Odin Squadron
Report #10
8.18.2005 - CM Ghorg

Odin Squadron WSR


Odin Squadron WSR

Date: August 18th, 2005

Odin Squadron: 'Rolling Thunder'
Motto: Baseline dirty
HOMEPAGE: http://odin.ehnet.org/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=94


A fat, bearded man wearing shorts and no shirt walks into the XIII hangar. Small clouds swirl around his head as a boy dressed as a coyboy runs past him. A small fighter craft flies past, an old man with severe male pattern baldness and a bear wearing a turtleneck sweater lean over the side giving rude gestures.

The fat bearded man gives them a glazed look and takes a bite from a yellow fruit. His head literally explodes with the realization that HE IS SANTA CLAUS.


- All the Wing XIII CMDR's except GHORG drive Volvos. And their mothers wear army boots. Because they don't read these WSRs.

- An FCHG race against another Wing XIII squadron seems unlikely at this stage. Valkyrie is shut down, Crusader has no CMDR, Phoenix and Vortex have AWOL CMDR's and Tartarus has Trent...

- For the same reason my idea of organising events with the other XIII CMDRs is likely to fail...

- I thought I found Alistair via google, but apparently not.

- Might have a new CT coming in soon, so EVERYONE CLEAN UP YOUR MESS. Get all the Ewok love-slaves out of the hangar etc etc.

- I'm installing the EHSP 3.0 SCO patches... I presume you all know what those are, but I wouldn't put money on it. Yeah... that passes for news around here.

- XWA Upgrade you might have seen this before. Well... yeah you probably have... they're still going on. Worth a look, but they are the slowest mod team on earth.

Odin "To Do" List: Something new, and in no particular order:

- Make the WSR less unsightly
- Get Reelo's joystick working
- Get WSR logo working
- Start FCHG comp vs Phoenix, or someone else.
- Find out what semi-planned old name for Odin FCHG comp was
- Fix WSR appearance in emailed html
- Find Jaxon
- Get email out of Alistair.
- put titles on WSR emails, not entirely sure who if anyone is reading all the GOOD STUFF written in these, so I'm gonna start putting big titles on to draw the punters in

Odin Squadron Activity:

1) CM GHORG - deeed nothing
2) LCM Reelo Antaan - less than nothing
3) MAJ Devin Taralis - whole load of nothing
4) TBA

1) MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk - bring me your nothing!
2) LT Jaxon DeJaniker - I am the nothing!
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) CM Faliaj Shai - She's got a smile that seems to me, reminds me of childhood memories...
2) SL Alistair Klessin - Knock, knock knocking on heaveeeeeeeeennns dooooorrrrrr
3) TBA
4) TBA

Squadron Wrap-up:

Wing XIII activity is at an all time low. We are operating at TCBG levels of activity. Next level down is Sovereign, we DON'T want to go there. That is a whole new world of inactivity that only an 11 year old game engine can bring.

What are we gonna do about it? Well... .... .... more dots......... me sitting here, bashing out WSRs and waxing lyrical is no good. I have some ideas, ie a MP wing-training night like the old one, regular FCHG comps. 2-squadron teams FCHG races. Encouraging participation in Wing competitions(Summer Patrol, SSL). And I don't just mean "sit back, put bigger medal down for winner", but having the hierarchy get out there and fly something, get them into IRC yelling, screaming, name-calling and joystick breaking. But bouncing ideas off 6 inactive pilots is no good, we have neither the pilots nor the commanders in this Wing to do anything right now...

Our IRC channel is destitute(is that even a word?) people, don't be afraid to use it. Heck most of the time it's just me, Yoda and Lenvik in there.

I think next WSR I'll write-up a MAKE-GREY-WOLF-BETTER plan in my WSR. God help us all.

If you want to get hold of me:

msn: gerfonk@hotmail.com
yahoo: fearmeforiamthethingfromyouranus@yahoo.com
ICQ: 111168624
IRC: irc.undernet.org, 6667, #wingxiii

CMDR/CM Ghorg/Odin 1-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
PCx2g84t&S7-4O47468O2B-bhhh%%4*0540ox/oB/OV [EXC] {IW-J_bo-S-XT}

==Odin Squadron FCHG==





==Odin Squadron CR==
Marksman 4th
* [13] MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk

* [2] MAJ Devin Taralis
* [1] LCM Ghorg

"His ass died pretty well at Moria. Any of the wizards will. Man, give me a big rock and surprise and I could kill Sauromon."

-Elric of the Ruby Throne


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