Tactical Officer
Report #199
8.19.2005 - AD Frodo March
Admiral Frodo March Reporting for the Emperor's Hammer Tactical Office on 08/19/05, report #199.
Tactical Officer's Opening Statement
568 Battles and 628 Free Missions
3632 total custom missions online!
A great week this was! I'm amazed at how easily I caught up to my workload, mostly thanks to my CA and his beautiful work during my absence. All of the delayed bugs were fixed within 48 hours of my arrival at my home and it wasn't long before more arose, thankfully the two week Bug Coverage is back! So everything will be dealt with within two weeks or your money back!
I had to take TIE TC 225 out of the compendium for the time being, its being uncooperative. I have my best men on this as well as myself.
WE NEED MORE SUBMISSIONS, I now have time to get desperate on this...We are in dire need of submissions, XvT, TIE, XWA, BoP, JA, SWGB, XW...even Yoda Stories if you can make it! I want it submitted via the form or straight e-mail to me! Get creating!
No releases this week due to a general lack of assignements...I want more assignements ladies and gentlemen...I'm desperate :P
Still 9 days remain for your FCHG battles! If you need more time e-mail me with a good reason and I might give you an extension.
Golden Tugs are near! Start finding your favourite battles of 2004! The Nominating period will begin as of September 1st.
Tactical Announcements
-There are currently NO TAC STAFF OPENINGS.
-The FCHG competition is under way, due on the 28th
-Golden Tugs incoming!
-We need more submissions! With more submissions come more TAC staff!
Tactical Projects
-Frodo's Missions: I'm back up to speed! My mission now consists of raising custom battle submissions!!
-Golden Tug Awards 2004: The yearly award ceremony to celebrate the best battles of the past year! More details soon.
Tactical Tasks
-More missions and faster turnaround in relation to testing:
-More support relating to new platforms (Jedi outcast academy, SWGB): SWGB now has 2 active Tacticians and many, many testers, we are ready to deal with SWGB bugs and the number of battles on the compendium has increased drastically. If anybody would like to be JA staff, please contact me as soon as possible. Our new project will improve support for older platforms as well.
-Coordinating with training office to set up new training resources for new platforms:.
-2005 FCHG Competition: The opportunity to make the next Fleet Commander's Honour Guard battle is here! Click here for more details.
-Pilot of the Week Competition:None for this week! Standings are: Kate-1, Master-1.
Tactical Roster
Tactical Officer: AD Frodo March
Command Attaché: VA Master
Tactical Assistant #1: VA Locke Setzer
Tactical Assistant #2: COL Marcin Szydlowski
Tactician: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactician: FA Ender mBind
Tactician: VA Gidda
Tactician: CM Brukhar
Tactical Surveyor: COL Abel Malik
Tactical Surveyor: LC Apophis Kuma
Tactical Surveyor: LC Archangel
Tactical Surveyor: FA Ender mBind
Tactical Surveyor: VA Gidda
Tactical Surveyor: AD Stuart
Tactical Surveyor: CM Brukhar
Tactical Surveyor: COL George
Tactical Surveyor: AD Pickled Yoda
Tactical Surveyor: CM Katherine Cantor Flyer
Tactical Surveyor: CM Daniel Russell
Tactical Surveyor: COL Andrijas
Tactical Surveyor: COL Ric Taldrya
Tactical Progress
TIE: Under correction=2, Total=2
XvT: In queue=1, total=1
BoP: Empty
XWA: Under Testing=1, Total=2
SWGB: Under correction=1, Total=1
XW: Under correction=1, Total=1
JA: Empty.
Grand Total= 7 Steady from last week, I've pretty much frozen it solid.
Important Links
TAC database 1.0
TAC Manual 3.0: Online Version
TAC Network: http://tac.minos.net/ or http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/
Mission Creation Forum: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=19
Custom Battle Submittion Form:http://www.isdcolossus.com/tacdb/beta/batsubmit.asp
Tech forum
BSF tutorial
Mission Editors
X-wing Mission Editor (X-ED)
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Mission Editor (XvTED)
TIE Fighter Workshop
X-wing Alliance mission editor (AlliED Shareware Version)
Frothy's Corner
Well, thats another week gone! Lets hope for some releases and more submissions for next week ladies and gentlemen!
Good luck!
TAC-PROF/AD Frodo March/CS-3/SSSD Sovereign
GSx2/SSx8/BSx3/PCx9/ISMx8/MoI/MoT-39rh-3gh-29bh/IS-4BW-6BR-1SW-3SR-1GW-1GR/LoC-CSx6-Rx3/DFC-Rx1/CoSx6/CoL/CoB/LoAx4/OV-4E [TMPR] {IWATS-FLA-GFX-HIST-IBX-IIC/1-M/1/2-MCBS-MP-SM/2/3-TACS-TM/1-TT-WM-WPN-XAM-XTM/1/2-XTT}
"Ultimate Mission Creation Warrior"

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