Dark Sentinel #111
Welcome to the Emperor’s hammer Newsletter.
This is the First EH NL since, as far as I can tell, sometime in 2004
I’ll apologize right now for its appearance; it’s kind of thrown together and has been compiled over the last week or so. Hopefully in the future its appearance and layout will improve but for now all of it will be contained within this one document.
It will break down as follows
1) Command staff
2) Fringe
3) Tie Corps
4) Dark Brotherhood
5) Hammer’s Fist
6) Directorate
It will be listing all command staff members in order and then Group contributions in the order of position depending on who submitted it.
Command Staff
Fleet Commander: No submissions
Executive Officer: As a blast from the past, here are all the link banners for the command staff circa 1998… or at least all the ones I had… not even sure the RO and OPS had sites at this time.
I’ll have more blasts from the past in future Newsletters… like who would like to see that roster of the ISD Challenge circa 1998. J
Security Officer: Admiral Conker submitted this and requested that I post it in the annoying green and black security office color scheme… you can all thank me later for not doing it that way :P
Security Office Blotter
New attack bypasses all AV.
Researchers have come up with a way to make malware that can bypass every Antivirus product on the market.
Mcafee update cripples thousands of PC's
The misidentifications of a windows system file in the update lead to this file getting deleted which resulted in their computers no longer booting. This has since been fixed and Mcafee has been offering compensation to users who’s computers were messed up as a result.
What Happens when you buy Fake AV
The story of someone who had a relative get scammed into buying a fake AV program.
Zbot trojan variant able to infect other files.
A zbot Trojan variant with the ability to infect other files has been discovered. What it does is injects .exe's in predefined places with extra code that's used to re-download the zbot Trojan after it's been removed by your Antivirus. The theory is that the AV will kill the Trojan and miss the files it infected to cause a quick re-infection.
Friend In Need Email Scam.
Ways to spot when someone is trying to scam you with the old "Friend in need" email scam.
Killing XP Antivirus 2010
A superb article on removing the XP Antivirus 2010 malware package.
Despite the threat they can pose to your personal security, 70% of companies don't view web application security as that important.
Still plenty of identity theft
A poll of 1000 London commuters has found a large amount of identity theft sweeping the UK.
iPad users with PC threatened by malware
A spam email campaign containing malware has targeted iPad users with PC's.
Yet another PDF with embedded malware is circulating.
Fake Antivirus Malware on the rise
Fake Antivirus Programs now make up 15% of Malware.
15% of malware fake antivirus, but is this really news?
Answer: Probably not as this has been the case for some time and the news media like to repeat this statistic to drum up their ratings.
Yahoo Messenger under attack again, or still?.
Lame excuses from people banned from X-box live
Some amusing excuses made by people that got banned form X-box live.
Amusing story’s of computer rookies.
Sony is ending production of the Floppy Disk.
Is Gizmodo Legally Protected in the iPhone 4g case?
Are bloggers entitled to the same legal protections as journalists? Does being paid to write articles for a tech blog make you a journalist? Does any of this even matter?
Forged checks pass examination.
Feds launch antitrust investigation of Apple.
Latest Scams and how to avoid them.
Health supplement nearly kills man selling it.
Where do your tax dollars go?
How to get banned from buying a phone for 5 years.
Your Friend wasn’t mugged in london.
Lucasarts president resigns.
Security Office Supports Rapier as replacement.
From the what is wrong with people files.
Tactical Officer: High Admiral Dempsey gives us a little news, a little information on how to fly on 64-bit operating systems and the Chapter 1 of what I’m sure will be interesting reading
From the Office of the Tactical Officer
* Last week the TAC Office releases XWA TC 61, Battle for Lykos. The original 20 mission battle had been shunned by 2 TACs before me because of the endless repetitiveness in the missions. A lot of work was done to weed that out, while attempting to retain the storyline. I fear some story elements were lost.To those who wish, the original missions are included in the archive, but won't be flyable for credit. Three Medals of Tactics were awarded: 2 red hammers for the creator, Prinz von Hoffman, and one blue hammer for the final editing.
* As you may have noticed, the number of battles released has steeply dropped recently. This is due in part to several TCSes going on prolonged leaves of absence, and TCSes not submitting any beta reports. As such, I'm in the market for a new TCS or two. Your primary flying platform should be X-wing vs. TIE Fighter or X-wing Alliance, since most battles queued are for them.
* TAC Office rewards: looking back, I think I missed my 3rd year TAC anniversary medal spree. As such, why not take this newsletter as opportunity to award some TCSes. As such, FA Howlader has been awarded a Bronze Star of the Empire, while GN Kaisin Mirtez and CPT Dunta Polo have been awarded a Silver Star of the Empire.
Flying on a 64-bit platform
With the arrival of Windows 7, it's only fair that more and more people will be switching to a 64 bit system eventually. Including your Tactical officer. The downside is that this would mean the end of your flying days: the LucasArts installers rely on 16 bit technology, and while this is supported on 32-bit system, that support has been dropped in 64-bit
systems. Fortunately, one Markus Egger has decided to whip up some installers for our favorite flying games for use on 64-bit systems. The installation procedure as he describes it is not the easiest, but doable. On Windows 7, it becomes even easier.
What you will need:
* the original game CDs (for X-wing and TIE Fighter you'll need the Collector's CD-ROM package as far as I know)
* the 64-bit MSI installers available here: http://www.markusegger.at/ - just following the menu link Software -> Games. For X-wing vs. TIE Fighter, you'll also need the LucasArts 3D fix (http://www.lucasarts.com/support/update/xvt.html).
I assume the installation procedure he describes is vor Windows Vista, so I won't repeat those instructions here. The installation procedure on Windows 7 is simplified, and is as follows:
* create a folder on your hard disk, and copy the contents of the game CD there
* run the executable you downloaded from the site and extract it into the same folder, overwriting the setup.exe when asked
* for XvT and BoP:
-- XvT only: copy the 3D fix executable into the support folder created by the installer from Markus Egger
-- run from a command prompt (start -> execute -> cmd) and go to the support folder (e: -> cd XvT -> cd support, assuming your extraction folder is E:\XvT)
-- XvT: type the following command the "patch" the 3D fix: niftyzip xvt_3dfx.exe Patch
-- BoP: type the following command: niftyzip ..\install\setupex.exe BoP
* doubleclick the *.msi file to start the installation process, installation should proceed fine now.
Don't forget to install the EH Ship patch too when you're done, and don't forget that you need to start X-wing Alliance once without the EHBL, before the EHBL can be used.
Dempsey's personalized luxury transport, the modified Stormtrooper transport Andromeda, reverted back to realspace. The light of the Sahare star nearby flooded into the cockpit, but the transparisteel windows instantly changed hue to protect whoever was in there. Dempsey looped the transport to get a glimpse of the system. The starcharts and navigation computer gave her a decent enough idea of the layout, but nothing could ever beat a view with the naked eye. In the distance, she noticed the dark shadow of a planet, and she plotted a course.
A few minutes later, the planet took up more than half the viewscreen, and Dempsey changed course, preparing to enter the planet's atmosphere. The silence was strange, she had expected someone to contact her, query her identity, destination or purpose, but nothing of the sort. Oh well. She flicked a switch and diverted some power to the forward shields, they'd get the biggest beating upon re-entry. She monitored her displays, and watched as the hull temperature quickly shot up. Vibrations rocked the small transport around as it started to hit layers of atmosphere. It only lasted a few seconds, then the temperature started to drop, and the transport smoothed out. Dempsey couldn't see what was below her yet, thick layers of clouds obstructed her view, but the scanners told her there was nothing around. She plunged the transport's nose down, and drove it into the clouds.
Moments later, the clouds dissipated, and she could see the surface of the planet below. Lush green forests covered most of the continent she was headed towards. The scanner flashed with lifesigns, both on the ground and in the air. But not a sight of anything else. She knew Taranis had left this planet a while back, but she had expected then to leave something behind. Someone to watch over their old territory, even if only to prevent any of the other hetaeria to take the planet for their own purposes. She glanced around, and spotted a small clearing, not too far from her intended destination. She eased the transport into level flight, and slowly descended towards to roof of the forest.
In a fraction of a second, her senses went to full alert. Over the years, she had learned to trust her senses, and before she realized what was happening, she yanked the controls of the transport, and put it into a corkscrew dive. From the corner of her eyes, she could see a green blast of turbolaser fire come from deep within the forest, and pass within meters of her transport. She shifted the shields and reinforced them too take any stray fire, but the turbolasers all missed. Whoever was firing them didn't get a second chance, as the transport crashed into the tops of the highest trees, and quicjkly disappeared into the foliage. Even though the shields would protect the Andromeda from the incoming fire, the energy barrier could do very little against the impact of the branches and trees. The reinforced hull plating of the transport complained loudly as they withstood branch after branch slamming into it, and breaking all that came in her path. Dempsey, a little shaken as the first impact had smacked her against a bulkhead, shut down the engines and fired the landing thrusters. The reverse thrusters did their job, and forced the transport to an almost complete stop in a matter of moments. Then Dempsey slowly lowered the transport and set it down on the ground. So Kit had left some defenses behind.
She grabbed a canteen of water, made sure her lightsaber was still secured to her belt, threw on a cape, and opened the Andromeda's rear hatch. A quick look told her the damage was minimal, the hull plating she had persuaded the Science Office to install had done their work. She closed and sealed the hatch, and started on her way.
Even though she had never been to this planet, finding her way was easy. Closing her eyes allowed her to sense the darkness that had been left behind. Not by Kit or taranis, but a darkness much older than that. She was surprised none of the members of Taranis had objected to their departure from here. The Dark Side's presence could easily be felt. Or maybe they did object, but Kit left anyway. A dozen scenarios flashed through her mind, anything from Kit and Taldrya never having known, to them leaving because the Dark Side here was too strong for them. She'd probably never know, but she did know she would not seek out Taranis until she had learned the source of this Dark Side energy.
After about half an hour making her way through the forest, which seemed to get thicker and thicker, Dempsey froze. Her senses were going into full alert mode again. She closed her eyes, and focused, while her hand slowly slid down her waist to the grip of her
lightsaber. For seconds, may minutes, she stood there, frozen stiff as a statue. Then, without hesitation, she drew her lightsaber, turned around while flicking it on, and released it from her hand. The lightsaber flew out, spinning like a cartwheel, until the bright yellow blade made contact with the metallic object that had been sneaking up on her. The blade sliced through the tick metal as if it weren't even there, and as it started back toards Dempsey's outstretched hand, the droid that had stood there moments ago slumped to the ground. Dempsey cought the lightsaber, flicked it off, and reattached it to her belt as she stepped towards the now dead droid.
Dempsey stared at the droid for awhile. She couldn't recall seeing its type before, but still it looked familiar. The yellowish metallic hulk had thin legs and arms, and a long thin neck upon which a small head rested. Well, that's what it looked like anyway before her lightsaber had cut the chest area into two halved. It appeared to be carrying some kind of radio unti on its back, with a long antenna sticking out of it. One of the three-fingered hands was still moving about as the final impulses moved towards the fingers.
"I wonder if there's more of you around these parts," Dempsey whispered to herself. "This might get interesting."
After a few moments, she stood up again, closed her eyes to retune herself to the Dark Side, and continued on her way.
Several clicks from Dempsey's position, another droid, strikingly similar to the one she had encountered, turned it's head.
