The Wing Commander herein presents the 22nd Battle Plotline approved for the Emperor's Hammer. The Aftermath Battle has been created by Shekinah (OPS/RA Shekinah/CF-6/FRG Imp). In addition, the four missions have been completed by RA Shekinah and are attached to this Newsletter. It should be noted that, although the following Plotline strays a bit from other items presented in the Newsletter, it represents a slight "detour" on our way back to the PLT Daedalus following the Battle of Endor...

 MINI-BATTLE [4 MISSIONS: Replace Historical T/D missions]


 Mission 1: Recover Fighters -

Background: At the closing stages of battle, GA Ronin pulls the fleet away from the Death Star

but almost a third of her fighter complement are still committed! You will pilot

Beta-1 a group of 3 T/D's to oversee the recovery of 12 flight groups which are

almost helpless.

Briefing: You will fly Beta-1, you will provide perimeter defense for our returning flight groups.

You will guard 12 flight groups and oversee the safety of the SSD Avenger.

After the last group is safely on board - return ASAP to the Avenger.

Proposed OB SSD Avenger - Wait for all daughtercraft to return

Hold Station

Beta (1 of 3) T/D Adv. Concussion

Alpha I(3) T/D

Gamma I (3) MIS

Delta I (3) T/D

Epsilon I (3) MIS

Lambda I (3) T/D


Alpha II (3) MIS

Gamma II (3) MIS

Delta II (3) T/D

Epsilon II (3) T/D

Lambda II (3) MIS

Beta II (3) T/D

Executor1 SHU Cargo: Zach Slaton

EX-Escort (2) T/A Protect SHU


Red (3 x 2) X-W Proton

Firebird (3 X 2) A-W Double Missile Concussion

BlaqFalcon (3) B-W Heavy Rocket

Black (3) A-W Escort BlaqFalcon

HARD Minkor (2) M/CRV Adv Concussion

HARD Hawkeye (1) SCT Adv Concussion

HARD Crimson (3 x 2) X-W Adv Concussion


Goals: 50% all Flight groups must survive

100% SSD Avenger complete mission

BONUS: each 100% flight group = 500 pts



Background: With the remnant of his fleet, the Emperor's Hammer Fleet moves to the Deriba Falk System to completely regroup.

A strip-supply of all facilities and ships is expected - a small sympathetic garrison to the Alliance must be neutralized

before committing any major ships in the area. Once the resistance is out of the way, the fleet will be able to stockpile

its resources and remain viable for several months.

Briefing: You will pilot Alpha-1, a T/D. You will have one wingmen to assist you in destroying all combat fighters and aid in

disabling the system's resources. There are reports of pirates aiding the Rebels acting as a rear guard so be on the

lookout for any scout-type craft that could gie away our position.

Proposed OB: Alpha (1 of 2) T/D Concussion

Alpha - III (1 of 1) T/D Disables cargo ships : appears after Z-95's destroyed

Fist (1 of 8) TRN Appears when Global Disabled


Ashanti (4) Z-95 Concussion

Xhosa (4) Z-95 Concussion

Shaka (4) Z-95 Concussion

Zulu (4) Z-95 Concussion

Masai (4) Z-95 Concussion

Kanda (4) Z-95 Mag Pulse

SFS-6082 (1) FRT Cargo: Hypertech

SFS-7332 (1) ESC Cargo: Spare Parts : No Lasers - Inactive [Transport]

AgroCorp (2) CN/H Cargo: Food

HydroCorp (2) CN/I Cargo: Water

EmpXpress(1) CTRAN Cargo:Ordinance

EmpOvrnght(1) CTRAN Cargo:DriveEquip

Servistar (2) Tug-Combat

Etzel (2) SHU


Calibri (1) MIL/CORT Appear after Masai created - destroy cargo ships

CRV (1) Donneal Appear after Masai created - escort SCT; destroy cargo ships

SCT (1) Corinth Cargo:SpySensors

Goals: 75% Rebel ships destroyed

75% Neutral ships disabled

SCT Corinth Destroyed

CRV Donneal Destroyed

MISSION 3: Prevent Capture of Secret R&D Lab

Background: One of GA Ronin's first new policies was to set course for the Secret Research Labs at Boran II

and grab all technical equipment, prototypes and useful materiel. Unfortunately, the welcoming committee

was a Rebel Commando force already in the process of engaging the facility.

Briefing: The Boran II Research facility was one of Coruscant's highest Military Development Labs. Until now it was a

secret to all but the Grand Admiral's and the Secret Order. Apparently a Corellian Scout found it and sold the

information to the nearest Rebel squadron commander. Stop the Rebel's from capturing the facility and any

ships that try to steal cargo. Oversee the situation until the SSD Avenger arrives.

Proposed OB: Gamma (1 of 2) MIS

Avenger (1) SSD


Boran R&D (1) X-7F Cargo: Hi-tech

Sector A (2) CN/A Cargo: Sovereign

Sector B (2) CN/B Cargo: Guardian

Sector C (2) CN/C Cargo: Phalanx

Phalanx (2) GUN

Jolly (3) TRN

Dopey (1) ATR

Sneezy (3) HLFT

Sleepy (3) CARG

RedEye (3 x 4) A-W

GoldfingR (3 x 2) X-W

Procknow (1) FRG

Reboard (1) ATR Appear if X-7 captured; will try to recapture.


