Revenge at Falcon Part II Instructions First make sure you have backup copies of your missions. Then you should copy B1M2FM.TIE included in into your Tie mission directory. Play only from the Combat Chamber because it will lock up in the regular battle screen. Read the other sections before playing to find out what is happening. The Story The Falcon system is the worst system under Imperial "rule" the pirate group known as the Falcons own the system, the loot ships that pass through the system and have attacked numerous Imperial vessels. They have bcome such a menace that they have attracted our attention. The last mission we destroyed one of thier Bases, they responded by ambushing a gruop of our frigates that were carrying Tie Protos, We must now hyper in to try to save the frigates. Briefing You will be flying a Tie Defender solo this mission. You will have a double load of advanced missles. You will also be equiped with a tractor beam. You should expect heavy enemy resistance including Z95s, Frigates, Corvettes, and numerous Calamari Cruisers. Reports also indicate another pirate base, we will launch Gunboats to destroy the enemy base, You must protect the frigates from attacks of any kind, watch for Z95s, Y-Wings, and B-Wings. The Hydra has no shields but will try to buy some time for the Thunder to arrive, the Thunder was just in another battle so it's status is unknown. The Frigates only other line of defense are a group of ATRs who have been escorting it. The ATRs report at least two Calamari Cruisers. The Frigates must be kept safe. Secret Order Objectives Destroy all starfighters that enter the area, they will cause the most trouble since they can out run th ATRs. Debriefing/End Story (Read only after successfully completing mission) (And try to get all Secondary and Bonus goals too) Good Job the Tie Protos are safe. The ATRs will continue gaurding the frigates untill we can get the cargo aboard the Predator. You performed very well, even with the lose of the Hydra and Thunder, now you must get ready for another mission we must get the Tie Protos on board the Predator. Thrawn would like to talk to you, he seemed pleased with your performance. Secret Orders Debriefing Good job you eliminated a lot of thier starfighters. You hurry and head for the bridge. The Turbolift takes you to the bridge, the gaurds let you in and you walk out of the turbolift, you see the admiral's chair swivel around to look at you. "Ah, Alpha1 Please come here." You quickly go to the admiral. "I've studied your films of the past two missions and I'm impressed, you handled yourself well in both mission, and in this last one you overcame incredible odds and successfully completed your mission, I hope for all our sakes you do as well in the next mission as you did in this one." "I will sir." You reply " I know you will, now hurry up to the next briefing we must get those Tie Protos on board." Just as you turn to leave you hear one of the crew shout to the admiral, "Admiral, The Dreadnaught and the Light Cruiser are advancing, they are going to attack us... To be Continued... Comments? ----------------------------------- If you have Comments please send them to Ibrahim Chishti at 71470,2643 via forum messages or Email. This mission was made with the Tie Mission Builder 1.07 and with the help of my friend Matthew Marks. Hope you enjoy it and we will try to get the next one out as soon as possibly. Hints (Read only if nessesarry) Don't worry about the Hydra or Thunder being destroyed there's nothing you can do just concentrate on destroying the Z95s, they carry heavy rockets, The Y-Wings, and B-Wings should also be destroyed, they all carry heavy rockets. The Corvettes should be attacked from behind to avoid fire, try attacking one while it's also being attacked by a ATR. If you have time destroy the X-Wings attacking you, but don't ingnore anything attacking the Frigates. Once the E/S arrive fire two missles and then gun them down. Don't worry about the M/FRG a group of Gunboats will hyperspace in to destroy it.