"The Recon Droid was destroyed, sir. What do we do now?"
Another droid, one with a thicker body and legs swiveled its head. It was held in place by several cranks sticking from its body, and it appeared to have two eyes below the casing of its brows. "Negative," it responded, in a low mechanical voice. "Send out a full unit to intercept the intruder."
The first droid turned back towards the many displays, and flicked a few buttons. "Roger, roger!"
Training Officer: High Admiral Havok has graced us with a full and complete accounting of the Training office as it stands right now… then he finishes off with a lesson about Duty and what it means.
High Admiral Kreeayt Havok
Dean of IWATS
Vice Admiral Jedi Eclipse
Headmaster of the Shadow Academy
Dark Jedi Knight Keth D'Jek
Minister of Education
Lord Keth D'Jek, Count of Curamelle
Commander of Training CSMA
It is my pleasure to present the current status of the Daedalus Military Academy (DMA) for inclusion in this edition of the Emperor’s Hammer newsletter. Also included will be a little history, hints, tips and information pertaining to training. As the Training Officer I am tasked with updating and revising the Emperor’s Hammer Training Manual (EHTM) and overseeing the training academies. Back in the day there was only one academy and its creation appeared in the release of Dark Sentinel #24…
As newly appointed Head Master and Chief Instructor of the Dark Brotherhood, GA Ronin has announced his intention to found a Shadow Academy in approximately one month. The Shadow Academy will be for the initial training of DB Apprentices and other lower ranked DB Jedi in the ways of the Dark Side. The Shadow Academy will have as its core the Dark Side Compendium, a portion of the Emperor's Archives salvaged in EH Battle 30. The Dark Side Compendium was being completed by Emperor Palpatine prior to his death. However, enough has been salvaged to teach our Apprentices and Novices in the ways of the Dark Side. Additionally, Grand Master Paladin will supplement the training of those Dark Jedi he deems worthy.
The Head Master is expected to release the Dark Side Compendium (a Dark Brotherhood "Training Manual") with the posting of Newsletter No. 26. Additional comments, stories, and items of interest will be posted by the Head Master in subsequent newsletters.
IWATS creation will appear in the next Emperor’s Hammer newsletter.
"It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong."
New and returning members to the Emperor’s Hammer who have been assigned:
Pel "Tuba" Morba – TIE Corps, Hammer’s Fist, Dark Brotherhood
Tomaas "Hitman" Montte – TIE Corps, Dark Brotherhood, Directorate
Tom O'deevs – TIE Corps
Jade Night – Dark Brotherhood
Flelm – Hammer’s Fist
Lamb Stone – Directorate, Fringe
Exam completion tip:
For any member who has had the pleasure of "timing-out" when taking an exam, copy and paste your exam answers to Notepad prior to hitting the submit button in order to save your progress. This problem is not an issue in the CSMA where progress is automatically saved. The current CSMA features such as this will be carried over into the new system soon.
If any member has an idea for a new course or would like to become the professor of a course (including an inactive one), review the COURSE STATUS below and contact the TO and the appropriate DEAN. And, of course, credit will be given where credit is due.
The Emperor’s Hammer Training Manual (EHTM) is undergoing another series of edits. Most notably is the incorporation of the old Recruitment Manual. I have already made some additions and edits to the Recruitment section. Times have changed and there are probably many other ways to recruit for the EH so I have asked the Command Staff and Group commands to take a look and contact the TO if you have any suggestions, additions or feel that anything is outdated. Other edits to the EHTM at this time include the gaming platforms (including links), group activities, group descriptions, Hammer’s Fist rank graphics and other basic edits.
"It is by what we ourselves have done, and not by what others have done for us, that we shall be remembered in after ages."
Course activity 04/01/10 to Present |
Academy |
Taken |
Passed |
Failed |
Pass/Fail rate |
15 |
14 |
1 |
93% |
CSMA/Hammer’s Fist |
12 |
12 |
0 |
100% |
Shadow Academy/Dark Brotherhood |
11 |
11 |
0 |
100% |
Directorate Governor’s Academy |
10 |
10 |
0 |
100% |
totals |
48 |
47 |
1 |
98% |
Course name and abbreviation |
Active |
Notes: |
Professor/Creator |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Professor Howlader |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
N |
no exam/req's updates |
N |
req's content |
Professor Rancorous |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles |
Y |
Professor Zosite Konstyte Styles |
Y |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Professor Kaisin Mirtez |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
N |
Professor Dunta Polo |
N |
no exam |
N |
no exam |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
N |
no exam |
N |
no exam |
Y |
Dean Jedi Eclipse |
N |
N |
PHP [PHP] : |
N |
N |
Y |
WIKI req’s content |
Professor Dempsey |
Y |
Total IWATS courses |
34 |
Inactive |
11 |
Reviewed (total-inactive) |
26 |
Course name (abbreviation) =certification= |
Active |
Notes: |
Prerequisite |
Standard Stormtrooper Basic Training Course (SSBTC) =S= |
Y |
Course notes = Field Manual |
Imperial Officer's Training Course (IOTC) =IO= |
N |
Undergoing edit |
4 months |
Cold Assault Stormtrooper Certification =ST= |
Y |
Scout Trooper Course =SC= |
Y |
Seatrooper Certification Course (SEACC) =SEA= |
Y |
open circuit & AD HOC reqs detail |
Desert Assault Trooper Course =SD= |
Y |
Naval Trooper =SZ= |
Y |
Radiation Trooper Survival Course =SR= |
Y |
Urban Operations Certification Course =SU= |
Y |
Airborne Training Course =AIR= |
Y |
Military Intelligence Basic Course =MI= |
Y |
Field Tactics & 6 months |
Close Combat Course =CC= |
Y |
Combat Medic =MD1= |
Y |
Field Communications Operator =CM1= |
Y |
Advanced Field Communications Operator =CM2= |
Y |
Field Communications Operator =CM1= |
Apprentice Sniper Course =SN1= |
Y |
Observer = SN2= |
Y |
Apprentice Sniper Course =SN1= |
Sniper =SN3= |
Y |
Observer = SN2= |
Expert Sniper = SN4= |
Y |
Sniper =SN3= |
Apprentice Demolitions Technician =DT1= |
Y |
Demolitions Technician =DT2= |
Y |
Apprentice Demolitions Tech =DT1= |
Senior Demolitions Technician =DT3= |
Y |
Get comfortable |
Demolitions Technician =DT2= |
Artillery Basics =ARTY1= |
Y |
Vehicle Course Stage 1 =VS1= |
Y |
Vehicle Course Stage 2 =VS2= |
Y |
Vehicle Course Stage 1 =VS1= |
Vehicle Course Stage 3 =VS3= |
Y |
Vehicle Course Stage 2 =VS2= |
Vehicle Course Stage 4 =VS4= |
Y |
Vehicle Course Stage 3 =VS3= |
Field Tactics Certification =FT= |
Y |
3 months |
Aviation Tactics =AT= |
Y |
Master Stormtrooper Certification =MS= |
Y |
awarded no course |
Instructor =INST= |
Y |
awarded no course |
Imperial Command & Staff College =ICSC= |
N |
no course |
Jungle =JU= |
N |
Jungle.zip |
Mass Tactics =MT= |
N |
Mass Tactics Course.zip |
Survival, Escape, Resistance & Evasion =SERE= |
N |
SERE.zip |
Special Forces =SF= |
N |
SF.zip |
Special Forces Advanced =SFA= |
N |
no course |
Aviation Vehicle Specialist? =AV1= |
N |
award? no course |
Heavy Weapons |
N |
no award/no course |
Master Gunner |
N |
no award/no course |
Chief Gunner |
N |
no award/no course |
Cannoneer |
N |
no award/no course |
Burnication |
N |
no award/no course |
Expeditionary Warfare |
N |
no award/no course |
Peacekeeping OPS |
N |
no award/no course |
Military Intelligence Advanced |
N |
no award/no course |
Pararescue |
N |
no award/no course |
Expert Medic |
N |
no award/no course |
Corpsman |
N |
no award/no course |
Specialist Signaler |
N |
no award/no course |
Patrol Communicator |
N |
no award/no course |
Total CSMA courses |
51 |
Inactive |
21 |
Reviewed (total-inactive) |
31 |
Abbreviation and course name |
Active |
Notes: |
Professor/Creator |
Y |
Y |
prerequisite for leadership role? |
Y |
prerequisite for leadership role? |
Y |
prerequisite for leadership role? |
Y |
Y |
same exact course in DGA |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
notes/no exam |
N |
N |
N |
no notes or exam |
N |
N |
no notes or exam |
N |
no notes or exam |
N |
N |
notes/no exam |
N |
VERY OLD - (merged P2:Krath) |
Total SA courses |
35 |
Inactive |
10 |
Reviewed (total-inactive) |
27 |
Abbreviation and course name |
Active |
Notes: |
Professor/Creator |
Y |
DIR manual |
Y |
Y |
Y |
same exact course in DB |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
awaiting edits by MoE |
uploaded by Havok |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
N |
notes/no exam |
N |
notes/no exam |
N |
no notes/no exam |
Total DGA courses |
22 |
Inactive |
11 |
Reviewed (total-inactive) |
12 |
New/Returning courses in progress: |
Academy |
History of the Jedi Order |
SA |
Keth |
Leadership Studies |
SA |
Xantros |
Master/Student Program |
SA |
Havok |
OPTing |
Eclipse |
Empire at War |
Keth/Rajax/Defast |
Astin |
"It is by what we ourselves have done, and not by what others have done for us, that we shall be remembered in after ages."
And so can it be for the every member of the Emperor’s Hammer. One's actions speak to one's character and sense of duty. Character is a by-product; it is produced in the great manufacture of daily duty. Duty is that which one is morally obligated to do. It is that which is owed to a greater cause for sustainability or completion of a task. It is sense of moral commitment to someone or something and, as a club member that would be to the Emperor’s Hammer as a whole. Depending on the member's position and responsibilities those duties can be numerous and varied or trivial and specific. Regardless of which, it is each member's duty to serve the Emperor’s Hammer. From the Fleet Commander through the newest recruit, duty is bound.
"I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble."
Each individual must perform the duty to which he/she is ultimately responsible for in order for the Emperor’s Hammer as a whole to flourish. It is not the individual member's concern to constantly question what others are doing while wasting and sacrificing this time that could be better utilized in the performance of his own duties. This will only lead to failure of the individual and create an unwanted situation that will annoy others that must take time away from their duties to address. The hindrance to the betterment of the Emperor’s Hammer as a whole is blatantly obvious.
The preparation and quality of your work will be evident in the completion of your duties. A member's attitude and commitment to the completion of his duties will be evident.
"It takes less time to do things right than to explain why you did it wrong."
Every club member must learn as well as teach, practice and execute, stay aware of current events and contribute. And pass on to others that which he has seen, discovered and experienced.
The performance of your duties in a selfless manner will reap great rewards in the future. After all, it is the member's pursuit of accomplishment and perfection that should be the driving forces. Awards, medals, promotions and recognition will come in time, but least not forget: No greater honor can come to any person than the respect of their colleagues.
The successful individual has the habit of doing the things failures don't like to do. They don't like doing them either necessarily. But their disliking is subordinated to the strength of their purpose.
