The following plotline for the Space Operations Battle was submitted by General Moldman (FLT LDR/GN Moldman/Iota-3/TFC Rox)....It should be noted that this battle was submitted prior to the announcement of the ship upgrades. Consequently, the old ISD, FRG and INT ship designations will be allowed to be utilized in this battle.
We must disable a rebel Light Calamari Crusier that is on a resupply mission in the outer rim. We are disabling this CRL so we can continue with our Special Ops mission to find out how the Rebels and Ex-Admiral Zaarin are working together and if we can stop them from making any kind of technology exchange. The ISD Avenger will be hyper-spacing in along with a Escort Carrier and a group of T/D's and T/A's along with your group of Missle Boats. Your group will be responsible for taking out the star fighter cover of which there will undoubtedly be plenty for all of us. The Interdictor Harpax II will be there already to keep the Rebels from leaving early. After the CRL has been disabled a Assault Transport will capture it and any supplies from the Deep Dock Platform.
You will be flying patrol for the transfer of Special Ops personnel and cargo. (unknown by Empire the rebels have broken our IFF code and know what happened here so they will send a Tyderian shuttle along with detonaters that destroy the CRL).
We begin searching for the source of this rebel strike shuttle and instead you find one of Zaarin's T/A building platform that is practically without protection so you take it out.
Mission4-------(Unwritten) Scott "Moldman" Phillips
The following plotline for the Dacian Downfall Battle was submitted by
General Jac (FLT MBR/GN Jac/Beta-1/SSD Avr)...It should be noted that this battle was
submitted prior to the announcement of the ship upgrades. Consequently, the old ISD, FRG
and INT ship designations will be allowed to be utilized in this battle.
The Wing Commander has decided that, to be eligible for Battle Medal awards, interested
pilots are asked to complete, at a minimum, ALL of the Primary Goals in each Mission (just
like the game, completion of the Primary Goals is required to advance missions) at
whichever difficulty they prefer. Obviously higher difficulties translate into higher
scores for posting on the Battle Board. The mission performance files
(i.e. film clips/*.clp files) must be submitted to your individual Squadron Commanders for
review and recommendation regarding Medal awards and possible promotions following
completion of ALL missions in any given Battle.
One point must be stressed regarding submission of mission performances clips and pilot
files...Please direct these submissions to your individual Squadron Commanders rather than
myself...The Wing Commander can not spare his time and efforts from the Newsletters, new
plots and missions for these reviews (except for Alpha Squadron, of course)...Subsequently,
your Squadron Commanders will be making periodic recommendations for Medal Awards "on
behalf" of the Member seeking a Medal (i.e. a nomination...). Thankyou for your
The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing
As most of you know, a man called General Dacian of the Rebel Alliance has
threatened our lives. Though I doubt he will succeed, he may be able to put
signifigent dent in our forces (with help from rouge imperials, and the Rebels). He has said that he
will first kill Grand Admiral Ronin; so during the upcoming battles you MUST protect our
Mission 1
We have discovered a small group of Rebel corvettes. We believe that they are
heading to a meeting with rouge imperials. The 3 corvettes have an escort consisting of 3
Escort Shuttles, and a scuadren of X-wings. We have reason to believe that high ranked
officers are aboard the corvettes. Your mission is to hyper in to disable the corvettes.
Next, the Transport group Scott will capture them. We expect more Rebel forces to arrive
soon, mabey even some Iron Hand members, so be carefull, and protect the transports.
Primary Goals
100% of corvette group Yoishi must be captured
100% of escort shuttle group Terra1 must be destroyed
100% of X-wing group blue must be destroyed
Secondary Goals
100% of Transport group Scott must have completed their mission
Bonus goals
100% of missle boat group I-Delta must be destroyed
100% of X-wing group Red must be destroyed
Light Calamari Cruiser Kent-1 must be destroyed
Mission 2
After interrogating the Rebel commanders, we have reason to believe that the Rebels
are going to attack the Avenger. You are to patrol the area around the Avenger, and destroy
any Rebels that may attack. We expect a small force, but be ready for anything. Also inspect
any large craft entering the area.
Primary goals
100% of X-wing Blue must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Red must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Yellow must be destroyed
IDS Avenger must have survived
Calamari Cruiser Kent-2 must be inspected
Bonus goals
100% of X-wing Green must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Blue must be destroyed
100% of Y-wing Red must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Yellow must be destroyed
100% of Tie Defender I-Beta must be destroyed
100% of Tie Defender I-Gama must be destroyed
Calamari Cruiser Kent-2 must be attacked
Mission 3
We have located the position of the Calamari Cruiser Kent-2. From previous missions
we have learned that General Dacian, and Admiral Shayne are aboard this ship. In the next
few missions we must capture this ship. The Cruiser is surrounded by a large minefield. You
are to fly in, and destroy the mines. Also destroy any fighters that might arrive.
