Alpha Squadron Banner
(created by Shekinah, 3/95)
Beta Squadron Banner
(created by Shekinah, 3/95)
Phi Squadron Banner
(Created by Gen. Wedge and Gen. Jedi)
Mu Squadorn Banner
(Created by Shekinah)
Gamma Squadron Banner
(Created by Quackodile)
All Newsletters are being distributed in Object Packager format. Simply double-click on a specific icon to access the information contained therein. Any questions regarding the format and use of the interactive Newsletters should be directed to the Office of the Wing Commander @ W Call.
In addition, the Wing Commander has decided to break out the Medal Board from the Flight Roster Section and place it in its own Section of the Newsletter.
The following presents articles and items of interest from all over the Empire, as published on the Imperial Holonet.
Admiral Ronin has gathered articles and submissions regarding development of the Emperor's Hammer. These include new Medals, Wing events, new missions, Battle Plotlines, etc. The Wing Commander wishes to emphasize that all development proposals for the Emperor's Hammer MUST be approved by the Wing Commander prior to release to the rest of the Wing.
The Squadron Ready Room posts the Battle Board, a chronological listing of all new Battles/Missions approved for use with the Emperor's Hammer. This also includes individual mission statuses, designer and high scoring pilot. In addition, the Mission Control Center is included in this Section to provide direction on copying and playing the new missions as well as a recommended directory tree to store and organize the new missions.
The Office of the Wing Commander has released the following submissions by Officers of the Emperor's Hammer:
The Office of the Wing commander herein posts comments, scores, etc. submitted by the Flight Leaders and Flight Members of the Emperor's Hammer. This area is restricted to submission from the Flight Leaders and Members. Squadron Commanders are asked to place their submissions in the Ready Room or Officer's Deck Areas for Wing review.
The Office of the Wing Commander herein posts the offical General Pilot Roster for the Emperor's Hammer.
The Wing Commander, in recognition of the many efforts and contributions of the Emperor's
Hammer Members, herein presents the Medal Board for the Wing...
The Office of the Wing Commander herein posts all files attached to this Newsletter: 1) tie.avi 2) hmrb5m4.tie hmrb5m5.tie hmrb5m6.tie 3) hmrb13m1.tie hmrb13m1.tie 4) hammer.bat hamdir.wri 5) training.wri 6) darktwo.wri 1) General Shekinah's amusing rendition of the destruction of General Shayne's TIE Fighter as he attempts to escape the Fleet...Just "double click" on the icon file name and the film clip (tie.avi) will play through Media Player... 2) The last three missions (hmrb5m4.tie, hmrb5m5.tie and hmrb5m6.tie) of the Pirates Uprising Battle are presented herein...The completion of these missions complete all of the ones for the Battle...Consequently, Vice Admiral Adams will be awarded the Medal of Tactics - Red Hammer, the second Member to do so after the Wing Commander. 3) The first two missions of the Find the Lakul Battle introduced in this Newsletter (hmrb13m1.tie and hmrb13m1.tie)... 4) MarkFlux herein presents an updated version of his mission launcher batch file (hammer.bat). Also, a directions file (hamdir.wri) is included for Member review... 5) General Paladin has put together a basic Training Manual (training.wri) for new Trainees and Recruits...All new Members and Trainees are encouraged to read this manual.... 6) DK LRD VDR (Grand Master Kane of the Dark Jedi) herein posts his newsletter, Dark Voices (darktwo.wri), for the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The Dark Jedi Members of the Warrior's guild who formerly belonged to the Brotherhood of the Jedi have agreed to join the Emperor's Hammer. Please note that this transfer will become official when AOL approves my request to expand the Emperor's Hammer Message Folder to allow sub-folders...Members of the Emperor's Hammer may become Members of the Dark Jedi (if selected) but not all Dark Jedi Members are Hammer Members...These two organizations will still be autonomous...A Roster for the Dark Jedi is included in this Newsletter in the Office of the Wing Commander Section...