FLT MBR/GN Greg/Rho-3/SSD Avr

Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Greg Saunsen

Rank: General

Scandoc Transmission Code(Screen name): MasterXP11

Sex(M/F): M

Race: Human

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth(Please include Homeworld): Circarpous V

Marital Status(Single,Married,Divorced,Separated): Single

Family: Mother, brother

Social Status(Destitute,Poor,Well-to-do,Wealthy,Nobility): Nobility

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: Growing up very mischevious, Greg stole alot and played many pranks. His father was a smuggler, so he did all this freely. At 7 years old, he used to play "Hide and Seek" with neighbors + friends with blasters set on stun. This gave him his tough and gritty attitude. He was very defensive of his family, for his father was well known across the planet as a scumbag. He usually fought because people made fun of his little brother. One day an old man threatened him with a lightsaber as he was stealing a cake, and he learned to respect elders. At 9, his father died in a plague that swept his region of the planet. He took over his dad's modified transport, the Star Hawk, and left the planet with his droid, Piropato, his girlfriend Jackie, and his best friend, Brian, in his stepdad's escort shuttle, the Lion. He was attacked by a group of pirates to whom his dad owed money, and crashed on Yavin. Brain and Piropato were killed in this skirmish, but Jackie ejected. The Rebels found him and nursed him to health, so he became a member of the Rebel Alliance. He ejected after attacking some satellites near Coruscant, and was captured by the Empire. After staying on a Star Destroyer's civilian area for a month, the science wing of the Star Destroyer helped him realize his attackers were sent were the Rebels to disable the craft and capture it so Greg would be arrested for being a smuggler's son. What the Rebels didn't know was that Greg's dad owed the pirates money, so they destroyed the craft. After finding him the Alliance didn't know who he was and recruited him. They realized who he was near Coruscant and his X-Wing was destroyed by friendly fire, but the plan backfired and he was captured by the Empire. He realized their power and quickly joined in hope of revenge for Piropato and Brian.


Significant Events of Adulthood: Not there yet.


Alignment & Attitude: Very loyal, protective, tough, and respectful to elders and higher ranks, but micheviousness, impatience, and short temper are his weaknesses.


Former Occupations(if any): Alliance pilot


Hobbies: Computers, sports, and outdoor games. A very good student in school.


Tragedies: Father died in plague that swept region of Circarpous V, best friend and droid killed in quarrel with pirates.


Phobias & Allergies: Allergic to heavy dust, mildew, and caterpillars.


Personal views of the Empire(and Emperor's Hammer): Even though the Rebellion has taken more power, we are now led by strategic geniuses (Thrawn and Ronin), and we shall prevail, because this is reality, not the movies or TV, and the dark side can win!


Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force: Realized their power and domination and wants revenge


Other comments or information(optional): Mother and brother are now living on Ottega, brother has followed father's footsteps, has built a new modified transport called Star Hawk II, and smuggles. Greg has found one of the 5 pirates that attacked him and destroyed his craft. He still, to this day, searches for Jackie.

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: Greg Saunsen


cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer


FLT MBR/GN Flint/Iota-3/TFC Rox

Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information

(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name:Flint Alan Harrell


Scandoc Transmission Code(Screen name):HarelFlint



Date of Birth:4/18/1979

Place of Birth(Please include Homeworld):Dallas, Texas, United States of America, Earth

Marital Status(Single,Married,Divorced,Separated):Single



Social Status(Destitute,Poor,Well-to-do,Wealthy,Nobility):Well-to-do

Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence:Classified

Significant Events of Adulthood:N/A

Alignment & Attitude:Strong Christian, Attempt to be nice and polite yet get to the point, May say things does not really mean or believe

Former Occupations(if any):No former occupation.

Current occupation:Cashier at Kroger

Hobbies:STAR WARS and Computers


Phobias & Allergies:Grass

Personal views of the Empire(and Emperor's Hammer):They really kick Rebel butt!!!!!

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force:Sounded like fun. And was board of flying the same missions over and over again.

Other comments or information(optional):None at this time

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of

my knowledge.

Signature:Flint Harrell

Date:4:18PM CST 6/26/95