Shield Squadron
Report #2
8.19.2005 - CM Fahrer

Shield Squadron Report

Shield Squadron Report
Written by CM Fahrer | 19.8.2005
Squadron News
-I believe that we all have up-to-date uniforms! This is a very important thing, as it shows that
I am a pretty good manipulator;

-I'm still not sure what happened to Imperial Storm;

-I bought a new joystick(in case you didn't know) and flew...lets see...more than 20 missions!

-LCM Jonas La'an flew a battle, rasing our citations a little bit. I still don't understand why the
rest of you can't fly 5 missions a week. At least the easier ones. I'll give you easy ones, honest!
Also, CM Aragorn flew a free mission. La'an and Aragorn got their jokes by mail(did you
enjoy them? I'm waiting for comments...).

-The time for my poll at the message boards should have run out by now. Go there and discuss the
details of our chosen competitions.

The statistics are as follows:
-Missions flown: 6 + mine(didn't count them)     -IWATS cources completed: 0    -MP matches flown: 0     
-Medals awarded: 2 
-Imperial Storm
I'm not very well informed about this one here, but I don't think we need to do anything right now

-Also, there's that wing competiton with graphics, run-ons, etc.

-Summer Patrol: Fly 4 missions from the listed battles for this week; today's the deadline, though

-Competitions to expect:
Go see the message boards!
Well, we currently have 33 of these. Last month's orders are below. GO FLY SOMETHING! OUR CURRENT GOAL IS 50 CITATIONS
CM Fahrer I'm uh...making missions right now
LCM Jonas La'an - XWA-TC 2; XWA-TC 3;
CM Aragorn - XWA-TC 11; XWA-TC 16
LC Tiger - TIE-TC 152; XWA-TC 1
MAJ Powerslave - TIE-TC 98; TIE-TC 126
CPT Morpheus - TIE-TC 49; TIE-TC 139
COL Tomax Drachen - TIE-TC 36; XWA-TC 4
CM Roulex - TIE-TC 40; XWA-TC 30
Also, I suggest that you go fly TIE-TC 223 for three reasons. First, its quite good(just look at the reviews). Second, its pretty easy. And third, I made it. It really is easy, though. Its only good one challengng mission(#2). I'd also appreciate your comments, if you have any(either official or not).
CM Fahrer
Awarded a PC; Mail: 10 pieces(yes, I count them); MBs: 2 pieces; Flying: XWA-TC 50; TIE-TC 46, 86, 87, 224, TIE-DB 10.; Updated my uniform; I also flew a battle for Summer Patrol
LCM Jonas La'an
Mail: 1 piece; Flying: XWA-TC 70; Updated his uniform
CM Aragorn
Awarded ISM; Mail: 3 pieces; MBs: 2 pieces; Flying: XWA-FREE 124; Updated his uniform
LC Tiger
Mail: 1 piece
MAJ Powerslave
No contact
CPT Morpheus
Mail: 2 pieces; Updated his uniform
COL Tomax Drachen
Mail: 1 piece
CM Roulex
No contact
Humour and morale
Fly a mission and you'll get a joke. A new one every week. Anyway, I can't find any good ones right now and I'm working on some parodies that will take some time, so here's one in bulgarian! If you're bored, try reading and/or translating it. Go find an online dictionary! Oh, you might have to set the proper encoding. And don't just skip this, show some respect for the strange(if you don't know them at least) letters.
Каубой язди из прерията и изведнъж се обажда вътрешният му глас:
- Спирай коня!
- Ама защо... ама как... - спори известно време с гласа, но все пак спира.
- Слизай на земята.
- Взимай лопатата и копай.
Копае, копае, копае... Каталясва, иска да спре, но гласа настоява. Изкопава дълбока дупка и внезапно намира в нея торба злато.
- Добре, сега мятай торбата на коня и потегляй към реката.
Отиват до реката.
- Сега намери най-дълбокия вир и хвърли торбата в него.
Поучен от опита си, каубоят хвърля златото във вира и пита вътрешния глас:
- Е, и сега?
- Егати кефа, слушай как бълбука само!
-FLY TIE-FREE 146!!!Its bloody easy. And bulgarians don't just put the word "bloody" in every sentance.
If you don't believe me, here's a review for the mission:
An interesting mission. One of those, start the mission, go get a soda, come back and your ready to submit it kind of missions. -LC Guthwulf
-Fly a mission / take an IWATS / write some fiction / post on the MBs / report in / do something; -Try to recruit someone; -The FLs of Flights II and III - make a flight website if you've got the time -Send me your filled out survey if you haven't already
CMDR/CM Fahrer/Shield/Wing IX/ISD Relentless
Good luck with whatever you are currently doing!


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