TO/HA Kreeayt Havok/CS-5/M/PLT Daedalus
Internet Officer: No Submission
Recon Officer: The Old Recon Officer FA Joe submitted these pics that he picked up at a Celebration event a few years ago:
Science Officer: No Submission
Communications Officer: Provided the Header and footer for each of the pages… well the graphics anyway, the text was all the XO.
The Fringe:
No Submissions
The TieCorps:
For the Tie Corps we have 2 submissions from Kaisin Mirtez. A piece of fiction for the RtF, and piece of fiction he wrote for the TAC comp… Good job.
RTF Fiction:
“Fight the enemy with the weapons he lacks”
Alexander Suvorov
ISDII Hammer
It had been almost three months since the attack on Aurora Prime and the fleet, and to top it all off, Intel had problems identifying who the attackers were and where they came from. First it was the New Republic fleet; however Intel believes they were attacked as well and may be suffering from internal battles among its leaders. However Kaisin was not interested in them, it was the message he had received from HA Frodo just minutes ago.
Greetings General Mirtez,
It has been sometime and it is nice to see your still flying. With my recent appointment to the SOO and the recent fleet restructuring, I am in need of volunteers for a mission. I hope that you are willing and know of some others that will join you. I will be contacting several other commanders and if you chose to volunteer, then I will see you at the briefing in six hours.
HA Frodo March
Kaisin sat on the bunk in his quarters aboard the Hammer where the rest of Beta was berthed. Of course he would volunteer, he served the Hammer. Hitting the comm. on his desk, Kaisin contact the other members of his squadron. Not sure which ones would volunteer he need to find out before the briefing. “Beta, meet in squadron lounge in ten minutes” Kaisin said over the general comm. each member would receive it.
Pirath Sector near Hiran
Captain Goloth walked along the Vigilant Watcher’s bridge as the repairs got underway. It had taken almost three weeks with a hyperdrive malfunction that caused them to stop for repairs at this location. The owners never had asked any questions, nor did they ask who attacked them; all they seemed interested in was the money they would be getting. “Captain, the repairs should be completed in three of four days, as long as we get that new hyperdrive motivator” one of the crew members said as he got up from the deck and wiped his hands off on his pants. The captain nodded as he continued on towards the weapons consol. The attacks had gone off without any problems, the dropped out of lightspeed and that was it. However the home fleet was swift to engage, his ship was hit several times from one of the defense platforms, however the shields had held. It was the attacks from the gunships that took their tool, after multiple hits, the engines had suffered some damage as well as the weapons systems. However it was the hyperdrive that caused him worry, it had always been a source of pain for him and now it caused them to be delayed while the rest of the fleet prepared for more attacks against the Emperors Hammer. “How much longer till the weapons are back online?” he asked the tech who was working on the consol. “At least a week Captain, there is a problem with two of the cannons and the launchers are not responding to commands.” The tech said as he went back to work. A week here sitting on their backsides with no protection except a squadron of fighters.
ISDII Hammer
Kaisin walked along the corridors heading to the briefing room where the rest of the squadron waited. He knew they would be asking about the mission, he just had no answers for them. As he entered, he saw Conker and Witcher arm wrestling, Daar was in the corner reading, the other pilots were all milling about trying to figure out why they had been summoned. “Let’s get started” Kaisin said as he walked towards the front of the room. “As you know the attack that happened three months ago has left us shorthanded, not only that, Beta is still not at top fighting strength and the departure of two of our vets have left us in need once more. However we must still do out duty.” He continued as he brought up the data. “HA March has asked for volunteers and needs them soon. I will be going along and I need at least four others if possible.” Kaisin said. He watched them as each pilot thought to themselves and then looked at each other for their answer. Standing up, LCM Witcher looked about and then looked at Kaisin, “I will volunteer sir, it beats sitting around here on my shab and not doing anything.” He said as he sat down. “I will to sir,” Conker said from his seat. “Count me in General.” Daar said as he got up. He waited for any of the others to volunteer but nothing came of it. “Right, there will be a general briefing in five hours; I will see you three there.” He said as he headed out towards the simulators. Time to get some flying in before he had to report to the briefing.
The briefing room was filled with other officers as well as two Intel officers he knew personally from the fleet. Taking a seat near the back, he waited for the meeting to start. “Attention” rang a voice from the back as the High Admiral walked in. “As you were” HA March said as he head to the front. As he neared the front, Kaisin saw the two Intel officers had risen and went front also, no doubt this mission was for them and that meant a certain death if they were not careful. Dimming the lights and enabling the security features, HA Frodo bought up the image a space station and of a corvette. “Gentlemen and ladies, Intel has discovered the location of one of the ships that helped lead the attack on us a few months ago. It seems they suffered some damage in the battle and have holed up here why they repair their ship. It also seems they maybe caring some data on who the attackers are and other data we could use. It also seems Intel wants us to do their work for them again.” He said as he looked over at the two Intel officers who just lower their heads to avoid being looked at. “That’s why this is a volunteer mission, I will be choosing a command officer for this mission and he along with three other pilots will be tasked with drawing the corvette out and in to an ambush.” HA Frodo said as he brought up the sector the corvette was located in.
As he brought up the Pirath sector as well as the planet Hiran, Kaisin knew this was going to be tough. That sector had very little support from the local run space stations, he also knew that pirates and smugglers used that station to repair and refuel their ships. An attack lead by the EH would lead that sector in shambles and cause more problems than they could handle right now. “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking, why this sector.” A pilot asked as the planet rotated around the dais. “It seems these attackers knew that this is a locally run station, and that the empire has a deal with them to stay out of their sector in return for information on activates. It also seems that this station had exactly what they needed in repairs, except for hyperdrive parts, which the station has conveniently, ran out of and have been dealing the shipment due to an ion storm.” Frodo replied as he brought up the image of the station. As he went over the details of the plan. Kaisin made sure to get the details on the station as well, it would only be fitting for them to turn on the EH and cause more trouble as well as take out a few of their pilots. As Frodo finished, Kaisin as well as a few others had a questions on the mission. “Sir, with this mission, what fighters will the strike team be flying, if we show up in TIE’s they will scramble their own fighters and the station will scramble whatever defense they have at the time.” Captain Rawlings asked. Rawlings was one of the new squadron commanders of the home fleet, only three months out of the academy but all ready has shown her skills. “Good question Captain, this was a concern of Intel as well as the fleet, and it seems the station commander has come up with the plan its self. The team will be flying Uglie. Yes I know how you all loath them and think of them as think of them as target practice, but they come in handy at times.” He said as the image of an Ugly, a TIE ball cockpit mashed together with the wings and s-foils of an X-wing all connected with a brace. Not only did the fighter have the fire power of the X-wing cannons, the laser system of the TIE fighter had been removed and replaced with the launcher system for missiles. Kaisin could hear the groans coming from some of the newest pilots, but the veterans just kept silent, though they hated them as well, they all knew they did come in handy and that nothing worked better then to confuse your opponent and slip right past their defense. “Details on the task force will follow on your padds, you all have four hours till the mission starts. “ Frodo said as the lights came up and the room came alive with buzz as everyone started to talk about the mission. As Frodo passed, he looked at Kaisin and nodded to him to join him. Leaving the room, Kaisin had bad feelings about the mission, but then again he always had bad feelings till they were done.
Meeting HA Frodo in the corridor, he knew that the mission was falling on his shoulders. “Kaisin I am having you lead this mission, out of the all the squadron commanders in that room, you have the most experience, With Cube and the others either on leave or have left for the reserves. I need someone that can lead these men and also be able to think on their feet.” Frodo said as he passed along some Intel for the mission. Kaisin knew that he was not that great and still had a lot to learn, but he also knew he could lead and this is what he could do. “Will do sir, but I would like to chose the team, I have only worked with a few of the other pilots on missions, and feel this is one where I will need to know the pilot I am flying with.” Kaisin said as he saluted. Frodo returned the salute and headed down the corridor, Kaisin walked back in to the room and headed for the few he could count on. Daar, Blackwood and Witcher.
“You three, follow me.” Kaisin said as he headed out to the briefing room set up for Beta. These three he could trust with his life he could also ensure they would get the job done. Entering the lift, Kaisin and the three pilots headed up three levels to Beta level, though the level could hold roughly three hundred officers and enlisted ranks, the squadrons had been given a floor to themselves for all manners of activity, from the lounge, to the simulator rooms and to the exercise room, each squadron could function by itself here. As the lift came to stop, he could tell the cleaning droids had been doing some work cause the floor was as slippery as a Hutt’s backside. Walking to the briefing room, Kaisin could only think of his wife and children who he had not seen in almost two years, with the recent restructure and the current attacks, he was not about to take a leave nor would he have them come here to see him. There would be time when he retired or if he went on leave. “I need you three for a mission that will be lead by me. It’s the mission the Frodo was talking about, and it’s the three of you that will be going. “Kaisin said as he sat down and grabbed a sweet roll and a mug of café. “I am so glad I volunteered for it, I mean if only I had thought to not volunteer for it.” Conker said as he stuffed a sweet roll in to his mouth, Kaisin knew he was joking and would care less if he volunteered or not. “Thanks for volunteering Conker, I knew you would. And you two?” Kaisin said as he turned towards Daar and Witcher. “You know me boss, always up for some fun...” Witcher replied as he grabbed another sweet roll and pushed it in to his mouth. Daar looked at him and shrugged, “Why not, I mean I don’t have anything better to do at this moment.” Daar finished saying.
Pirath Sector near Hiran
Two fracking days it would take, two days sitting here waiting for the blasted parts to complete the hyperdrive repairs and get out of this blasted sector. “Tell the station commander I will pay more if he gets those parts here faster” Captain Goloth said over the comm. to the station. “I will inform Baron Doliz.” The voice said as the com went dead. Goloth did not like sitting here for this long of a period, he was inviting trouble and with the ship at half strength he was a sitting duck. Leaving the bridge, he headed down to the galley, the cook was serving nerf and he wanted to make sure he got his serving before everyone else. Nearing the galley, he was interrupted by the comm. “Captain, the stations commander is online for you.” One of the bridge officers informed him over the ships comm. “Very well, inform him I will be there in a few moments.” Goloth said as he headed back to the lift and to the bridge. A few minutes later, Goloth entered the bridge and saw the station commander standing on his ship. Taking his seat, he acknowledged the station commander. “Baron Doliz, how nice it is to speak to you once more.” Goloth said. “As well as it is this fine day, Captain, what may I do for you?” Doliz asked. “I need the parts today, I am tired of sitting here and waiting for you to come through, and I cannot wait for two days.” Goloth replied. “I understand that Captain, but my hands are tied, the EH has been stopping all vessels in the area and searching for something, and two of the ships that I sent out for the parts were detained and I have not heard from them. I have two other ships that are carrying the supplies and they should be here within two days, till then there is nothing I can do. The EH controls the space lines and that’s how it is done.” Doliz said matter of fact. Goloth knew this to be true, as it was exactly what his Intel officer had as much said. “Very well Baron, as soon as it gets here, I want the parts transported here.” Goloth said as he cut the connection. This was taking too long and the longer he and his ship where here, they were vulnerable.
ISD II Hammer
Two days after the meeting, Kaisin and strike group had been in the simulators flying scenarios that would match up to what they would be going against in a few hours. That and trying to get used to the flight controls of the Uglie as well since the S-foils were a little hard to get used to connected to the ball cockpit. “Boss, I will only say this once, these fighters bite, I can’t even fire the missiles without hitting some switch that should not be there.” Conker said over the flight comm. as two missiles flew from his fighter. Kaisin had to agree with that assessment, not only was the fighter difficult to control at times, it was the added controls in the cockpit that made flying harder. “I agree Conker, but these are the fighters we are using, so get used to them, we have a few hours before mission starts. “ Kaisin replied as he inverted the craft and dived on the corvette and fired two of his warheads. Dodging fire from the laser cannons, he was greeted to the explosion of the forward laser cannons and the shields dropping another 20%. Kaisin watched as the other fighters dived and launched their loads, once the shields had drooped, he ordered a cease fire; the object of the mission was to get the corvette to chase them in to the ambush. “Nice going Beta, but we need to only make them angry, I would like to do this one more time, but mission time prevents it, meet in the hanger in thirty minutes.” Kaisin said as he cut the simulator and felt the cool breeze of air as the hatch opened behind him. Exiting the sim, he headed to take a shower and grab a quick bite. Mission t-minus 45 minutes.
Leaving the pilots ready room, Kaisin headed to the fighter that had been assigned to him, Soul Fire One. Walking up to the fighter, he could smell the fuel and grease. Running his hand over the fighter, he could feel the pit marks and nicks from impacts or near misses. “Not much to look at is she boss?” his deck captain asked as he came up. “No chief she’s not, but then again she was never meant to be.” Kaisin said as he flipped the switch to check charges on the cannons. “I had the techs upgrade the cannons to mark 4’s more punch and faster recharge. The tubes have been loaded with eight missiles.” The chief said as he ran his hands through his hair. “Boss I will tell you, these fighters may not be the best and I would not trust them as far as I could through a Hutt, but these four are not the typical pieced together fighters you find, these were built like this and they are tough.” He said as the rest of Beta walked in to the hanger. “Chief I will hold you on that, and I will see you when I get back.” Kaisin said as he climbed up the ladder and eased himself in to the cockpit. It felt strange having wings on his fighter like this but they could come in handy. Flipping the comm. switch, “Control this is Soul Fire one, commencing test on comm.” He said in to the comm... “Read you clear Soul Fire one, all systems show green on our side.” The tech replied as Kaisin checked his system over for everything. “Copy control, system show green on my side.” Kaisin replied as he set about preflight checks and warm up procedures.
It would take twenty minutes for everything to be completed and checked over twice as he did not want the fighter to stop working in the middle of a fire fight and end up a space dust because some idiot got lucky. “Beta check in” Kaisin said over the com as he begun full fighter start up.
“Soul Fire Two checking in and ready.” Daar replied
“Soul Fire Four ready and I will say this for the last time these fighters stink” Conker replied as well.
“Soul Fire three ready and all green boss man” Witcher replied
“Control this is Soul Fire flight, ready for exit vector.” Kaisin comm. the control as he eased his fighter forward on thrusters. “Soul Fire one, you are clear for takeoff and exit vector alpha. Good luck and see you at the rally point.” The voice of HA Frodo March said over the comm. Hitting his thrusters to full power, Kaisin broke through the magcon field and headed for the hyperspace point. Behind him his flight formed up on him. Three hours in hyperspace and then the battle would begin.
In Hyperspace
Stars, that’s all he would ever see in the tunnel of hyperspace. Though he knew he really was not flying through the stars, Kaisin still felt like he was. In two hours he would lead the hit and run on the corvette and then the run, something he did not like doing. Hitting the transmit button on his datapadd Kaisin transmitted the rest of the details to Beta and the plan of attack. He and Conker would launch the attack on the corvette and make them come after them, while Daar and Witcher provided fighter cover for any fighters in the area. The station had already transmitted the location of the fighter screen as well as the docking station for the corvette which would save some time, but to make it look real so the captain of the corvette did not turn his guns on the station, the station commander would be sending out a squadron of drone fighters to engage them which they would destroy and force hopefully the captain to defend the station. Getting acknowledgements from the flight Kaisin laid back and tried to get a few winks before the battle.
Pirath Sector near Hiran
Captain Goloth walked the corridor to the engine room as the parts for the hyperdrive were being delivered. The station commander had kept his promise and gotten them there faster than he could. Not only was the hyperdrive being repaired finale, the weapon system had been repaired to half capacity which would help if they got into a fire fight. Walking in to the engine room he could see the new parts being installed and the crew looking even more eager to get a move on. “So chief how goes the repairs.’ He asked his chief engineer. “Thirty minutes at the most, I have all personal working on the installation and no one has taken a break till this is done.” He said. “Good, I want to be fully prepared in one hour, we move out then” he replied as he headed back to the bridge. One hour and they would be able to rejoin the fleet near Hades for another attack on the EH. Entering the bridge, he was just in time to see four objects drop out of hyperspace four km from his position. What he did not know was they were aiming for him.
Soul Fire Flight.
They had achieved the surprise, no fighters on the board and the corvette showed no signs of life with weapons or shields, which of course would change as the first missiles struck home, but he would not worry about that. “Flight break by wings and let’s get this over with.” Kaisin said as he shunted power to his shields and weapons. Reaching over, he flipped the switch to arm his missiles. “Boss I got three fights of fighters exiting the hanger of the station, readings show no life.” Daar said over the comm., right on time Kaisin thought as he angled his fighter to drop on to the corvette near the top comm. dish. “Copy Daar, take Witcher and head them off, the commander said they would be using low power lasers and would be easy to deal with.” Kaisin replied as Daar dropped from the number two spot and headed towards the fighters. Conker had already formed up with him; his angle of attack would be the lower weapon systems and the lower comm. dish. “Conker start your attack in thirty seconds after mine, make sure you don’t kill him this time” Kaisin said as he brought the nose of his fighter up thirty degrees and switched to missiles and waited for lock.
Goloth watched as they came in, one pair heading for the fighters that had been launched, the other two heading towards his position. Pirates, using outdated fighters and out dated tactics. “Weapon station, what’s the status of weapons” he asked. “Coming up now sir, we have limited range and turret control is still fixed where they were when shut down happened.” He replied. “Very well prepare to repel pirate fighters.” He said as he took his seat, “Contact the station and let them know we will provide any help we can.” He said to the comm. officer. “Yes sir.” The reply cam. Yes today was going to be a good day and not boring as he feared. Let them come; they would be no match for his crew or ship.
(Soul Flight)
Switching shields to full front, Kaisin dropped his fighter down and got a solid lock on the corvette, waiting till the last moment, he fired them point blank and peeled off towards the port side where the weapons were stuck in forward firing arc. He glanced back and was greeted to an explosion at the base of the comm. dish and watched the dish exploded from some secondary explosion. Taking a second, he glanced at his threat screen and saw that Daar and Witcher were having no problem in dealing with the fighters; they had even allowed them to take shots at them to make the show look good. “Conker aim for the base, its weaker there.” Kaisin comm. Conker to let him know of the hit. “Copy boss, fired two and she’s melting.” Conker replied as he watched the fighter break to port as well. “Lets make her come after us know, Daar and Witcher once your done playing with your toys head to the hyperspace coordinates and wait for us.” Kaisin said over the comm. as he fired his lasers at the corvette and breaking to port opened up. Both he and Conker kept up the fight and watched as the shields that had not come up finale show themselves, but at half strength. Kaisin watched as the laser blast get absorb by the shields. Moving along the spin of the ship, Kaisin fired four blast at a weaken part of the shields and watched as they hit the hull and melt the armor plating, the chief was not joking when he said he had upgraded them. Coming around for another past he checked on Conker, he too had found a weak spot near the upper laser cannons and seemed to be working on weaking it even more. As he came around, Kaisin made a mistake in angle and nearly got his head blow off as one of the cannons fired and came within meters of his fighter, junking to the right and the left, he brought his cannons to bear and fired several more blast, he watched as the hole in the hull opened into a larger hole and two bodies blast out of it. Checking the status of the corvette he was satisfied that they had caused enough damage. “That’s it Conker, head towards the hyperspace cord and lets get out of here.” Kaisin said as he broke off his attack. “Copy boss, heading for rally.” Conker replied as his fighter peeled off and headed off to form up on Daar and Witcher. Kaisin launched one last attack and then transmitted his message to the station commander. To the scum of the station, the Sons of Gulle will return; your stain on this universe will be removed.” Kaisin said in the clear and then headed to the rally, in five minutes they would jump to hyperspace, once the corvette had angled to follow them. Checking over the damage they had done, nine fighters destroyed, one damaged and dead in space. Two containers destroyed, hanger three near the corvette was damaged slightly, and the corvette had taking damage to her comm. and two laser cannons. Switching to a private channel and hailing the station. “Baron, sorry for any damage we did, I will make sure to get a crew out here soon to repair it as soon as we get this mission over with.” Kaisin transmitted. “Its fine Commander, it’s been taken care of. I will make sure they follow you and your band of religious zealots. “The Baron replied signing off. Jumping to hyperspace, and having nothing else to do but wait.
Goloth picked himself up off the floor and watched others do the same. “Damage report.” He cried out as he felt the stab of pain from his left leg. Reaching down to check for any injuries. “Long range communications are down and shields have been reduce to twenty percent. Hull breech on deck four but has been contained.” One of the officers cried out. “Sir the station is hailing us.” The comm. officer said as he picked up self up from the floor as well, somehow his headset had stayed attached to his head. “This is Goloth.” He said as he limped over to his chair. “Captain, I hope all is well and that you did not suffer any causalities or serious damage.” The Baron said as he showed signs of bleeding from his forehead. “It seems we are doing much better then you commander, what can I do for you.” Goloth replied as he finale settled down in his seat and felt the relief of pain was over him. “The attackers were from a religious zealot group that has been hitting us for the last few weeks, they come about the same time and always with this hit and run tactic, however we have managed to locate their base and was hoping you would be able to eliminate this threat for me.” the baron asked as he wiped his head once more. Goloth looked around his shipped and could tell the damages would need taken care of first, but this could mean something more in his pockets. “Baron it will cost you.” Goloth replied. “Of course captain, I will transmit whatever you ask, just please take care of this threat and I will be in your debt. I am transmitting the coordinates’ to you now.” The baron said as he signed off. Receiving the coordinates Goloth looked around and begun issuing orders for the ship to be hyperspace ready in five minutes.
“Captain the ship is ready, shields are at half strength and being worked on, turret controls are still not working and are still in fixed position, hyperdrive is ready.” The deck officer remarked as the captain entered the bridge in full military uniform, this was a battle and he would not go in to it looking like a slum. “Then jump to the coordinates and prepare for battle.
ISD II Hammer
HA Frodo paced the bridge as he waited for Soul Fire flight to exit hyperspace. The mission had been a tricky one and risky and not many commanders or pilots could pull it off, even a veteran would have a hard time pulling it off, but he had been surprised before by the squadron commanders in the EH and more than once did they managed to pull a rabbit from the hat. Mirtez and his men were good, Kaisin himself still felt he much to learn even though he had served for four years in the EH and almost ten years in the empire. Daar and Conker were two he trusted as well. It was Witcher who he did not know that much about and was the wild card, but Kaisin had vouched for him, so that was fine for Frodo. “Sir contacts coming out of hyperspace ten km from our position, its Soul fire sir.” One of the tech officers said as Frodo turned towards the view ports. They had made it and all in one piece, it was the corvette that worried him know, this all rested on the fact of them following the flight and the ambush. “Kaisin, how goes it. “ Frodo asked over the comm. “Mission went well sir, she’s about three minutes behind us, we made sure she would follow, oh by the way Soul Fire flight is a religious zealot group know.” Kaisin relied over the comm. as they took up a flanking position near Alpha and the rest of Beta. Religious zealots? That will need explaining later. “Captain inform our gunboats to disable the corvette as fast as possible and have ATR Tau and Nu on alert for boarding.” Frodo informed the tech officer in charge at the moment. “Yes sir.” Came the reply. “Kaisin, any fighters we need to know about?” Frodo asked over the comm. “Not sure Admiral, we dealt with station fighters only, but he could have some, we know from the station commander he had about a squadron worth of headhunters and y-wings so he may have had them in his hanger. Why they never launched is unknown.” Kaisin replied.
