Revenge at Falcon Part I Instructions -------------- First make sure you have backup copies of your missions. Then you should copy B1M1FM.TIE included in into your Tie mission directory. Play only from the Combat Chamber because it will lock up in the regular battle screen. Read the other sections before playing to find out what is happening. Story -------------- The Falcon system is the worst system under Imperial "rule" the pirate group known as the Falcons own the system, they loot ships that pass through the system and have attacked numerous Imperial vessels. They have bcome such a menace that they have attracted our attention. The Falcons have a number of ships and planets under thier control, we have not yet attempted to regain control of the system so we know little of the pirates strength. We believe that they have several outposts in the system and are currently building another near the borders of the Taquell System. Grand Admiral Thrawn has ordered us to attack a base that is under the control of the Falcons. Briefing -------------- You will be flying a Tie Defender solo this mission. You will have a double load of advanced missles. You should expect heavy enemy resistance including Y-Wings, Frigates, and Corvettes. You must destroy the enemy base and any resistence you run into, Protect the ISD Hydra from the enemy. We have another ISD coming in to help, but don't rely on it to save you because it won't come for a while, when it arrives protect it also from enemy attacks. Secret Order Objectives ----------------------- Identify any and all cargo carrying craft including capital ships. Debreifing/End Story (Read only after successfully completing the mission) (Try to get the Secondary and Bonus goals too) ------------------------------- Good Job the Falcon's base is finished now we can move to step two, a shipment of Tie Protos are being shiped through this system we are to wait here for them to rendevous with us and we will escourt them out Thrawn wants these Protos in good shape no slip-ups! We will wait for them to radio in before deploying guards. The Thunder has been called away and will return sortley, Overall you performed well you successfully protected the ships and destroyed the base, you are one fine pilot. Good job get some rest you deserve it! Secret Order Debreifing ------------------------ Good job you have found out the Falcons have more technology that we thought. You serve the Empire well. Later in your quarters... You are dozing off when the alarm buzzes, You hurry into your uniform thinking the pirates have sent some ships to try to scare us off. When you reach the Briefing room you ask the commander what is happening, he replies "We aren't waiting here anymore, the Frigates have been ambushed... To be continued... Comments --------------- If you have Comments please send them to Ibrahim Chishti at 71470,2643 via forum messages or Email. This mission was made with the Tie Mission Builder 1.07 and with the help of my friend Matthew Marks. Hope you enjoy it and we will try to get the next one out as soon as possibly. Hints (Read only if needed) ----------------------- If you have trouble with the ISD Hydra not surviving attack the Y-Wings and help the Bombers take out the corvettes. The Y-Wings should be your main concern since they have no one but you attacking them, the bombers can hold up alright against the corvettes but the corvettes will get some shots at the ISD Hydra, but they shouldn't be a problem the ESC should also be weakenend but don't worry about the CRS it won't last long against the ISD Thunder and it's bombers. The platform should be taken out by the gunboats. To Identify everything speed toward it before it can be attacked.