Primary Goals
100% of mine group A must be destroyed
100% of mine group B must be destroyed
100% of mine group C must be destroyed
100% of mine group D must be destroyed
100% of mine group E must be destroyed
100% of mine group F must be destroyed
100% of mine group G must be destroyed
Bonus Goals
100% of X-wing Blue must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Red must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Gold must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Yellow must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Tan must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Green must be destroyed
Mission 4
With it's minefield gone the CLS Kent-2 is very weak. In this mission you are to fly
in destroy any defences then help ATR group Kyyle disable, and capture the CLS Kent-2.
Primary Goals
100% of B-wing Green must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Blue must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Red must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Gold must be destroyed
Secondary Goals
CLS Kent-2 must be captured
Mission 5
The ISD Avenger has arrived. The two prisoners will be taken to the Star Destroyer
in the shuttles Brig-1, and 2. We are expecting a Rebel attack so patroll the area around
the Avenger, BE ALERT! Protect the Avenger AT ALL COSTS. The ISD Deathwish will soon be
there to assist.
Primary Goals
ISD Avenger must have survived
Secondary Goals
Shuttle Brig-1 must have completed mission.
Bonus Goals
All Rouge Imperial craft must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Blue must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Red must be destroyed
100% of B-wing Green must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Gold must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Yellow must be destroyed
100% of A-wing Brown must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Orange must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Purple must be destroyed
100% of X-wing Clad must be destroyed
100% of Y-wing Pink must be destroyed
100% of Y-wing Silver must be destroyed
100% of Y-wing Copper must be destroyed
CLS Rescue 1 must be destroyed
CLS Rescue 2 must be destroyed
CLS Rescue 3 must be destroyed
IDS Deathwish must be destroyed
Corvete group Revenge must be destroyed
Corvete group Recap must be destroyed
Corvete group Death must be destroyed
Mission 6
Dacian has escaped. We have found the location of his CLS. His interagation took
place on the CLS Kent-2 so we do not need him any more. You are going to destroy his ship.
The Wing Commander has said he would lead this attack, and will be in Tie Fighter Alpha 1.
Protect Grand Admiral Ronin!!!!
Primary Goals
CLS Dacian must be destroyed
Tie Fighter Alpha 1 must have survived
This is the member roster for the DB, as detailed in Dark Voices 3...
(As of 4/9/95)
Grand Master Vader*/DK LRD VDR
Dark Side Adept Maverick*/Mstr jdi
Dark Side Adept Mateo*/Mateo15
Dark Side Adept Ronin*/Wcall
Guardian Stelek/Asutton348
Apprentice Shen/Thrawn 96
Apprentice Exar Motti/Vader 95
Apprentice Adams/Ja24
Apprentice ????/RenegadeC
Apprentice Outlaw/KSMJR
Apprentice Durron/Kyps
Apprentice Hethrir/John775225
Apprentice ????/DKJRAMSEY
Apprentice Theys/CGROCKET
* Dark Council
? Send Jedi Name to The Grand Master@ DK LRD VDR
General Tethys (CMDR/GN Tethys/Nu-1/VSD For)>>Medal Of Loyalty
[For the completion of all Missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors]
General Taco (FLT MBR/GN Taco/Phi-3/VSD Mon)>>Medal Of Loyalty
[For the completion of all Missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors]
General FoxyRoxy (Posthumous)>>Medal of Honor
[For exemplary service in the line of duty...]
General Havok (FLT LDR/ GN Havok/Beta-3/SSD Avr)>>Medal Of Loyalty
[For the completion of all Missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors]
General Shekinah (CMDR/GN Shekinah/Mu-1/SSD For)>>4th Green Hammer
[For creation of Mission 4 for the Renegade Battle]
General Moldman (FLT LDR/GN Moldman/Iota-3/TSF Rox)>>Commendation for Service and Medal of
Tactics w/ Green Hammer
[For creation of the Special Operations Battle Plotline and Missions 2 and 3]
General Jac (FLT MBR/GN Jac/Beta-1/SSD Avr)>>Commendation for Service
[For creation of Plotline for the Dacian Downfall Battle]