Logistics Officer
Report #15
8.5.2005 - AD Gilad Pelleaeon
Logistics Office Report #15 - 8.5.05
This week I uploaded the last issues of the Dark Sentinel that needed to be uploaded in online format. As of now, 90% of the NLs are available in Online Format, the rest will have to be converted from .WRI files that they currently exist as. This will take some time, however I have all pages of NL 34 in .DOC format now (Thanks to Lenvik for converting them). I'm going to make an attempt to have NL 34 completely converted within the week.
Next weekend I will be moving and will possibly be offline for a few days until I get the internet hooked up in my apartment. I hope to have access by mid-week.
I have begun the process of creating another Mirror for the old SG Newsletters and hope to have that completed within the week as well.
That's all for this week, contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Logistics Office Links
Logistics Office: http://lo.emperorshammer.net
Old Codex: http://codex.tiecorps.net
New Codex: http://gilad.minos.net/LO/Codex/index.htm
Encyclopedia Imperia: http://wiki.ehtiecorps.org
EH Tasks
Encyclopedia Imperia
EH Files archive
Mirror of Newsletters
Restarting and promotion of the EH library
EH Memorium
Cordially Submitted,
Admiral Gilad Pelleaeon
LO-PROF/AD Gilad Pelleaeon/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign
Freeworlds Tags:
Imperial Navy Fleet: [IN-Fleet]Harbinger
Imperial Navy Shipping: [IN-S]Gilad
BTM/JH Gilad Pelleaeon/Apocalypse/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Arcona's Protector

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