Unknown fighter strength but manageable with his squadrons. “Sir we have contact coming out of hyperspace, corvette class and nineteen fighters, 12 headhunters, 5 y-wings and 2 escort shuttles.” Tech officer Maxer said informing him. Escort shuttles? “Get me a read out on those two shuttles” Frodo requested. “Yes sir.” Maxer said as he went to work at his station. Last report from the station commander was that they only had headhunters and other fighters, the escort shuttles were anomalies and he did not like them. “Sir, those are two of our escort shuttles, last report was that they went missing in the attack.” Maxer replied with the data. Well they can cross them off the missing list; they had been found and were now heading for them at attack speed. “Contact Beta and Alpha to deal with the fighters, Gamma is to hold back and Delta is to disable those escorts.” Frodo said as he took his seat. “Sir what about Soul Fire flight?” Maxer asked. Frodo thought for a few seconds, “Have General Mirtez rejoin his squadron and take command of them.” He replied, no need to waste the time recovering them when they were able to fight. “Yes sir.” Maxer replied.
“Four minutes till attack sir, all ships signal ready and our indicator has powered up generators. All fighters signal ready.” Tech officer Dumitrive reported as Frodo watched a large gravity field form around the area and blue and red dots move in on each other. Two of his starships would take up flaking positions along the indicator and prevent any fighter or missile from harming her. The Hammer and her two escorts would move forward to assist in any capture or if it came to pass, to engage any capital ship that may drop out of hyperspace. If Kaisin had done the job right, the corvette’s long range communications would be down and no help would come. “Very well.” Frodo replied settling in for the battle.
CRV Vigilant Watcher
Captain Goloth looked at the screen in horror, three star destroyers, four strike cruisers and one indicator and as many squadrons he could count on two hands. Either the zealots were the targets or he was, either way he was not going to wait and find out. If he was correct and he usually was, the indicator would take three minutes to power up her generators and he would be able to get his ship out of harm’s way. “Turn us around and make for hyperspace, get me as far away from those ships as you can.” He screamed as the crew scrambled around him to get the ship underway. Time seemed to slow for him and his crew as they worked furiously to get the corvette underway. “Sir what about our fighter screen, they will be sitting ducks?” one of the crew asked. Yes what about them, he could not afford to lose them if he escape, but then again he would be able to gain a new squadron once he returned to the fleet. “Never mind them; I will reward their families for their sacrifice.” He remarked as he continued to watch the zealots head straight for one of the squadrons. The fools, four fighters against four times that and eight ships. “Sir, we have a problem” a crew member remarked, Glancing up at the tech, “One problem, and which could that be, the ships out there or the fact we have not jumped to hyperspace like I ordered?” Goloth screamed. “Sir we can’t, the field has already been engaged, sensors record it going up as we came out of lightspeed, it will take at least five hours to get far enough to jump.” He replied as he went back to his station. Goloth slumped in his chair as he knew he was in trouble, he could care less about his crew even though he said he did, it was his hide and his money he was worried about. Three million in credits and twice that much in loot and stolen gems. Well at least he would see the zealots get destroyed first.
Turning towards the screen, he waited for the for fighters to exploded, however the only sight that greeted his eyes was them coming about and forming up with several other fighters, this was not a trap set for the zealots, it was them and they fell for it. Goloth never had time to issue orders, for the whole of space light up with blue and green streaks of light.
The next thing he knew was the sound of alarms ringing throughout the ship as they took fire. “Damage report he cried as he held on to the arm rest of his chair. “Ships systems are shutting down sir, ion fire from the fighters are disrupting our systems. We also have two ATR’s heading our way” a crew member replied in a panicky voice. They wanted his ship, and they were going to take it from him. “Prepare for boarders and wipe the core, set charges throughout the ship. “He ordered as the ship continued to take incoming fire.
“Sir, computer core access has been cut off, they door controls are not responding and the crew cannot access it, we also lost power to two of our lifts.” The crew member remarked. Without the computer core being wiped, all the information they had would be at the finger tips of the enemy. “Sir we have borders on deck three near the engine room and near docking tube one, they are heading here sir” another crew member yelled as blaster fire erupted out in the corridors. Everything was in shambles, he would be killed and used as cannon fodder or worst, he would be captured and tried and executed for some trump up charges. His life as he knew it was over.
Soul fire squadron
Kaisin had done his job, and now they would get to finish it. “Beta and soul squadron, keep the headhunters off the gunboats backs, let’s show them what these uglies can do.” Kaisin said over the comm. as he locked weapons and fired at the closet fighter, four blasts later and all that is left is flotsam. Heading after another fighter, Kaisin made sure to give as good as he would receive.
Captain Galaint of gunboat squadron Demon switched his shields to full forward and charged his ion cannons to full recharge, the other five fighters in his squadron would be doing the same. “Tau and Nu, I am beginning my attack run, you may commence in five minutes” Galaint comm. to the two ATR’s hovering three meters off their port. “Copy Captain. The reply came. All six fighters took a different angle of attack; two came over the top, two from the bottom, one from the rear and one from the port side. None of the weapons on the corvette ever reached them; the space around the corvette became a sea of blue as the gunboats opened up and never ceased firing. Coming around for another pass, he saw Tua and Nu move in towards their respective docking assignments, Tua would take the bridge and Nu the engine room and the computer core, for that was the prize they were seeking, the core of the vessel and the details on it. Each trooper on board the ATR’s had weapons fixed for stun, HA March wanted prisoners as well. “Demon squadron keep it up for three more minutes, then cease once the ATR’s have docked, Proceed to covering positions and wait for further orders.
Delta Squadron
MAJ Palermo hated escort shuttles, not only did they have teeth it was the rear of them that caused more trouble, the rotating laser cannon caused some pilots to miss their next birthday. Delta, if you can, take the cannon out first, we can sort them out later.” He said as he fired another blast at the cannon. Delta two came from behind him and fired a blast of ion fire and he watched the ship lose thirty percent of power. “Keep it up Delta Two, few more blast and they will be helpless.” He remarked as Delta two poured fire in to her. “Control this is Delta two, send over a mover for these escorts, one should be done in a few seconds.” He comm. control while checking his board and watched the escort come to a full and dead stop, Delta two had scored and now he watched Delta three and four do the same to the other escort shuttle. Their mission had been completed, now it they waited for the movers to retrieve them.
TAU and NU
Captain Lokis waited for the green light for a good seal on the docking port. “Remember, HA March wants prisoners, so don’t go all half cocked.” He reminded his troopers. As the green light lit up, he slapped the release for the hatch and poured in to the tube. Taking up flanking spots, they lobbed two stun grenades and waited for the flash bang to release. One, two, three, four five; Running in to the corridor, Lokis and his men begun to fire on anything and everything not in white armor, after what seemed to be an eternity, he ordered a cease fire and surveyed the carnage, none of his men hit, and six bodies lay twitching at their feet. “Get them bound and back on the ship, the rest of you come with me.” He said to the troopers as two o the men with drew binders and started to bind the men. Next stop, computer core and engine room.
Captain Fairers Dodge another blast from the corvette crew as he fired his rifle on stun. Though they had lobbed three stun grenades all ready, they still had enough fight in them to continue on. Glancing to his left he saw a large male hiding behind one of the consoles, no doubt the captain fearing for his life. “Diz, get the captain.” He ordered his sniper who was using his rifle to stun from afar. “Copy boss” he replied. Three seconds later, the captain lay slumped on the floor with blood coming from his head where he smacked it as he fell.
Nearing the computer core, Captain Lokis was greeted to the doors sealed, “Get the doors open.” He ordered as two troopers rushed forward and begun to work on using demo tape to blow the door off. As they singled they were done, “Fire in the hole” He yelled and it the little red button. The resulting explosion blew the door off and heard it smack in to the wall near them, what was left of the door would fill a plastic tube. Rushing in and expecting to find a large group of men aiming rifles at them, instead he was greeted to a perfectly intact computer core and no one around to defend it. “Signal HA March, tell him we have the core and its intact.” He said to his comm. guy as he holstered his rifle and smiled under his helmet, a good day indeed.
The bridge was theirs, once the captain went down, the other crew started to give up, no doubt wishing to save their backsides. “Captain, incoming transmission from Captain Lokis, they have the core and are mopping up a few pockets, no casualties.” His comm. trooper said as he checked over the damage. “Very well, inform HA March the ship is ours.” He said as he headed aft to link up with Captain Lokis, a few more hours and they would be back home and watching that new holovid they picked up.
Soul fire squadron.
“Break left Boss” came Conker's voice over the comm., breaking left he watched the trail of a missile fly past his fighter and then the fighter that fired it fly pas him, and then came Conker's fighter. The resulting explosion from Conker's missiles tore the headhunter apart and left another mess in space. “Thanks Conker.” Kaisin replied as he set his sights on the wingman of the headhunter who tried to end his life. “No problem boss, just returning the favor I owed you.” Conker replied. Kaisin checked the threat board and three fighters left of the enemy, both escort shuttles had been disabled and captured, the corvette had changed from red to amber for captured and only two eh fighters had been hit, both had managed to make it back to the Hammer and land safely. Keying his comm. “Beta squad form up and lets head home” he said as the fighter of Beta formed up and head back the Hammer.
ISD II Hammer
HA Frodo March watched as the two movers brought the escorts on board with the captured crew as well. It would be nice to know what happened to the crews of the escort after they had been captured. “Admiral, fighters are approaching.” His aid said he started to back away. Frodo laughed to himself, yes he was an admiral and in command of this ship, but he was a pilot first and foremost and the fighters landing around him would not bother him. He watched Delta, their job done well. Gamma and Alpha landed next and then Beta with four of their fighters out of place, Kaisin had gotten the job done, and had made the plan work. Walking up to Kaisin as the General jumped from the wing, as he came up, he snapped to attention and saluted. “Sir.” Kaisin said as he held the salute. “Returning it, “As you were.” He remarked. Kaisin removed his flight helmet and wiped some sweet from his face. “So should I arrest you for being religious zealots?” Frodo said as they walked to the lift. Kaisin laughed and just looked at him, “It’s a long story sir, and it will be in my report.” “No doubt a good one.” Frodo replied as they steeped in to the lift, time for debriefing and sleep. It had been a hard fought battle and no loses on their side, which meant it had been a good day.
The CRV Vigilant Watcher was brought alongside the ISD Hammer with a prize crew and a tech crew onboard pouring over the data from the intact computer core. Over a hundred prisoners had been taken including the captain of the corvette who was most forthcoming with information about the attacks. He though kept pleading for his life and not to be killed, he even offered his wife to them for payment. The two escort shuttles had been checked over for information as well. They were still looking for information on the crews though. Kaisin and his squadron as well as Delta, Gamma, Alpha and the Gunboats had preformed perfectly. HA Frodo was pleased with the outcome. Now it was time to locate the rest of the fleet and destroy them.
