Wing XIX
Report #24
8.13.2005 - COL Mouse Droid

Wing XIX Weekly Report 24

Wing XIX Weekly Report #24
Aurora Prime Standard Date - 13th of August 2005.

Sent over the Holonet by WC/COL Mouse Droid.


Welcome to my 24th XIX report, which marks my 6 months in position. On the 18th, I've been 2 years in the TIE Corps. To celebrate
this occasion, I plan to host a competition. Keep your eyes and ears open for details! Now, onto the news...

The past week marked a number of personnel changes. The most important is the stepping down of COL Astix as Trapper squadron's
commanding officer. I would like to thank him for his excellent work in revitalizing his squadron. With this change, a new Trapper CMDR
is required. If you think you're up to the job, send an application to myself and COM Kane Reese. Applications are taken until the 20th of
August. Another change was the retirement of CM Todar and LT Paxton. I wish you well, guys. You'll both be missed. On a more happier
note, we welcome SL Arman Surion, who joins us from the PLT Deadalus.

Last MSE/MWE award and CoL recommendations were sent to Aurora and are due to be processed soon.

Do you know a friend that likes Star Wars flight sims as well? Introduce them to the TIE Corps!

Welcome to the Wing:
SL Amran Surion, who was assigned from PLT Deadalus. Welcome, SL and enjoy yourself in our wing!

Wing and ATF news:

Selected EH/TC news:






None, this week.


COL TK-7764             - Palpatine Crescent
COL TK-7764             - Iron Star - Silver Wings x2
COL TK-7764             - Iron Star - Bronze Wings
COL TK-7764             - Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon
COL TK-7764             - Iron Star - Gold Ribbon
LT Alan Makhlar          - Imperial Security Medal
CM Golbez Harvey       - Palpatine Crescent
CM Golbez Harvey       - Iron Star - Gold Wings
CM Golbez Harvey       - Iron Star - Silver Wings
CM Golbez Harvey       - Iron Star - Gold Ribbon
COL Mouse Droid        - Iron Star - Bronze Wings
COL Mouse Droid        - Iron Star - Silver Wings
COL Mouse Droid        - Iron Star - Silver Ribbon
COL Mouse Droid        - Palpatine Crescent x2
CPT Daar Skeloria       - Iron Star - Silver Ribbon

Congratulations, all!

IWATS courses:

None, this week.

Squadron status:

Standing orders:

Important links: 

Wing XIX Homepage: [temporary]
ATF Message Board:
SSD Avenger Message Board:

Trapper Squadron Homepage: [N/A]
Fury Squadron Homepage:
Chaos Squadron Homepage:
Slayer Squadron Homepage: [N/A]

BGCOM's Judgment: [temporary]
Mission Compendium:
IWATS Academy:
ATF Battle Boards: [offline]

TIE Corps Homepage:
Emperor's Hammer domain:
Message Boards:

Respectfully submitted,

COL Mouse Droid.
Wing Commander of Wing XIX, SSD Avenger, Avenger Task Force.


JH Ascol Jerrin of Sentinel Battleteam, House Ronin, Clan Alvaak.


WC Reports
TIE Corps Reports