Grand Admiral Ronin in conference with the Tactical
and Operations Officers aboard the SSD Avenger
(Photo: TREYNARD, 1995)
Upon return to the PLT Daedalus, Grand Admiral Ronin immediately called individual conferences with his Command Officers to outline his short term objectives for the Emperor's Hammer:
1) Paramount to all other considerations, the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet MUST survive the impending chaos which lies ahead...
2) The Emperor's Hammer must contact other Fleets and disowned Imperial Naval Forces and attempt to pursuade them to join the Hammer...Following the rout at Endor, the Imperial Fleet was fragmented and its elements were dispersed to all corners of the Empire...They must be re-assembled, if possible...Only through our combined strength, can we hope to defeat the Rebel Alliance, which has taken to calling itself the "New Republic".
3) Recruitment shall be maintained at all costs...With the general disorganization running rampant through the remnants of the Imperial Endor Fleet, many TIE Pilots will be looking for a new Fleet to join...The new Flight Assistant (Rink Rat13) will be posting recruitment messages in various AOL Forums to attempt to maintain recruitment...In addition, the Emperor's Hammer is now open to internet members who hear of the EH thrrough the new WWW Home Page created by ScotP (LG Moldman)...
4) All Command Officers, specifically the Training, Operations and Communications Officers, shall endeavor to advance our technologies and continue our unprecedented research and development operations...
5) The Operations Officer is hereby directed to get the Kuat Drive Yards' A-9 Vigilance Interceptor fighter design into operation as soon as possible...The Tau Squadron, consisting primarily of Dark Brotherhood Members, will have the honor of being the first Squadron to be outfitted with this craft (other than Command Officers who also choose the A-9 as their personal fighters...).
6) Squadron Commanders will maintain continual contact with their squadron Members to keep them informed and respond to their requests or concerns in a timely fashion...
7) Standard TIE patrols will be doubled at all times while the Emperor's Hammer is at the PLT Daedalus...Another Rebel Alliance attack could come at any time...
8) Several capital ships and the PLT Daedalus are currently undergoing retrofit and upgrades...Consequently, all Members are requested to be patient while these necessary operations are performed prior to the Hammer exacting vengeance for Endor...
The Wing Commander also played back the following recording from his final meeting with Emperor Palptine at Endor hours before Palpatine's death at the hands of Luke Skywalker and Lord Darth Vader...
Thanks to the diligent efforts of LG Moldman (ScotP), the Emperor's Hammer now has a WWW Home Page...We have already started receiving Pilot Applicants from across the world...One new Trainee applied from Africa on June 15, 1995!...The Hammer has gone intercontinental (at least on Earth)! LG Moldman has also been awarded the Advisory Position of Internet Liason Officer (as detailed in the Training Section of this Newsletter)...
The following was sent over by LG Moldman regarding the WWW Home Page:
To: All Emperor's Hammer Members
From: Squadron Commander Lieutenant General Moldman
Following the recent demise of the Emperor at Endor I have brought it upon myself to work as hard as possible at the Emperor's dream: Unity of the Galaxy under one ruler. In doing so I have expanded the Emperor's Hammer to the Internet through the World Wide Web.
The page I wrote has been up and running for about a week and since then has been reviewed by the command staff for release to the rest of you. I have included in this page pictures, lots of files and links, and a simple interface for anyone to right me letters from on the page. I will be asking as many web page writers as I can to have some kind of mention of this page and possibly a link from their page to ours. I hope to have this page mentioned on all of the major Star Wars web pages. This should bring many interested people to us from around the galaxy (world).
From all of you I will need whatever YOU think should be on this page, pictures from your libraries, suggestions, comments, and files for easy uploading. Since this is probably the fastest way to get something into a library for anyone to see, we could upload files for the whole group onto this page. This week I received the Tie Ship Editor version 1.33 from Rear Admiral Shekinah, which I uploaded and was available to the whole world the next day, instead of a week for AOL to review and then post files.
The URL address is (type this exactly as it appears):
(all lower case).I hope those of you who have access to the WWW can check this page out then tell me what you think about it, and how we can make it better.