Not the end of this story.
TAC comp submission:
General Kaisin Mirtez was sitting at his desk on board the VSD Sinister where he was testing a few new combat simulations for pilots when he heard a blood curling scream coming form the offices of AD Dempsey who lead the TAC offices of the EH. As with every other officer on board, they rushed to see what had happened.
“WHERE THE FRACK IS IT” Dempsey screamed out as she tore his office to pieces and threw things everywhere.
“Mam, please mam, calm down.” An aid said while dodging a stack of padds and three large statues.
Still Screaming and now tearing her computer apart, Dempsey threw the aid a look that would make a Hutt scream and lose a ton of fat. “You can only help if you offer me your heart on a sliver plate and then tell me where it has gone” Dempsey replied as the color of the aid’s face had drained and he looked as if he had saw Lord Vader with out his helmet on. Kaisin could not help but suppress a laugh at this as he had seen this once before, however then it was a prank pulled by General Rancorous and it had involved three hundred stuffed ewoks and two large Hutt’s.
“Admiral, is there something we can do?” asked an officer that Kaisin did nto know.
“Yes, you can all return to your quarters or desks or any damn thing you want to and wait there till I get to you to ask you some questions” Dempsey replied.
“Admiral, what is it your looking for?” the same aid asked.
“My TAC report layout, the padd was here just a few hours ago and now its missing, I was working on it right here and I stepped away to answer a call from some Admiral Pinkolish and when I got back it was gone.” Dempsey said as she threw her flight helmet on to her bunk.
Kaisin got a very uneasy look in his eyes as he noticed the name, a name his lizards used when prank calling pilots or other people.
“Admiral, who is Admiral Pinkolish?” an officer asked as he picked up a stack of padds and scanned through them.
“I have no idea, never even heard of a Pinkolish, and thought he may have been from one of the out laying planets with their own military.” Dempsey remarked as she sat down and covered her face. “I need that report layout, so much is riding on the 300th report and if I don’t have it, I will never be able to look at any one again… I have never lost anything.” Dempsey replied.
“Perhaps someone came in and picked it up with out knowing what it was, or maybe one of the cleaning driods sweeped it up as they were cleaning the floor, if it had fallen on the floor I mean.” The aid said as he poured a large snifter of brandy for her.
It was then that Dempsey shot straight up and looked around… “Where is he, where is that Cube?” she started to ask as she looked at all the faces.
“Cube who mam, what cube are you looking for?” the aid asked
“Not a cube you moron, Cube, as in General Rancorous, where is he.” She replied as she spotted Kaisin in the crowd. “Kaisin, get your butt over here” She said as Kaisin headed in to the room.
Snapping to attention and saluting her, Kaisin held it till she released him.” What can Id o for the Admiral today?” Kaisin asked as he came to rest
“Where is he Kaisin, I know you know and you two are in this together.” She said as she walked around him.
“Actually Admiral, I have not seen General Rancorous in some time. The last I heard from him was three months ago when he was heading on a trip. I have however been in my small office working on the combat simulations you assigned me, I have not even stepped foot out of there since I arrived two days ago.” Kaisin replied as he bit back the part of his lizards being here as well, they were banned from this ship when they tried to fly a TIE Defender out of the hanger last year.
“Really... well that just screws up my assumption.” Dempsey said as her face got the look on it that she was going to tear the ship apart and no one was going to stand in her way when she did it.
“Mam, when do you need the report layout by?” the aid asked as he moved some more items out hands reach.
“I need it by the 26th or I won’t be able to get it completed by then. There is just too much to do and not enough time.” Dempsey said as she gulped the brandy down in one gulp.
Every officer looked at each other and knew that they had just been conscripted in to looking and finding that report.
For three weeks every officer looked and scoured the entire ship for that padd. Nothing was left unturned. The bunks were stripped and then broken down to pieces encase some one had hid it among the metal. The fighters were even torn apart, which to the pilots who flew them, was done with no passion and no care in the world, they were tossed around like they belonged to rebels.
Then it was the ships captain and the officers turn to be searched and prodded, and searched as if they were common rebels with nothing better to do. No one was safe from Dempsey, not even Admiral Frodo had been assaulted, and he had his feet shaved because someone thought he could have hidden the padd in the hair on his feet. That how ever got the officer three years cleaning the toilets on the Sovereign. Kaisin however knew who took the report.
Deep in the bowls of the VSD Sinister
“I tell you we have it and we will not give it back” said Pinky as she examined the report layout.
“Dumpesy will never know and she will never suspect the master.” Replied Joky
“But what if she finds out and Master gets in trouble? we could never forgive ourselves.” Foron asked
“Then we shall deal with her if that happens, I hear space is cold and damp.” Pinky replied as she took the padd and begun to rewrite the report, and make it to their liking and to cause Admiral Dumpsey some grief.
March 28th, as Eh personal opened their email, they notice the 300th report of Admiral Dempsey TAC officer. The report they though they would read is not there, instead the get the report written by Pinky.
(Please find enclosed Report Layout from Pinky. I discovered it while cleaning.)
XO addendum… as much as I would like to include the Report Layout from Pinky it burned my retina upon opening which delayed the release of this Newsletter. Anyone wishing to actually take their life in their own hands and see this thing should speak with Kaisin Mirtez and if you can still see afterwards maybe beat him to death with it. J
Dark Brotherhood:
From the Dark Brotherhood we have a number of submitters.
Azurin has been kind enough to let me cherry pick some lightsaber art.
And then 2 pieces of fiction, the first from Krath Priest Xantros and the second from Novitiate Tuba.
Written by: Krath Priest Xantros
Xantros stretched himself. In recent times, he paid much attention to works over Dark Heritage, the greatest of all his projects since he joined the Emperor’s Hammer. It required a lot of efforts, concentration and meditation. He wanted to make that writing to be truly an impressive one. In his mind, the Dark Heritage was intended to guide the next generations of Dark Jedi in their quest for power and glory. He was aware that thus it required him to do his best in order to provide the highest quality of the book.
However, he was not completely absorbed with his work. He dreamt about taking part in a Vendetta, an epic battle for power and fame. It was something he really missed. He wished to cross his lightsaber with other Dark Jedi of the Dark Brotherhood. He wished to test his power and skills in fight against the most skilled warriors in the Galaxy.
“Life of Rathor and life of Dark Jedi are continuous series of tests...There is no greater test than to fight fellow Dark Jedi.”
All Vendettas, Xantros could observe, had been exciting events. Mysterious artifacts, ferious enemies and magnificent treasures. Wonderful rewards and eternal fame awaited for the Dark Jedi, who were strong enough to claim them. However, it required the participants of Vendetta to make their best in fight against their fellow Dark Jedi or their enemies. Any weakness was not tolerated and would deprive a Dark Jedi of an opportunity to stand among the best of all Dark Jedi in the Galaxy.
The truth was that each Vendetta was a test, a trial. Some of the Dark Jedi did not even risk getting involved in the Vendetta. They failed the Dark Brotherhod… They failed their Dark Brethren…They failed themselves…They proved themselves to be weak and useless to the Dark Brotherhood.
Most of the Dark Jedi participated in the Vendetta, but did not make any spectacular achievements. They proved themselves to be worthy and stelwart warriors, but they were outshone by the most gifted members of the Dark Brotherhood. Still, their work for the Brotherhood has great meaning. Though they stay in shadow of more powerful Dark Brethren, their time is yet to come. Xantros always respected them, because without their work, the Dark Brotherhood could not be successful.
Finally, there was small group of Dark Jedi, whose bravery and skills amazed all, who witnessed their fight. These are truly the best and the most powerful members of the Dark Brotherhood. Their outstanding achiements bring glory not only to them, but also to the units, they belong to. They are truly worth admiration and respect.
“I dream about glory…I dream about the power…I dream about the treasures…I can earn them only by successful participation in the Vendetta. I cannot wait the next Vendetta.”
Yes, the Vendetta is the event all Dark Jedi look forward to. Xantros was not an exception in this case. He awaited the next Vendetta, an ultimate opportunity to test his skills, powers and character. Would he beat all his comrades or would he need to acknowledge their superiority? Would he surpass the expectation of his Dark Brethren or would he fail everyone, including himself? Xantros knew that only Vendetta could bring the answers to those questions. Only by participation in the Vendetta he could prove himself to be worthy of standing among the best members of the Dark Brotherhood.
“Only several other Dark Jedi to compete with? It is not a Vendetta…It is not a challenge… In my dreams, I can see numerous Dark Jedi fighting against common enemy or each other in the struggle for the glory.”
Yes, to call the Vendetta a true Vendetta, it must be a large scale battle and operation. Only large number of participants guarantees true excitement and a real challenge. Xantros dreamt about such a Vendetta. He wished to see such.a Vendetta happen at least once before he would depart some time in a future.
However, he was aware that it is extremely hard to make the Vendetta run. It would take a lot of work and preparation to gather so many Dark Jedi at one time. The Krath Priest knew that his dream could come true only in the situation, when new Force-sensitive people would join ranks of the Dark Brotherhood. It was his goal to make that happen.
By Novitiate Tuba:
Servant of Darkness
Abrom Lep knelt with the lightsaber clenched tightly in his grasp. It was hot and humid in his private chambers but he neither cared or noticed, so deep was his meditation. A casual onlooker would be undoubtedly shocked at the sudden changes in Lep’s countenance. From boiling rage to spine wrenching horror, his expression metamorphosed more quickly with each passing moment.
How long he had remained in such a state was difficult to estimate. Time was an impossibly obscure concept when one was consumed with the unbridled hatred of the Dark Side. This facet made the exercise all the more dangerous since too much time spent communing with the greater evils of existence would result in a most agonizing demise. Paying no heed to the looming danger, Lep continued the exercise. Master Trevayn once said ‘Without risk nothing is gained”. So great was the upcoming danger for which Lep prepared himself that the additional time spent in the Darkness was well worth the chance of searing oblivion.
Only yesterday had he detected the glimmer of Light that now infected his world of Oros. In a similar meditation, the presence of the detestable Jedi was revealed. The Dark Side had shown him the foe and given him his task: Exterminate the Light and all those it touches. A mortal fear gripped him at that moment, one he had not felt since the only time he had ever disappointed the High Inquisitor during an early training exercise. The snaking scars of his master’s enveloping lightning were still visible, though faded in pain if not in memory. That had been a powerful lesson, for he had never again failed his master during Tremayne’s long tutelage. The greater fear of the Dark Side’s wrath won out over any reservations that he had in facing a lone Jedi.
Drained from his vision, Lep rested briefly before venturing to scout out his foe prior to facing him in battle. Stepping into the street outside his dwelling, the atmosphere assaulted him at once. The stifling heat and humidity prevalent at this latitude made for uncomfortable outdoor forays, but that was irrelevant now. The Dark Side called; he must heed its summons.
The vision’s content was simple enough: a single, hated wielder of the Light had found his way to this place of his impending doom. Reaching out with his enhanced senses, Lep easily located the faint but unmistakable glimmer of Light some distance to the west. Anxious to please the Darkness he hurried towards the spaceport to size up his prey.
