Summer Patrol is Running!
Round 2 has begun! Details at http://www.imperialacademy.org/summerpatrol.htm
Holy Edumacation Batboy!
It has come to my attention that Malidir has completed 40! IWATS. I am in the process of getting ahold of the top 10 IWATS holders in the fleet, and I'm quite sure he's near the top. Congratz! Please keep posted.
PROF Changes
Fox Malloy has taken over XTT for Brukhar and J'Lek Arcanos has taken the position of XML PROF.
E-z ISMs
Check it out at http://gfx.imperialacademy.org - This course has been refurbished to the point that we would strongly suggest that everyone who has taken it retake it. As such, I am offering an ISM for anyone who retakes GFX and gets a higher score (or equal score in the case of 100%)! This now also applies to XAM at http://xam.imperialacademy.org/ - This offer expires August 30th
PROF opening
Please email me ( to@emperorshammer.org ) if you are interested in the positions of JavaScript. Experience in applied for field is desired. Be sure to include “ Those who can't do, teach ” as your subject line. (A Flight Member Lieutenant does not have any handicap when competing for a PROF spot with a 6 year Communcations Officer Admiral.)
New Course Ideas
Email me at to@emperorshammer.org if you have a good idea for a new IWATS course, or have the desire to build one. Approved ideas and courses will receive applicable awards.
IS-GR to
CPT Werdna Elbee
CoLs to my TOAs, COL George and CPT Brukhar
Status of ImperialAcademy.org
- New layout pending final content transfer
- IMPed is nearing completion
- 6 courses nearing completion pending insertion into layout
- XAM updates complete
Official EH Titles List
These titles (including colors!) may be displayed on a person's ID Line or Unit’s banner, reports, webpage, IRC topic, messageboard, email list, and anywhere else they can think of displaying it.
Please send any other titles that are not already listed here to to@emperorshammer.org (this includes things all the way down to CMDR’s own).
Title | Current Holder |
TO's * staR * Student | MAJ Savageaz |
TO's Own | ISD Challenge |
OPS Finger of Hate | ISD Challenge |
Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior | AD Frodo March |
Iron Mission Creator | CPT Daar Skeloria |
TCCOM's OWN | ISD Challenge |
TCCOM's OWN Escort Squadron | Praetorian |
TCBG Flagship | ISD Challenge |
The Challenged Squad | Cyclone Squadron |
Wing IX Squadron of the Quarter | Hammer Squadron |
Wing IX WC's Own | Hammer Squadon |
ATF BGCOM's Own (June) | Wing XIX |
ATF Squadron of the Month (June) | Chaos Squadron |
ATF Pilot of the Month (June) | TK-7764 |
ASF Flagship | ISD Grey Wolf |
ASF Escort Squadron | Avenger Squadron |
COO Escort | Avenger Squadron |
SOVCOM Escort Squadron July 2005 | Kappa Squadron |
SOV Pilot of the Month July 2005 | CPT Brukhar |
Status of Competitions
NOTE: To View competitions:
Replace XXXX with competition ID #
Current TO Competitions
TC Monthly Creative Competitions!
The creator of the most creative competition created each month (usually one that has been in the 'competition spotlight' at least once) will be awarded an IS-PR. This award may or may not be awarded on a monthly basis depending on the quality of submitted competitions.
Summer Patrol 2005! (Week 2)
Summer Patrol 2005 runs simply as follows:
-Fly the required amount of missions from the selected battles each week or you are out of the competition
-At the end, anyone surviving gets an IS-GW
-This year there will be bonus Missions and Battles which will vary widely in battle/mission, platform, conditions, and medals. Rest assured, if you do not participate in bonus events you still qualify for the IS-GW
Information on which battle to fly and where and how to submit it can be found at http://www.imperialacademy.org/summerpatrol.htm
Approved this week: (8)
Requiring more information this week: (0)
Competition Spotlight
EH Paparazzi
The most interesting, quirky or "best" member photo that is uploaded to the Image Gallery will win this competition. Only member photos on the Gallery will be considered. (http://www.ehnet.org)
Status of Courses
Course | Professor | Graduates this Week | Total Graduates |
Number of Unmarked Tests | Graduates under PROF | ||
Advanced Multiplayer (AMP) | Tek Selkirk | 1 | 31 | 31 | |||
AIM | Shimir Sheerelk | 3 | ?+35 | 33 | |||
ASP | Todar | ? | 0 | ||||
BitchX (BX) | Daniel Russell | ?+14 | 3 | ||||
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) | Torrance Darkcrest | ?+10 | 10 | ||||
Computer Basics (CBX) | Vladet Xavier | 1 | 94 | 1 | 94 | ||
Core {IWATS} | Stuart | 4 | ?+159 | 159 | |||
Dreamweaver (DW) | Jedi Eclipse | 17 | 2 | ||||
Flash (FLA) | Nightmare | ?+12 | 12 | ||||
Freeworlds (FW) | Priyum Patel | 1 | 160 | 160 | |||
Freeworlds Tactics (FWT) | BubbaX | 18 | 18 | ||||
Graphics (GFX) | Brent Tainer | ?+22 | 21 | ||||
History (HIST) | Fahrer | Aurelius Erasmus | 59 | 1 | 15 | 44 | |
HTML (IIC/1) | Pickled Yoda | 2 | ?+19 | 1 | ?+19 | ||
HTML (IIC/2) | Pickled Yoda | 1 | ?+11 | 1 | ?+10 | ||
HTML (IIC/3) | Pickled Yoda | ?+6 | 1 | ?+6 | |||
ICQ (ICQ) | Tomax Drachen | 2 | ?+14 | 1 | 14 | ||
Internet Basics (IBX) | Trido | 2 | 250 | 1 | 250 | ||
Javascript (JS) | ?+2 | 1 | |||||
Linux (LIN) | Tomaas Banys | 2 | 210 | 210 | |||
mIRC (M/1) | Plif | ?+29 | 29 | ||||
mIRC (M/2) | Plif | ?+22 | 22 | ||||
mIRC Scripting (MS) | Lenvik | ?+5 | 4 | ||||
Multiplayer (MP) | Khameir Sarin | 248 | 248 | ||||
OPTing Course (OPT) | Ender mBind | ?+2 | ?+2 | ||||
PHP (PHP) | Muskrat | 100 | 2 | 8 | |||
Rebellion Tactics (RT) | Jaques Landeux | ?+3 | 3 | ||||
Squadron Management (SM/3) | Khameir Sarin | ?+49 | 49 | ||||
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds (SWGB) | Brukhar | ?+17 | 14 | ||||
Tactical Mission Creation and Beta Testing Standards (MCBS) | Frodo March | 1 | 22 | 22 | |||
TIE Fighter Tactics (TT) | Jarek La'an | 216 | 12 | ||||
TIE Mission Creation (TM) | Apophis Kuma | ?+11 | ?+11 | ||||
Trillian (TLN) | Khadgar | 105 | 105 | ||||
VB Script (VBS) | Conjre | ?+3 | 3 | ||||
Weaponry (WPN) | Keller | 250 | 3 | 250 | |||
Wing Management (WM) | Gilad Pelleaon | 84 | 50 | ||||
XML (XML) | J'Lek Arcanos | ? | 4 | 0 | |||
XvT Mission Creation (XTM/1) | Frodo March | 345 | 4 | ||||
XvT Tactics (XTT) | Fox Malloy | ?+21 | 4 | 0 | |||
X-Wing Alliance Mission Design (XAM) | Master | ?+5 | 5 | ||||
Totals: | 20 | 20 | |||||
Total under the Carrot: 784+20=804 |
TO Roster
* = currently AWOL
** = currently MIA
- TO: AD Stuart (to@emperorshammer.org)
- TOA-SWGB-PROF: Brukhar (shafer@mail.com)
- TOA: George (imperial678@yahoo.com.au)
- AMP-PROF: Tek Selkirk (outaline6@gmail.com)
- CBX-PROF: Vladet Xavier (so@emperorshammer.org)
- DW-PROF: Jedi Eclipse (eh_jedieclipse@fastmail.fm)
- FW-PROF: Priyum Patel (spellfire@btinternet.com)
- FWT-PROF: BubbaX (AnimeJWC@earthlink.net)
- IIC-PROF: Pickled Yoda (yoda@minos.net)
- ICQ-PROF: Tomax Drachen (sithzabrak@gmail.com)
- IBX-PROF: Trido (ehtrido@iinet.net.au)
- LIN-PROF: Tomaas Banys (incomtech@wp.pl)
- MP/SM-PROF: Khameir Sarin (khameir_sarin@yahoo.com)
- OPT-PROF: Ender mBind (endermbind@gmail.com)
- PHP-PROF: Muskrat (slowbacca@gmail.com)
- TM-PROF: Apophis Kuma (apophis@orionsnexus.net)
- TLN-PROF: Khadgar (khadgar1@shaw.ca)
- WPN-PROF: Keller (ehkeller@op.pl)
- WM-PROF: Gilad Pelleaeon (gpj2331@sbcglobal.net)
- XTM/MCBS-PROF: Frodo March (fcjt914@yahoo.ca)
- XAM-PROF: Master (slavelet@iinet.net.au)
- AIM-PROF: Shimir Sheerelk (pantherjumper@yahoo.com)
- FLA-PROF: Nightmare (STNight@gmail.com)
- RT-PROF: Jaques Landeux (landovian@aol.com)
- CSS-PROF: Torrance Darkcrest (Idledaylight@hotmail.com)
- VBS-PROF: Conjre (Conjre@hotmail.com)
- M-PROF: Plif (plif@plif.net)
- GFX-PROF: Brent Tainer (brenttainer@yahoo.com)
- TT-PROF: Jarek La'an (thisisquitealongaddress@yahoo.com)
- MS-PROF: Lenvik (io@emperorshammer.org)
- ASP-PROF: Todar (eh_todar@gmx.de)
- BX-PROF: Daniel Russell (daniel.russell5@us.army.mil)
- XTT-PROF: Fox Malloy (MalloyEH@aol.com)
J'Lek Arcanos (jlek_arcanos@yahoo.com)