Respectfully submitted: CMDR\GN Moldman\Sigma-1\SSD Avr
The Wing Commander herein posts the following Star Wars related WWW sites for Members to enjoy...These were forwarded via E-Mail by Quackodile (VA Shawshank):
The Star Wars Archive -
Star Wars Page At UPENN -
David's Star Wars Page - http://www.IRO.UMontreal.CA:80/~lebel/Starwars
Star Wars Multimedia WWW Page -
Star Wars Central -
Star Wars Bible -
Star Wars Collector's Archive -
Vader WWW Server -
Chris' Star Wars Page -
Boba Fett Home Page -
Wedge Home Page -
Milhous Star Wars Page -
Eric's Star Wars Page -
Ray Traced art by Anthony Yu -
Mark Bennett's Star Wars Home Page -
New Repulblic Central Database -
Sabacc Home Page -
The Star Wars Poll -
Star Wars Lyrics -
Mikey's Star Wars "Coruscant" Home Page -
OR -
OR -
The Robot Store -
KMN: *Star Wars* -
The Ultimate Site For The Dark Side Of The Force -
Star Wars Student Society at the University of Glasgow -
The Rebel Underground Site -
Pictures/starwars directory -
Imperal Network -
Order of the Right Hand -
Ziggies Star Wars Dedicated Homepage -
Nortons StarWars File -
Star Wars Sound files -
Just another STAR WARS Page -
Star Wars pictures -
Mark Becker's Star Wars Page -
Evan's Page -
Star Wars Poster Gallery -
Star Wars Page -
Mikes Star Wars Page -
The Goatbuster's Star Wars page -
The Sandcrawler - Sandcrawler.html
The list of Star Wars pages -
Hanspeter's Star Wars Page -
Shu's Star Wars Page -
Starwars Web Pages On the Web! -
The Wing Commander herein presents the 24th approved battle for the Emperor's Hammer, created by Pappy Rene (XO/VA Renegade/CF-2/VSD Mon)...
Mission 1. The WC, XO, TACT and FO are returning to the Avenger with our next mission. They have had a meeting with the Secret Order. The Rebel Frigate Leper hypers in and launches ships to destroy the WC before he can get the Emperor's DNA back to the Avenger. GA Ronin is the only one the Secret Order trusts to carry the DNA.. The Wing has been delayed but the Monitor jumps in and Pi and Phi squadrons help the Com. Staff escape. Rebel ships are also hypering in to do battle.
Mission 2. Our mission is simple--guard the Roxanna, carrying the emperor's DNA material to a waiting ISD of the Secret Order's so they can transport it to a secret cloning faciality. Some SHU's will be a decoy and will have fake material onboard, but will show real material to the enemie's sensors.
Mission 3. We get the DNA to the cloning facility FAC\1 Imperiom but end up having to protect it from being destroyed.
Mission 4. We have to escort a TRN away from the Facility to it's Hyperspace point. No one but the Secret Order and GA Ronin knows where the secret destination of the DNA is going to finally be cloned, for security purposes.
`Keep on killing rebels, your bonus points depends on it.
The Wing Commander has decided that, to be eligible for Battle Medal awards, interested pilots are asked to complete, at a minimum, ALL of the Primary Goals in each Mission (just like the game, completion of the Primary Goals is required to advance missions) at whichever difficulty they prefer. Obviously higher difficulties translate into higher scores for posting on the Battle Board. The mission performance files (i.e. film clips/*.clp files) must be submitted to your individual Squadron Commanders for review and recommendation regarding Medal awards and possible promotions following completion of ALL missions in any given Battle.
One point must be stressed regarding submission of mission performances clips and pilot files...Please direct these submissions to your individual Squadron Commanders rather than myself...The Wing Commander can not spare his time and efforts from the Newsletters, new plots and missions for these reviews...Subsequently, your Squadron Commanders will be making periodic recommendations for Medal Awards "on behalf" of the Member seeking a Medal (i.e. a nomination...). Thankyou for your cooperation...
The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:
General Sten (CMDR/GN Sten/Pi-1/VSD Monitor)
Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
General Quailman (FLT LDR/Lambda-3/SSD Avr)
Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar
Medal Of Loyalty - For completion of all 5 missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
Medal of Security - For completion of all Missions in Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TBA - For completion of all missions in Battle 19 - Tethys' Honeymoon
General Havok (CMDR-WCA/BG Havok/Lambda-1/SSD Avr)
TBA - For completion of all missions in Battle 19 - Tethys' Honeymoon
TBA - For completion of all missions in Battle 22 - Aftermath Battle
Vice Admiral Stelek (FLT OFF/VA Stelek/CF-4/TFC Rox)
Medal of Honor - For duty above and beyond the call of duty
General Jac (CMDR/GN Jac/Beta-1/SSD Avr)
2nd Green Hammer - For creation of Mission 2 of the Interception Battle
Brigadier General Nemesis (CMDR-MO/BG Nemesis/Rho-1/SSD Avr)
Medal Of Loyalty - For completion of all 5 missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors
Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle
Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar
Medal of Security - For completion of all Missions in Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising
TBA - For completion of all missions in Battle 19 - Tethys' Honeymoon
TBA - For completion of all missions in Battle 22 - Aftermath Battle
Vice Admiral Renegade (XO/VA Renegade/CF-2/VSD Mon)
Medal of Tactics -
Red Hammer - For creation of the 4 missions for Battle 24 - Save the Emperor's DNA
Commendation for Service - For creation of plotline for Battle 24 - Save the Emperor's DNA