Fearing counter-detection, Lep severely curtailed the usage of his abilities as he neared the spaceport. Prematurely alerting the Jedi might result in his escape, an outcome that held no hope for the servant of Darkness. Upon entering the port complex Lep sought out the customs office. This being only a minor port with perhaps a dozen vessels passing through each day, a few discrete inquiries quickly revealed the name of the official who had processed the servant of the Light. Imperial Customs Inspector Tyrrus was a busy man, but convincing his aide of Lep’s pressing need to see the Inspector was a simple matter for one who manipulated the incalculable power of the Dark Side.
After being shown into Tyrrus’ private office Lep shut the door and faced the petty bureaucrat. Before the stunned official could protest the intrusion, he was silenced by the icy grip of a mind probe. Quickly shuffling through the jumble of Tyrrus’ mind, Lep found the information that he sought: the Light wielder had arrived with three companions aboard the light freighter Patchwork Death. The ship was undergoing refueling in docking bay 25 and was scheduled to depart in two days time. The purpose of the visit was stated as “business”, but this was undoubtedly a cover story to mask some despicable Rebel plot. Satisfied with the information gleaned from the customs official’s mind, Lep released him from his mental grasp, but not before erasing the memories of his presence.
The Dark warrior made his way to the proper docking bay, using his considerable powers to mask his presence from force-user and mundane alike. The dilapidated YT-1200 looked as if it had seen the worst end of many battles. Lep briefly toyed with the idea of simply sabotaging the ship and letting it do his dirty work for him, but such an impersonal approach was not implied during his dark communion. Abrom Lep was to carry this out personally to leave no possibility for error.
Observing the ship from an obscure shadowy corner of the docking bay, Lep saw a middle-aged man in a tattered flight suit, no doubt a smuggler, effecting repairs to one of the ship’s landing struts. An older man who had a military-like bearing to him and a noticeable limp, possibly the result of an injury in some long-ago battle was assisting him. The pair carried on conversation during the repair, stopping occasionally to debate some unknown point.
This went on for some time until the third member of the group, a Wookiee, lumbered down the gangway to inspect the work being done. The massive beast would make things considerably more difficult but all could be resolved given proper planning. The brute barked something incomprehensible to the smuggler, who dropped his tools and announced to his aged companion that dinner was ready. The trio disappeared into the interior of their vessel and remained inside for well over an hour.
Just when it seemed his impatience would overcome him, Lep finally saw his quarry emerge. The Jedi was a tall, slim, young human with a reserved air about him. He strode out of the ship and spoke briefly to a passing technician who had finished refueling the ship some time before. After finishing his conversation, the Jedi paused and looked around, concerned. Fearing his presence had been detected, Lep fought ever harder to conceal himself with the Force. A chill seemed to pass across the young man’s features, but quickly passed and he re-entered the ship. Lep waited until the docking bay was empty and made his escape unnoticed.
Upon reaching his dwelling again he plunged himself into meditation that he might adequately prepare for the next day’s task. Night came and was banished by the next day’s rising sun. As the city awakened Lep emerged from his horrific trance, ready to extinguish the scourge of the Light in this place. Armed with his lightsaber he repeated the previous day’s journey, once again careful to conceal his presence until the time was right. Upon reaching the docking bay, Lep crept to the gangway of the silent freighter. No sign of stirring was evident from inside the ship as he toggled the lever to open the hatch. Nothing happened. The Rebel scum had locked the hatch from the inside! A wise precaution, but laughably ineffective against one who commanded the Dark Side. Reaching out, Lep visualized the workings of the mechanism and willed it to open. Groaning softly, the gangway cracked open and settled onto the docking bay floor.
Lep silently entered the freighter, lightsaber drawn but unlit. No one met him at the top of the gangway so he ventured forward into what appeared to be the ship’s recreational area. Still encountering no sign of detection or resistance, Lep turned the corner only to come face to face with the old military officer! The old man jumped back in surprise and shouted the beginning of a warning. The yell was muffled into a sick gurgling as Lep stabbed out with the Dark power. The aged man clutched his head and spun drunkenly while the Force physically stirred his brain.
Lep took a moment to relish the old man’s death. The reverie was cut short when he heard a wailing howl behind him and turned just in time to see a mass of fur. His concentration was broken when the enraged Wookiee lifted him like a doll and flung him into the far bulkhead. The swiftness of the attack and the severity of the impact momentarily stunned Lep. The behemoth turned to see to his fallen comrade and howled with rage. The smuggler rushed in to join the fray while the Jedi peered around a bulkhead then promptly retreated to the cabin area.
Still shaken from the assault, Lep had no choice but to press the attack now or all would be lost. Extending the glowing azure blade of his lightsaber, he charged the smuggler who promptly dived into a maintenance crawlway and disappeared from view. The Wookiee turned to face the aggressor once again and leaped, arms outstretched to crush the life from the Dark Jedi. Lep stepped aside, avoiding the lethal charge, and brought his blade down as the Wookiee passed him by, severing both of its legs at the knee.
The Jedi returned, amber lightsaber blade in hand. The two circled momentarily and locked their blades in mortal struggle. Lep allowed his hatred to consume him, letting the Dark Side flow freely as he savagely pressed the attack. The Jedi parried the first few blows easily, but quickly had to exert much more effort to avoid the swinging beam of azure death.
The Wookiee’s anguished cries could be heard over the electric clashing of the two warriors. Unnoticed, the wounded creature clawed its way across the deck, seeking vengeance against the one who had maimed it. Lep was just gaining the upper hand in the saber battle when he once again felt the Wookiee’s iron grip upon him. He broke off his attack on the Jedi and spun around, his saber sending the animal to its doom.
The Jedi executed a counter-attack, his amber blade arcing toward Lep’s torso. Lep threw up his weapon in defense, avoiding the worst of the blow but screamed in pain as the lightsaber grazed his left arm, severing flesh from bone. Lep retreated towards the gangway as the Jedi advanced, the Light servant’s attacks growing bolder with every stroke.
Terror of impending defeat and his subsequent fate drove Lep to make one final assault. Mustering every ounce of rage that he contained, he lashed out at the Light wielder with the full fury of the Dark Side. Tangible blackness erupted from his person and slammed into the Jedi, flinging him into the far wall. The impact knocked the breath from the stunned Jedi and he dropped his weapon as he struggled to maintain consciousness. Lep wavered on his feet, drained from the brutal attack. A slight scrape behind him brought him fully aware once again. Turning, he saw the muzzle flash of a blaster just in time to drop to the floor, barely avoiding the concussive bolt. Lep locked the saber’s activation switch in the on position and deftly threw the weapon at the desperate spacer. The pure energy of the blade cleaved the smuggler in two, but not before he got off a shot which struck Lep squarely in the stomach.
Mortally wounded from the blast that had holed his mid-section, Lep nonetheless stumbled to where the fallen Jedi lay stunned. Collapsing next to the Light warrior, Lep locked his hands on either side of his enemy’s head and sought to channel the Dark Side one final time. Fear consumed both force-users as black tendrils permeated their forms, lifting them into the air. The Darkness grew in intensity until both were completely enveloped in an inky cloud. A single beam of brilliant Light stabbed from the encroaching night, but the Jedi’s last desperate effort was quickly overcome by the unadulterated power of the Dark Side. A low rumbling issued from the cloud, quickly building to a thunderous roar as the dark energy vanished, leaving no trace of either warrior. The ship and its dead lay silent. Abrom Lep had served his Dark Masters in the highest possible way.
Hammer’s Fist:
From the Hammer’s fist we have 2 submitters. The first of these is PRF Astin with his Character Bio and then we have a new edition to the equipment of the Hammer’s Fist with the addition of the TIE Boat out of the old West End games supplements.
Astin is currently a Major General serving as Prefect of the Hammer’s Fist Stormtrooper Legion.
Early Career
Astin, an accomplished pilot and Imperial sympathizer, made his way to the Emperor’s Hammer with the hope of flying starfighters for the Imperial cause. He applied for commission in the TIE Corps and was accepted to the elite pilot’s academy, PLT Daedalus. After graduation, now Sub-Lieutenant Astin began his military career as a TIE pilot onboard the massive SSSD Sovereign. He quickly raised through the ranks, eventually reaching the rank of Major as the Wing Commander, Wing XIV, aboard the ISD Intrepid.
During his time as Wing Commander of Wing XIV, then Major Astin suffered a major tragedy when his wife and infant child was killed in a freak vehicle accident on Aurora. Stricken with grief, Astin resigned his commission and requested to be transferred to a reserve unit so that he could spend time mourning his family and to take care of her family. Although he was called to active service briefly several times by various TIE Corps units, Astin remained relatively inactive for several years. During this time the Flight Officer, Priyum Patel, promoted him to Lieutenant Colonel for his distinguished service.
Return to Duty
After years of sporadic service as a reservist, Lieutenant Colonel Astin returned to active duty as a pilot of Sin Squadron onboard the SSSSD Sovereign. It was during this time that Astin put his name in contention to be the next Training Officer in the Emperor’s Hammer Command Staff. Although Astin proved to be the best candidate for the job, he was not popular in the eyes of the Fleet Commander, Grand Admiral Astatine, and as such endured a very long and drawn out interview process. His persistence paid off however and eventually, Astin was appointed Training Officer and promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral.
Training Officer
VA Astin proved to be a capable Training Officer and brought many improvements to IWATS academics. For his work, GA Astatine eventually promoted him to the rank of Admiral and awarded him with two Gold Stars of the Empire. Although publically praised by the Fleet Commander, things were not as they seemed behind closed doors.
As a member of his Command Staff, Astin was able to see first hand the eccentric and often disastrous ways of GA Astatine. The Fleet Commander demanded to be included in every decision his Command Staff made and offered little freedom to any command officer in the fleet. He often put himself in direct command of subgroups, and in the case of the Training Office, did not allow any kind of expansion or radical change that would have been for the better of the fleet. AD Astin grew tired of not being able to properly do his job as Training Officer, and resigned from the fleet in frustration.
Return to the TIE Corps
Not long after Admiral Astin resigned his position as Training Officer, then TIE Corps Commander Admiral La’an approached him with a request that he take a position as Commodore of the ISD Subjugator due to the TIE Corps having a shortage of capable command officers. Turning down the position at first, it was La’an’s persistence and assurance that Astin would not have to deal with the bureaucracy of GA Astatine’s Command Staff that led him to finally accept the offer. Astin took a voluntary demotion to Vice Admiral to take this position, and served there with distinction for some time. It was during this time that the fleet underwent a huge transformation as the former Fleet Commander, GA Ronin, forcibly removed GA Astatine from power. Although this decision was hailed as a new beginning for the struggling fleet, the next year proved to be one of the most difficult for the TIE Corps and for VA Astin.
TIE Corps Admiralty Board
Soon after GA Astatine’s removal, VA Astin was assigned to the Dean of IWATS position. VA Astin was given the most difficult task he had up to this point in his career, which was to rebuild the TIE Corps’ training program after it had been left in a state of severe disrepair due to the events that took place during to GA Astatine’s removal. VA Astin worked extremely hard to rebuild the TIE Corps training system into a better program, but eventually had to stop his work to take on the job of Strategic Operations Officer, the second in command of the TIE Corps.
As Strategic Operations Officer, Astin was faced with the difficult task of helping the TIE Corps Commander, AD Viper Pred, rebuild a fleet left in shambles from GA Astatine’s reign. VA Astin specifically contributed to the beginning of the restoration of the fleet’s original order of battle after GA Astatine had tampered it considerably. The TIE Corps Admiralty Board consisting of AD Viper Pred as TCCOM, VA Astin as SOO, and RA Viper Pred as DEAN proved to be extremely successful after they were able to stabilize a fleet that was in a very violent spiral of decline and disarray.
Prefect of the Hammer’s Fist
A massive restructuring project by High Admiral Rapier led to VA Astin being assigned to the position of Prefect of the Hammer’s Fist, the Emperor’s Hammer elite stormtrooper legion. Although Astin had no experience as a stormtrooper or a ground military commander, it was hoped that his skills in administration, logistics, and passion towards bettering the fleet as whole would be an asset to the Hammer’s Fist, which was in need of serious reorganization. The Hammer’s Fist was one of the groups that had for a time been under direct command of GA Astatine, and as such was in a huge state of disorganization. Astin was assigned the rank of Major General and began what was to be the most difficult but rewarding job he has ever had in the Emperor’s Hammer.
TIE Boat (TIE/bo)
Twin Ion Engine Fighter Boat
Length 4.3 meters
Speed: 120 km/h
• Aquatic Blaster Cannon
• Concussion Torpedo Launcher (2)
Crew: 1
Passengers: None
Submersible version of the tie fighter, used for aquatic operations in conjunction with AT-AT swimmers and Seatroopers.
Operated by a single pilot /gunner.
Equipped with one aquatic blaster cannon and two concussion missile launchers modified to carry undersea torpedoes.
And lastly from the Directorate we have 2 Submission. The first being a current roster from Grand Moff Defast himself and the second being a ficticious overview of the planet Hades by it’s new governor Tomaas Montte.
Ok for the DIR i submit the current roster – for this months NL. –
We had 2 new people join and get placed into planets, with an 3rd person still in training. With this the 3 planets we have are Full -
The Ministry Council
Grand Moff: Duke Defast 'Tactful' Insite of New Laconica
Minister of Communication: Grand Duke Czulvang Lah of Praesitlyn
Minister of Education: Lord Keth D'Jek, Count of Curamelle
Adjutants To The Ministry Council
Adjutant to Grand Moff:
Lord Fratus Sinister, Baron of Tartarus
Lord Kalin, Baron of Setii
Adjutant to Minister of Education:
Lord Samuel Rajax
The Territories
Alpha [17]
Setii [11]
System Moff: BRN Kalin
Hades [5]
Governor General: BRN Fratus Sinister
Lieutenant Governor: KGT Crsepe
Regional Governor: KGT Mane Fen
Regional Governor: HNR Thomas Nitecki
Regional Governor: HNR Tomaas Montte
Osiris [5]
Governor General: KGT Horus Blackheart
Lieutenant Governor: HNR matt adler
Regional Governor: BRN Samuel Rajax
Regional Governor: HNR Galaxina X'all
Regional Governor: HNR Lamb Stone
Phare [6]
System Moff: BRN Miles Prower
Ullyr [5]
Governor General: BRN Hades
Lieutenant Governor: KGT Myn Donos
Regional Governor: HNR Raistlin
Regional Governor: HNR Illianna Abarai
Regional Governor: HNR Kreeayt Havok
Duke Defast 'Tactful as a bull in a china shop' Insite of New Laconica
GMF/DK Defast 'Tactful as a bull in a china shop' Insite/Aurora
[DGA ]
Welcome to Hades
There was a dim red glow suffusing the ore smelting facility as the workers went about casting the ingots that would someday be a part of a Star Destroyer or a cruiser or some other ship in service to the Emperor’s Hammer territories. They were an efficient team and skilled at what they were doing. They were the finest craftsmen in this domed city on the surface of Hades. Tom smiled to himself as the lovely young adjutant from the regional office talked about past efficiency ratings and the projections for the upcoming financial quarter. This was obviously a show for his benefit. He’d just arrived after finishing his training stint at the Governor’s Academy a few days ago. He’d been assigned to Hades and some of his fellow students had given him looks of pity. People hated this planet with its heat and radiation and upheaval. The cities weren’t much better, living under domes with indentured workers with an environmental system that could never seem to keep up. It was hot and the air was thick with the smell of the smelting and casting process. A reddish black soot covered everything seeping through the streets and into homes and offices, lending the air hear a dark reddish tinge from the oxidized metals and soot hanging in the air. Diablo the merciless sun continued to rain radiation down on the planet and what light was available through the dome’s filters was still a deep crimson. Most people that came here initially thought they had died on the flight in and been taken to a particularly bad afterlife full of fire and heat and air choked with soot, and sulfur, and brimstone. Eerie shadows flickered and wavered in the crimson light and gave everyone a devilish aspect to their features while deepening the shadows around their eyes. Oh yes everything here seemed almost designed to conjure up images of fear and anger and eternal punishment and most of the population stewed in a constant emotional state that swung wildly between anger and fear. Add to that the greed of the corporate officials and their scrambling for advantage against rival workshops in selling illicit droids on the black market and you had a truly toxic mixture of human dysfunction.
Tomaas Montte, the newest regional governor on the planet smiled more broadly and opened himself to the Dark Side drawing in the massive amounts of energy that swirled around this city and felt a savage joy sweep through him. He leaned his head back closing his eyes and actually laughed out loud at the irony of the place. What made everyone else that came here feel so powerless and threatened actually fed and strengthened him due to his connection to the dark side. This environment and power made it worth all the trouble he’d gone to moving some of his things here. He’d had the worst time with his library, but the time and expense he’d put into it had been worth it. This was home.
He opened his eyes and looked to his right and saw the adjutant nervously smiling and staring at him with confusion in her dark eyes. He could feel the uncertainty coming off her but no fear. This made him smile wider and think that this woman might be useful to him in his own office. Not many people would see a dark jedi laughing in a setting like this and be only curious, not afraid.
“What’s your name?” Tom asked
“Alleira” The Adjutant replied. “Alleira Nezuma.”
Tom decided to ask her what she’d think of being transferred to his office to work as his assistant. Not a secretary, those were commonplace enough. He needed someone whom he could trust to handle tasks for him and give him reports and opinions without fear of his reaction coloring their judgment. She could do that and she was far more familiar with this planet than Tom was having served in the Imperial Assessment Office for three years before transferring to regional command. She’d been chosen to take Tom on the tour of the city and show him the sights. Her superiors obviously intended for Alleira to be an ‘offering’ to the new governor because of her looks. Well they had misjudged both Alleira and their new commander it seemed.
“I was just thinking of how I actually like this place.” Tom said raising his voice to be overheard over the noises of the foundry nearby in answer to her questioning look. “Everyone warned me about Hades, but I find the place..”
“Exciting.” Alleira said with a smile of her own. “Me too, I actually like the light and noise and heat, it reminds me that the world is a dangerous place and we need to keep on our guard.”
“Exactly.” Tom said with another smile, this time for Alleira herself, yes he needed this one on his staff.
Tom opened his mouth to ask her if she might be interested when he felt danger as a searing heat against the back of his neck through the Force. Tom whirled about drawing and igniting his lightsaber in an instant. The crimson glow of its blade seeming perfectly suited to its new surroundings. A large ore carrying droid had dropped its cargo by disengaging its hands and revealing two large laser cannons in its forearms. Those cannons were now pointing at the new governor. Tom’s eyes narrowed as he deepened his connection with the Force and made a running leap at the droid. The cannons tracked him and began firing while he was in midair causing him to twist and tumble as he used the lightsaber to deflect the yellow blasts of plasma. The sheer force of the blasts sent him tumbling sideways in a spin that he had to reach into the Force to bring to a halt, before it deposited him into molten ore. He was up and running after a quick kippup deepening his connection to the dark side as he did using it to speed him forward far faster than normally possible. His anger at this attack fed into his assault. The droid fired twice more and Tom simply jumped forward into an amazingly fast cartwheel each time to get inside the droids firing arc as he approached the twelve foot tall machine. He heard explosions and groaning metal behind him as the blasts hit but focused his attention and rage I with a searing intensity in the Force and leapt clearing twenty feet of space in an eye blink and driving his lightsaber blade into the chest cavity of the droid in a single two handed thrust and then riding the massive machine to the ground with a snarl on his face. The crash jolted him from the now inactive droid’s chest and he went rolling away barely keeping a grasp on his lightsaber as he did.
When he rolled back to his feet he saw Alleira about twenty yards away underneath a sagging and groaning durasteel platform that had taken the brunt of the blasts from the droid. She was pushing two dazed foundry workers toward safety while trying to help a third injured man to his feet. The platform groaned loudly and with an unbearably loud boom gave way hurtling toward Alleira and the men. Tom’s heart contracted in his chest for a mere instant then seemed to encompass his entire body with white hot rage. He would not have his first day here ruined like this and he would not be denied Alleira as his assistant. His hands shot out and he reached deep into the Force drawing on all that rage and anger to grab the falling platform in the Force and strain against it. He pulled it hard to the side and kept pulling straining as he taxed his abilities to the limit. The men were frozen for a minute and then began running at Alleira’s shouts and shoves, she just picked up the last man and ran with him as fast as she could. Tom strained more and veins popped out on his sweating face as he did. The platform shifted itself further in the air as it fell and crashed edge first into the foundry floor sending a shockwave up that would knock people off their feet a block away as it did. Everyone inside the foundry was hurtled into the air and backwards. Though a few sustained minor injuries, miraculously no one was killed.
* * * * * * *
Later Tom sat in the regional command allowing himself to be patched up by a medial droid when Alleira walked in holding a data pad. She still looked a bit banged up from the incident. “Governor? I just wanted to bring this to you.” Alleira said holding the data pad up. “The garrison wouldn’t let the men in to see you themselves, so they wrote a thank you letter for what you did to save them.”
Tom took the data pad from her and read it slowly and with a smile. The men were thankful to him for what he had done for them and added in thanks that they had a governor that was not only brave, but cared about them. That wasn’t really why he had done what he did, but it would serve him well for it to be perceived that way. Once he finished reading the data pad he looked up at Alleira and gave her a speculative look.
“You know I was the target of that attack.” Tom said. “That someone here wants me dead, either because they fear I’ll stop their corruption or want too large a piece of it.”
Alleira nodded in response looking wary but not fearful.
“Knowing that,” Tom continued, “How would you like to transfer to my office for assignment? I saw what you did during that attack, and those men owe far more to you than they do to me. If you say no I’ll understand and there will be no repercussions. This is a different type of danger, where people will be actively trying to kill us. I’ll be putting you into danger at a regular basis and though I like what I’ve seen so far I will not hesitate to send you into deadly situations if I need to.”
Alleira looked thoughtful for a moment and then she grinned in a way much like Tom did and said “Sir, I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this my whole life. Do you have any idea how sick I am of bureaucrats and retired admirals pawing at me while I carried flimsis from office to office? Of course I’ll work for you.”
Tom nodded with his own smile and said “Well good, I can certainly use you. We’ll need to get you a weapon…” He stopped as Alleira showed him two separate hold out blasters concealed on her forearm and underneath her long and curly black hair. Then she produced a vibroblade from her right boot.
“Your guards took my regular blaster and two of my blades on the way in, but I have these.” Alleira said with a smirk and a twinkle in her eye. “You’re going to have to get them trained better while I help you get control of this region you know.”
Tom laughed out loud then and decided that he was going to like it here on Hades. He was going to like it here very much indeed.