Sword Squadron
Report #15
8.19.2005 - CPT Bjorn Wolfblade
Sword Squadron weekly report 15
This main news this week is due to email account issues this report is a day late. My apologies. It has been yet another exceptional performance in the art of doing nothing!! I have contacted you all in an effort to try and work out what’s going on but have had no response. To say I am concerned is an understatement I will be having talks with the con and the wing commander about these concerns shortly. I repeat ONE EMAIL A WEEK IS ALL I REQUIRED!!
I know its summer and that means summer down time but I’ve not heard anything from most of you in weeks to be blunt it’s not good enough. I find myself lacking the inspiration to keep writing the same reports every week/ clearly changes are needed here but since no one is around I can’t find and fix the problem.
I’m disappointed quite frankly I and a few others worked hard to build this unit up from nothing and I won’t see all that effort wasted and killed off by idleness.
I implore you all please get in tough and if theirs a problem lets work on it.
MP matches played (0)
Sp missions played (0)
IWATS passed (0)
CM Wolfblade
Commander Wolfblade
Email, irc presence, admin
Awarded ism
Lt Hideous
No contact (4th week) wake up!
Lieutenant Allum
On leave
Lieutenant Three Winged
Played in the battle between
SOV and Sith forces because the SOV was a pilot short (was informed of that
after last weeks report).
Awarded ism
CPT Reesbon Fortis
No contact (4th week) this is not acceptable!!!
Major dei
No contact (second week)
Captain Gutt
No contact (5th week) AWOL looms report in NOW
Sub-Lieutenant Zer Teron
No contact (4thweek)
Promotions and transfers
Medals awarded
Ism awarded to Lieutenant Three Winged Turkey
ISM awarded to Commander Wolfblade
That is it for this week
Captain Bjorn Wolfblade