Wing XVI
8.15.2005 - LC Kayle Bayron

Wing XVI Report

Issue: 2005-08-15

Greetings Gentlemen!

My second Wing Report that I had to set up and nothing much has changed, internally. Until now still I got nearly no replies from the Commanders, so you Pilots of Wing XVI still should address me with any problems, whishes and questions. Well, and those TIE Corps Pilots who still aren't in the Predator Email-Group... You should join, asap!

The FW Empire as a whole progresses and prospers well. The Imperial Command did an outstanding job since the beginning and there are lots of "simple" pilots - Pred- and non-Pred-ones - that invested a large amount of efforts and work, far beyond regular duty.
Just check the following threads of the Imperial Forum to know what I mean:




Start Date:
End Date:

Squadron Commander Report Comment
Hawk TBA -- Currently closed
Wolf COL Marcin Szydlowski n/a CMDR is back from leave
Rancor CPT Archangel FW n/a --
Panther TBA -- Open CMDR-Position
Wampa CM Tarmel Telnor n/a --
Tiger TBA -- Currently Closed

SL Scler Cito => Lieutenant
SL Spade FW => Lieutenant

LT Scler Cito => Palpatine Crescent
LT Spade FW => Palpatine Crescent

(TIE Corps Pilots only)

Flag Officers => 1
Hawk => 0
Wolf => 11
Rancor => 7
Panther => 8
Wampa => 7
Tiger => 0

Total => 34

Respectfully submitted,
WC/LC Kayle Bayron/Wing XVI/ISD Predator
SSx2/BSx3/PCx9/ISMx6/MoI/IS-3BW-5SR-1GR/LoC-CSx6/DFC-Rx1/CoLx3/CoB/LoA/OV-5E [PLDN]
BTM/DJK (Sith)/Stingray/Tridens/Tarentum


WC Reports
TIE Corps Reports