Panther Squadron
8.28.2005 - CM Carl Ajaman FW

Panther Squadron Report

Welcome. In case you haven’t heard, I am the new Panther Squadron commander. I go by HawkofStorms, Carl Ajaman, and TK-7764 in the Star Wars community.

The Empire and the CSA have joined together to crush out the NR. The Empire has gained control of the CC-9900 Wavefront and the CSA have Golan III, Calamari, and Calamari Shipyards. Excellent work.

So far, only Draiff and me have done anything this past week.

I’d like to get some contact from all people on the Panther User list. Currently, only Draiff, KBeir, Keram, noWedge, and myself have tags.


[IN-PantherSq]LdrAjaman - 2 mission 23 kills setting up ship (still in a TIE Fighter atm)
Alternate tag [IN-S]Hawk - got a barge and flew in the Saturday TE

[IN-PantherSq]Draiff - Flew in the Saturday TE. 77 hours online total. Excellent work.

[IN-PantherSq]Kbeir - hasn’t flown since 7-11-05

[IN-PantherSq]Keram - hasn’t flown since 7-11-05

[IN-PantherSq]noWedge - hasn’t flown since 8-8-05

I’d like to see us get more members. To do that, we need to build our reputation. To do that, we need to fly more and show the rest of the Empire how it is done. Although we want to work together with the rest of the Empire, getting a little bit of personal glory is always fun too.

CM Carl Ajaman


CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports