Omicron Squadron
8.27.2005 - CM Diaboli

Squadron Report 19

:::::Squadron news:::::

- Summer Patrol's second week is going on as you read this! This week I flew TIE-TC 222. Remember to send the pilot file to TO at the end of the week. And remember to tell me about it.
It seems that me and Col Angel are the only ones from Omicron still on their way for that IS-GW.

SL Sekkong says he will soon get his Battle Launcher operational in XP, so I'll look forward for those pilot files.

:::::Wing/Ship News::::

-Major Steve Strangelove is our new WC.

::::Fleet News::::

-Can't think of anything important.


CM Diaboli:
-emailed people, wrote fiction in EHMB, flew: TIE-TC 222. Received CoL.

COL Angel:
-emailed me. Flew a battle last week for the Summer Patrol.

SL Sekkong
-emailed me.

-nothing. Please contact me. AWOL.

LT Wagner
-nothing. Please contact me. AWOL.


Those of you who have read the Process of Elimination-fiction will be glad to learn that I'll soon finish the story. Don't worry! More is on the way at the end of next month, after I finish drawing several pictures for a friend.

Be sure to let me know of anything, no matter how small, EH related you have done each week. Otherwise my MSEs will look really empty.

-:CMDR's Weekly DVD Recommendation:-

Curb your enthusiasm - series three.

::::Squadron Roster::::

Nickname: Dark Storm of the Empire
Motto: Beware the calm before the Storm!
1) CM Diaboli ( - #11644
2) LT M ( - #11414
3) SL Sekkong( - #11197
4) TBA
Nickname: Blades of Darkness
Motto: Fear us 'cause we leave nothing behind us!
1) COL Angel ( - #10004
2) LT Wagner( - #11126
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: StarLancers
Motto: We move in silence and strike with a vengeance
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA


CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports