Praetorian Squadron
Report #59
8.12.2005 - COL Abel Malik

Greeting fellow Praetorians & Illustrious guests, this is report #59 8/12/05

EH Homepage:
TC Homepage:
ID Homepage: or
ID Manual: or
ID, Academy of Tactics:
Praetorian Homepage:
Praetorian Homepage Host/Webmaster: VA Winters (of the ID, UBIQ).
EH Battle Compendium:
The Science Office:
EH Messageboard:
Praetorian Messageboard:
ID Messageboard:
Current Official Titles held: TCCOM's Own Escort Squadron (awarded to us by the TCCOM:FO SA Cyric)
2004 SSL XWA & TIE 1st place Champions
2004 SSL XvT 2nd place Champions
2003 SSL 3rd place TIE Champions (under former CMDR GN Iceman)
Unit Participation Winners of the SCO Casion Royale Competition.
Current Squadron Citation Record holder (446 squadron citations).
August Prae Centurion: COL Ric Taldrya

TC/ID/Praetorian News:

We're now only 4 squadron citations from reaching our goal of achieving 450 squadron citations. So I shall keep Prae closed to new recruits thru the month of August in order for us to attain that goal. Then we shall resume normal activity regarding recruitment in September.

Deimos is back from leave this week.
The SDIR FA Aseret is on leave until the 18th of August. So that leaves VA Winters in charge of the ID until As returns.

news from the SDIR:

"Intel meetings re-scheduled!
Intel meetings will now occur on Saturdays, right after the EH meeting, around 5.30pm GMT.
No awards will be given for appearance but ID will be taken and counted towards future rewards.
If you want to create trivia or other sort of activity, then that's a different story.:P

ID-wide comp: "why the secrecy or when a mission goes right"!
One of the most controversial topics surrounding Intel is secrecy: why does it exist? Do we use it for lawfull ends or not?
How come no one knows what we're doing at any given moment? And so on.
Hence, the purpose of this comp is to put you thinking. Consider what you do in Intel, how much of
it is known outside (or not) and, particularly, how when you successfully accomplish a mission no one finds out about it and why.
If you want to go deeper, you can even discuss the why of people only remembering us when something goes wrong.:P

Events include:
- Fiction (poetry even if you're in the mood for it)
- Articles
- GFX (topic related)

1st: PoC - pl
2nd: PoC - gl
3rd: PoC - sl

Submissions (which can come from Prae of course) are to be sent to your immediate leaders and all the UBIQ
(SLCR, BUDR,,, until August 31st.

You have plenty of time considering "Great Works" is undergoing and vacations get in between. If you can't
really see where we're getting at, just drop me a line and I'll discuss it over with you. Note fiction is
exactly that fiction, so you don't need to use your ID character as a basis.
Any submissions received will then be censored (if needed) and sent for publication in future NLs.

ID MB Open Session - Season II
After the successfull experience of last year, I was hoping we could repeat it but from the two 1: eiither
everybody is perfectly clarified regarding us or you have so many doubts you don't know where to begin with.:P
Nonetheless, instead of going one by one over each ID position, I have started by opening a thread for free posting:

It's another chance for us to know how we can interact with other SGs and how we can come clean and show you
what we're all about. Some new threads will be started soon." FA Aseret Thunderhawk

Flight Deck:
564 Battles and 628 Free Missions
3614 total custom missions online!
news from my amigo, TAC:A VA Master

*New Releases*
The following has been released this week:
TIE-TC #225 - Inferno's Crazy Adventure
XvT-FREE #197 - Ranger vs Zlatan Squadron
XvT-FREE #198 - Chaos squadron strikes back!
XWA-TC #50 - Evacuation of Zanica
XWA-FREE #124 - Procure the Seraph

Becarefull in mission 4 of TIE-TC225 your friendly ISD will fire & destroy the mission critical TUG (I reccomend disabling your own ISD- it worked for me);p.
maybe its just my pc, but mission 4 of TIE-TC167 keeps locking up in the mission loading phase- be advised.
when loading TIE-TC182 in the EHBL it causes the EHBL to crash.
in TIE-ID2 mission 4 the friedly capital ship Ardent is not in the mission at all on easy making it incompletable; however, on medium the Ardent is present- no clue whats up here;p.
mission four of XWA-TC46 (on medium) is incompletable (easy works just fine though).
keep posting the bugs! (I do report this to AD Frodo March & VA Master so they're aware of any problems with battles or free missions).

Praetorian Orders:
-participate in the August competitions (scroll down);p.
-post on the Prae (and other) MB- the person who posts the most or is most influential in promoting discussion will earn the Prae Medal of Communication (MoC) for the month!
-Monthly flying requirements are in place: It's a mandatory requirement to fly at least one battle or four free missions a month, I will allow you to fly MP matches in place of the missions if you wish (I'm easy to work with usually);p.
*note: Ignore the recruitment orders until after we set our own squadron citations record of 450 citations! ;p.
-Recruit, our numbers are fairly steady: however, if you know of any exemplary pilots who meet our requirements feel free to let me know about them. Remember our requirements for being accepted to take the Prae trials are the rank of LCM with 400 FCHG; however, for a full status Prae it's still CM with at least 500 FCHG. (the only exception to this rule I'm allowing is former Prae's who served more than three months; however, they must still have the min required FCHG of 500). We are an elite squadron after all.
-work on improving your own personal FCHG levels- remember we do have a few squadron specific rewards related to this! ;p.

For every 10 squadron citations you earn for Prae I will recommend you for a Imperial Security Medal (ISM).

current citations listings:
COL Malik (51 citations earned altogeather)
COL Torres 5/10 citations (15 citations earned altogeather)
LC Deimos 3/10 citations.
LC Drak 5/10 citations (35 citations earned altogeather)
COL Ric Taldrya 9/10 citations (49 citations earned altogeather)
COL Morgan 2/10 citations (22 citations earned altogeather)

current citation assignments: (from now on this is a first come first earned activity)- you can use the link below to maximize our efforts.
For more information feel free to check out (this is much better than the citboard program).

The following battles only require 1 Prae to complete them in order for us to gain a new citation:
TIE-TC 107
TIE-TC 134
TIE-TC 140
TIE-TC 141
TIE-TC 142
TIE-TC 144
TIE-TC 145
TIE-TC 148
TIE-TC 172
TIE-TC 175
TIE-TC 176
TIE-TC 177
TIE-TC 179
TIE-TC 180
TIE-TC 181
TIE-TC 193
TIE-TC 195
TIE-TC 198
TIE-TC 202
TIE-TC 203
TIE-TC 205
TIE-TC 209
TIE-TC 215
TIE-TC 217
XvT-TC 107
XvT-TC 108
XvT-TC 109
XvT-TC 113
XvT-TC 114
XvT-TC 115
XvT-DB 16
BoP-TC 13
BoP-TC 16
BoP-TC 17
BoP-TC 18
BoP-TC 19
BoP-IW 3

Praetorian Activity:

CMDR-TCS/COL Malik: this report, flew TIE-TC225, FXvT197, FXvT198, XWA-TC50, and FXWA124. medium test of: [TC] Evacuation of Zannica (XWA). Worked on developing a new Prae squadron patch. Communication activity- e-mail, e-group, MB, mIrc.

FM/COL Torres: Communication activity- e-mail & e-group.

FM/LC Deimos: flew XWA-TC47 earning all high scores for the battle & participated in the final Imp Storm round. Communication activity- e-mail.

FL-XO-TCS/LC Drak: Attended his B-day party;p. Communication activity- mIrc, e-mail & e-group.

FM-TCS-PROF/COL Ric Taldrya: flew TIE-TC189, TIE-TC193, TIE-TC195, TIE-TC203, TIE-TC205, TIE-TC206, TIE-TC207, TIE-TC210, TIE-TC219, TIE-TC221, TIE-TC222, TIE-IW5, TIE-IW16, TIE-DB5, TIE-FCHG3, TIE-FCHG4, TIE-FCHG5, TIE-FCHG6, XWA-CAB1, XWA-FCHG4 earning 5 new squadron citations for TIE-TC189, TIE-FCHG3, TIE-DB5, TIE-IW5, and TIE-IW16. flew the Imp Storm Tellos battles for TIE & XvT & in the final round. Communication activity- e-mail, e-group, MB, mIrc.

FL-CO/COL Morgan: Communication activity- e-mail, e-group, MB.

Current Missions Flown Tally for August by Praetorian:
COL Malik: 34 missions flown so far.
COL Torres: 20 missions flown so far, 2 squadron citations earned for TIE-TC188 & TIE-TC199 .
LC Deimos: 5 missions flown so far.
LC Drak: 4 missions flown so far, 1 XvT mission high score, 1 squadron citation earned for XvT-TC116.
COL Ric Taldrya: 194 missions flown so far, 10 squadron citation earned for TIE-TC189, TIE-IW5, TIE-IW16, TIE-DB5, TIE-DB12, TIE-DB13, TIE-FCHG1, TIE-FCHG3, TIE-CAB1, and TIE-CAB5.
COL Morgan: n/a

August Competitions:
Prae Centurion VI:
participation so far:
COL Ric Taldrya (Prae Report #58)
COL Ric Taldrya (Prae Report #59)
tba (Prae Report #60)
tba (Prae Report #61)

Prae High Scores Quest V:
participation so far:
COL Abel Malik: FTIE258 (this won't last long);p.
XvT-DB15 battle high score
XvT-DB15 mission 1
XvT-DB15 mission 2
XvT-DB15 mission 3
XvT-DB15 mission 4
XvT-DB15 mission 5
XvT-DB16 battle high score
XvT-DB16 mission 2
XvT-DB16 mission 3
XvT-DB16 mission 4
XWA-DB8 battle high score
XWA-DB8 mission 1
XWA-DB8 mission 2
XWA-DB8 mission 3
XWA-DB8 mission 4
XWA-DB8 mission 5
XWA-DB9 battle high score
XWA-DB9 mission 1
XWA-DB9 mission 2
XWA-DB9 mission 4
LC Deimos: XWA-TC47 battle high score
XWA-TC47 mission 1
XWA-TC47 mission 2
XWA-TC47 mission 3
XWA-TC47 mission 4
XWA-TC47 mission 5
LC Drak: XvT-TC116 mission 3
COL Ric Taldrya: XWA-DB9 mission 3
XvT-DB16 mission 1

Prae FCHG Ladder VI:
for the purposes of the comp our FCHG began at for August:
COL Malik 3508
LC Deimos 1867
COL Torres 2459
LC Drak 1753
COL Ric Taldrya 2739
COL Morgan 778

participation so far:
COL Malik +96 (3604+ TIE-TC225 & XWA-TC50)
LC Deimos +8 (1875) (+1 IS-BW)
COL Torres +20 (2479)
LC Drak +4 (1757)
COL Ric Taldrya +194 (2933) (+2 IS-BW)

Prae Citation Grab Bag VI:
participation so far:
COL Ric Taldrya: 10 squadron citation for TIE-TC189, TIE-IW5, TIE-IW16, TIE-DB5, TIE-DB12, TIE-DB13, TIE-FCHG1, TIE-FCHG3, TIE-CAB1, and TIE-CAB5.
COL Torres: 2 squadron citations for TIE-TCTC188 & TIE-TC199.
LC Drak: 1 squadron citation for XvT-TC116.

Prae of the Week:
COL Ric Taldrya is this weeks Prae of the week.

n/a this week (in fact I've closed Prae recruitment until September 1st at the very least).

Medals/Awards/promotions: (It's a rare week when one of us dosen't earn something);p.
COL Ric Taldrya earned a Pennant of Competition - Gold level [PoC-gl] for 2nd place in the ID fiction section of the Great Works comp from SDIR, FA Aseret.
COL Malik earned a Pennant of Competition - Platinum level [PoC-pl] for 1st place in the ID fiction section of the Great Works comp from SDIR, FA Aseret.

Praetorian Roster:
Nickname: Styx Flight
Motto: "Death comes in many forms and we shall be your guides to that existence" ;p.
1) CMDR-TCS: COL Abel Malik (
2) FM: COL Torres (
3) TBA
4) FM: LC Deimos (

Nickname: Charon Flight
Motto: "we'll take you to hell and leave you there."
1) FL-TCS: LC Drak (
2) FM-TCS-PROF: COL Ric Taldrya (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Hades Flight
Motto: "Winged servants of Death bringing hell upon the unwary."
1) FL: COL Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Citations: we're now achieved 446 citations (up 5 from last week due to Rics flying activity this week) & #1 in the fleet regarding squadron citations. Note: we're only 4 citations from reaching our established squadron citation record goals!

This concludes our report for this week.

Quo Fas Et Gloria Ducunt! "Nihil fieri non potest nobiscum" Nothing is beyond our reach;p.


CMDR-TCS/COL Abel Malik/Praetorian/DGN Lichtor V
[TIE Praetor: Severence]
"Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads & empty hearts can do that"

P:DGM-AED/SBM Abel Malik/Oriens Obscurum/Arcona
Don't be all down on the darkside, y'know what I mean? ;p.


CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports