FA Vlad is back in the Security Office...misbehave at your peril :P
Shannon McRandle (Mara Jade) is apparently submitted to an interview. She's fairly cute, but she's married :\
XvT WoW is on!!! (see Competition section for link to details) Go fly for the EH!
Week Two of Summer Patrol is on! Looks like only myself and MAJ Scuslem are left from Wing XI - we'll see how far we can make it...
AD Frodo makes lots of nifty enhancement to the Mission Compendium, including patch links on the battles/missions that require them!
The Sith ran away with Imperial Storm...beating the Sovereign (who essentially outlasted everyone else).
Come and idle in #VSD_Sinister on irc to help create a new home for TAC/SCO stuff...
TAC is looking for more custom missions...Bronze Star to pilots who submit 20 by September 14th.
New WC needed for Wing VIII since Chris Cox is hiding.
IO/AD Lenvik unveils the EH Image Gallery...cool stuff.
2 Week bug correction coverage returns...along with the TAC himself :P