Mission 4: Counterstrike against the New Republic

Background: The Quarren System will be the primary target in Operation Vengeance! With an uncanny sense of timing,

GA Ronin sends fighters in during the height of celebration ceremonies for the New republic.

Several dignitaries and one Senator are known to be presiding...GA Ronin's goal is to demoralize and

strike fear into the hearts of this fledgling government in the hopes of keeping it weak and off balance.

 Briefing: You will fly a T/A with one wingman. Your primary objective is to find the ship carrying Senator Pevarna and

DESTROY it! Several other ships may contain dignitaries and other Bantha-fodder but the Senator is your primary

target. Resistance appears weak as few suspect an elite deep penetration strike into the New Republic.

Proposed OB: Psi-I T/A (1 of 2) Adv Concussion

Alternate Choice Red Alpha-I I(X-W) (1 of 2) Double Load Concussions

Alderaan PSGR 1

MonMothma CRV 1

Dargoan FRT 3

Pirchna CNVYR 1

Volrey SHU 2

Tamboor E/S 1

  Q-Spaceport X-7 1

Yacht A CN/A 2

Yacht B CN/A 2

Tourship TRN 2

Yacht C ETR 1

  Honor A-W 2

Hope Y-W 2

Glory X-W 2

 Goals: Senator's ship must be identified and destroyed.

All fighters must be destroyed.

50% ships must be destroyed OR X-7 must be destroyed



 The Wing Commander herein releases the 23rd Battle Plotline to the Emperor's Hammer...The Daedalus Battle was created by HarelFlint...

Mission 1

The location of the Platform Daedalus. Platform Daedalus has fallen under attack and was captured by Rebels. You managed to jump into the training TIE Advanced just before the Platform was over ran. You must hold off the attacking Rebels until reinforcements can arrive.



1 (1)TIE Advanced (player)

2 (1)Victory Star Destroyer Formidable

3 (1)Platform Daedalus(The Rebels have captured it.)

4 (1)Container

5 (1)Container

6 (1)Container

7 (1)Container

8 (1)Container



1 (3)Assault Transports (1 Wave)

2 (5)A-Wings (9 Waves)

3 (4)X-Wings (3 Waves)

3 (7)B-Wings(1 Wave)

4 (2)Calamari Cruisers (Shields Down)

5 (4)Assault Frigates (Shields 50%)



Primary: Containers must survive.

Victory Star Destroyer Formidable must arrive.

Secondary: 100% of Calamari Cruisers must be inspected.

100% of Assualt Frigates must be inspected.

100% of the Containers must be inspected.

Bonus: Destroy Rogue Squadron

Victory Star Destroyer Formidable must be inspected.

100% of Calamari Cruisers must be destroyed.

100% of Assault Frigates must be destroyed.

Shuttle must dock with Victory Star Destroyer Formidable.

Mission 2

The Platform Daedalus has been captured. You managed to hold out in the training TIE Advanced until the Victory Star Destroyer Formidable arrived. The Rebels on the Platform have released a mine field around the Platform to keep the Empire from retaking the platform. Shortly after Imperial Reinforcements arrived Rebel reinforcements arrived.


1 (1)Victory Star Destroyer Formidable

2 (1)TIE Defender

3 (1)Container

4 (1)Container

5 (1)Container

6 (1)Container

7 (1)Container

8 (1)Victory Star Destroyer Ravager

9 (unknown)Tugs and Transports

10 (1) ESC Roxanna


1 (1)Platform Daedalus

2 (2)Calamari Cruisers

3 Many mines

4 Assorted rebel fighter craft

5 Shuttle

6 (5)Assault Transports (3 waves)

7 (9)Modified Corvettes

8 Assorted Captured Imperial Starfighters

9 (9)Assault Transports (5 waves)


Primary: Containers must survive.

Victory Star Destroyer Formidable must survive.

Victory Star Destroyer Ravager must arrive.

100% of all mines must be destroyed.

Secondary: 100% of Calamari Cruisers must be destroyed.

100% of MCRV's must be destroyed.

100% of Captured Starfighters must be disabled.

Bonus: 100% of Captured Starfigters captured.

100% of Calamri Cruisers must be inspected.

100% of Victory Star Destroyers must be inspected.

100% of MCRV's must be inspected.

Shuttle must be inspected.

Shuttle must be captured.

Victory Star Destroyer Ravager must survive.

100% of Assault Transports must be destroyed.

ESC Roxanna must arrive.

Mission 3

You must recapture the Platform Daedalus. More Rebel reinforcements have followed Imperial reinforcements.


1 (1) Victory Star Destroyer Ravager

2 (1) Victory Star Destroyer Formidable

3 (1) TIE Defender (Player)

4 (1) Escort Carrier Roxanna (Not a TFC in TIE Fighter yet)

5 (3) TIE Defender

6 (4) TIE Advanced

7 (3) Missleboats

8-12 (1) Container

13 (3) Assault Transports

14 (3) Escort Shuttles

15 (1) Victory Star Destroyer Monitor


1 (3) Calamari Cruisers

2 (4) MCRV's

3 (1) Platform Daedalus

4 Assorted Fighter Craft

5 (2) Assault Frigates

6 (1) Escort Frigate


Primary: Platform Daedalus must be captured.

100% Iota Squadron must survive.

ESC Roxanna must survive.

Containers must survive.

Secondary:100% Iota Squadron must be inspected.

100% of all capital ships must be destroyed. (Rebel)

Bonus: 100% of all capital ships must be inspected.

Victory Star Destroyer Monitor must arrive.

Mission 4

The Rebels are now trying to capture the containers. Protect them until they can be moved to a safer place(VSD Formidable).


1 (1)Platform Daedalus

2-6 (1) Containers

7 (1) VSD Formidable

8 (1) VSD Ravager

9 (1) VSD Monitor

10 (4) TIE Advanced

11 (3) TIE Defenders

12 (3) Missileboats

13 (1) Missleboat (player)

14 (1) ESC Roxanna


1 (5) Heavy Lifters

2 (5) Cargo Ferry's

3 (5) CRV's

4 (5) MCRV's

5 (5) Escort Frigates

6 (5) Assault Frigates

7 (5) Light Calamri

8 (5) Calamari Cruisers


Primary: Containers must survive.

All Imperial Capital Ships Survive

All Rebel Ships Destroyed

Secondary:All Rebel Craft must destroyed

Bonus:All Craft inspected except Rebel Groups 1&2

Mission 5

The Rebel's have decided that if they can not capture the Emperor's Hammer then they will destroy it.


1 (1) Platform Daedalus

2 (1) VSD Formidable

3 (1) VSD Ravager

4 (1) VSD Monitor

5 (1) ESC Roxanna

6 (1) Missleboat (Player)


1 (2) Calamari Cruisers

2-6 (1) Captured Missleboat

7 (4) MCRV's

8 (5) B-wings

9 (6) X-wings

10 (7) Y-Wings

11 (8) A-Wings


Primary: All Imprerial Craft must survive.

All Victory Star Destroyers must complete mission.

ESC Roxanna must complete mission.

Secondary:Destroy all Rebel craft.

Bonus:Inspect all capital craft and the Rebel missleboats.



The Wing Commander has decided that, to be eligible for Battle Medal awards, interested pilots are asked to complete, at a minimum, ALL of the Primary Goals in each Mission (just like the game, completion of the Primary Goals is required to advance missions) at whichever difficulty they prefer. Obviously higher difficulties translate into higher scores for posting on the Battle Board. The mission performance files (i.e. film clips/*.clp files) must be submitted to your individual Squadron Commanders for review and recommendation regarding Medal awards and possible promotions following completion of ALL missions in any given Battle.

One point must be stressed regarding submission of mission performances clips and pilot files...Please direct these submissions to your individual Squadron Commanders rather than myself...The Wing Commander can not spare his time and efforts from the Newsletters, new plots and missions for these reviews...Subsequently, your Squadron Commanders will be making periodic recommendations for Medal Awards "on behalf" of the Member seeking a Medal (i.e. a nomination...). Thankyou for your understanding...

The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:

General Abaddon (FLT MBR/GN Abaddon/Phi-3/SSD Avr)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


General Talon (CMDR/GN Talon/Alpha-1/SSD Avr)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


General Lucas (CMDR/GN Lucas/Delta-1/SSD Avr)

Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


Brigadier General Havok (FLT LDR/ GN Havok/Beta-3/SSD Avr)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar

Medal of Security - For completion of all Missions in Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising


General Ray (FLT MBR/GN Ray/Phi-3/VSD Mon)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


Brigadier General Sten (CMDR/BG Sten/Pi-1/VSD Mon)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar

Medal of Security - For completion of all Missions in Battle 5 - Pirate Uprising


General Darkstar (FLT MBR/GN Darkstar/Phi-1/VSD Mon)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


Grand Admiral Ronin (WC/GA Ronin/CF-1/SSD Avr)

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar


Rear Admiral Shekinah (OPS/RA Shekinah/CF-6/FRG Imp)

Commendation for Service- For creation of the Plotline for Battle 22 - Aftermath

Medal of Tactics/Red Hammer - For creation of all 4 missions in Battle 22 - Aftermath


General Gunner (FLT MBR/GN Gunner/Psi-1/SSD Avr)

Commendation for Service- For creation of the Plotline for Battle 23 - Daedalus

Medal of Tactics - For creation of the Free Mission Fish56-1


Vice Admiral Renegade (XO/VA Renegade/CF-2/VSD Mon)

Medal of Tactics w/ Green Hammer - For creation of free Missions Pappy-1 and Pappy-2


General Jon-Paul (FLTMBR/GN Jon-Paul/Pi-2/VSD Mon

Medal of Loyalty - For completion of all missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors

Medal for the Deathstar - For completion of all Missions in Battle 10 - Battle for the Deathstar