedalus==>Sigma I Flight Member

Trainee Chris (PhaserC/Chris) Training PLT Daedalus==>Sigma II Flight Member

Trainee Lordcup (Kuptoman/Lordcup) Training PLT Daedalus==>Nu II Flight Member

Trainee Flakbait (Wildcat81/Flakbait) Training PLT Daedalus==>Psi I Flight Member

Trainee Art (SuperV900/Art) Training PLT Daedalus==>Gamma III Flight Leader

Trainee Melan Pyr (RBKugel/Melan Pyr) Training PLT Daedalus==>Pi III Flight Member

Trainee Isaac (Artemis45/Isaac) Training PLT Daedalus==>Sigma III Flight Member

Trainee MONTOYA (RAMontoya/MONTOYA) Training PLT Daedalus==>Sigma III Flight Member

(ALL Trainees listed above are now Generals!)

GN Raptor (KCorazzin/Raptor) Training PLT Daedalus==>Nu I Flight Member

GN Primum (Jedi 007/Primum) Training PLT Daedules==>Pi I Flight Member

GN Gunner (Fish56/Gunner) Training PLT Daedules==>Psi I Flight Member

GN G-Money (Nogri Rukh/G-Money) Training PLT Daedules==>Mu I Flight Member

GN Jon-Paul (KLEPTOMNC/Jon-Paul ) Training PLT Daedalus==>Pi II Flight Member

GN Chris1 (Chrisdaman/Chris1) Training PLT Daedalus==>Rho I Flight Member

GN Ace (RedWing5/Ace) Training PLT Daedalus==>Mu I Flight Member

GN Top Ace (SonicWC/Top Ace) Training PLT Daedalus==>Phi I Flight Member

GN Styx (Magician11/Styx) Training PLT Daedalus==>Phi I Flight Member

GN Prophet (Nio Scaan/Prophet) Training PLT Daedalus==>Delta III Flight Member

GN Chris (TIE Master/Chris) Pi I==>Nu III Service Promotion! New Position>>Nu III Flight Leader

GN Yoni (LTSaber/Yoni) Pi==>Theta Field Promotion! New Position>>Theta Squadron Commander



GN Havoc (Gen Havoc/Havoc) Pay Grade Increase. New Rank>>BG.

GN Nemesis (Thrawn 96/Nemesis) Field Promotion! New Rank>>BG.

GN Wedge (TIEWedge/Wedge) Service Promotion! New Rank>>BG.

GN Paladin (MstrJdi/Paladin) Service Promotion! New Rank>>BG.

GN Sten (Gen Sten/Sten) Pay Grade Increase. New Rank>>BG.

GN Jedi (Jedi 1137/Jedi) Field Promotion! New Rank>>BG.

GN Wedge (TIEWedge/Wedge) Service Promotion! New Position>>Iota Commander.

GN Taco (Justin 4567/Taco) Field Promotion! New Position>>Iota III Flight Leader.

GN Renegade (Pappy Rene/Renegade) Field Promotion! New Rank>> Vice-Admiral.

GN Havok (Gen Havok/Havok) Staff Assignment. Assistant to the Wing Commander.

Commander Moltar (P Rob/Moltar) Pay Grade Increase. New Rank>>GN.

GN Quailman (Rink Rat13/Quailman) Field Promotion! New Position>>Lambda III Flight Leader

GN Durron (TsgtYakko/Durron) Field Promotion! New Position>>Iota III Flight Leader

GN Jac (JACtRip583/Jac) Field Promotion! New Position>>Beta Squadron Commander



GN Taco (Justin4567/Taco), recently promoted to command of Iota III, has proved incapable of performing his duties, thus he has been placed into the "Inactive Reserves."

These pilots have been discovered running an illicit operation using Imperial Poperty, and have been bound over for trial, at which Admiral Murtha will rule(DK LRD VDR, current head of the Secret Order [the Dark Brotherhood] on-board ALL Emperors' Hammer Strike Fleet vessels). The command staff expects guilty verdicts soon. More information forthcoming. All 3 have been relieved of duty until their guilt can be proven.

GN Richard (RGalinaiti)


GN Hozi (BrianS84 )



GN DorJa (DarkPilot), CMDR of Beta Squadron, has been killed in action (as of 5/10/95). Dorja was caught in the middle of an ambush by smugglers, attacking the pirates that had previosly captured him. The smugglers destroyed all of the pirates and our commander. An unidentified Imperial Citizen was with him when he died. His last words, though currently unverified, are believed to have been:

The emperor shall reign, vengeance will be mine, I shall be back.....

 This member never made it to the Strike Fleet, apparently his shuttle was intercepted and destroyed.

Trainee *Pending* (HOMECUT/Pending)

 Commander Holio (Holio13/Holio), was sent to assist our Auxiliary FRG's in combat in the Sullust system, and he was killed in combat against the Sullustans! The Emperor has declared the Sullust in Rebellion, and we have been ordered to deal with them, under the discretion of Grand Admiral Ronin.

GN Ramjet (RogRamJet1), died while on a routine patrol near the Sullust system.

GN Brent (DDDarkJedi/Brent), has resigned his commision in the Hammer...with a blaster bolt.


GN Matthew (MKrezenski), was recently found to be in collusion with the enemy! However, the ISB Liason Officer, GN Johann Kane, was waiting wih the Hammers' Fist near the traitors Starfighter. Though unable to capture him in a brief firefight which ended with the traitors death, the Empire was well served, as several secret Emperors' Hammer Strike Fleet deployment plans were located on the traitors body.


The following pilots have died in training..

 Trainee Bob (shadow7036/Bob)>>Pi III Flight Member

. Trainee Buemaris (shadow7036/Buemaris)>>Pi III Flight Member .


 Holonet Update!

GN Quailman (Rink Rat13/Quailman), did NOT die while on a training mission with 2 members of Zeta Squadron, who also died on the mission with their assigned protector.

(Standard Imperial Doctrine requires ALL Trainees have an escort while on manuevers.)

Several members of Zeta Squadron located what appeared to be his remains, but instead detected LifeSigns!

It would appear GN Quailma used the Dark Side to keep himself alive, and draw the Trainees near enough to his position to discover he was alive, and send him assistance! The Medical Officer, being unavailable, could not assist him, however; the Flight Nurse, GN Sweetbrina, was dispatched and recovered the General!

He is now being fitted with several cybernetic implants, and will be returned to duty ASAP.

GN Ewok , who used to go by the SN of "TreCool610", is now using "Jess1007".

 Inactive Reserves

GN Taco (Justin4567)

GN Warlock (RonenY)

GN Maverick (Frank3759)

GN Mark (Mark40636)

GN Gunner (Gunner9459)


