Odin Squadron
Report #8
8.5.2005 - CM Ghorg

       Odin Squadron Report


        Odin Squadron WSR

        Date: August 5th, 2005

        Odin Squadron: 'Rolling Thunder'
        Motto:  Not dead, just vegetating.
        HOMEPAGE: http://odin.ehnet.org/
        MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=94


15:23 - SA Cyric

"Due to a clerical error by the TIEBG COM and the Flight Office (though we all know the Flight Officer never  makes mistakes) LCM Prost Varsis was inadvertently promoted to the rank of RA and given COM of the Challenge. During his brief stay as COM he had performed admirably, even getting out a report for the ship, something that hasn't been done in a LONG time. His actions are commendable, however he has been returned to his squadron TEMPEST and given a new rank of Commander by the Flight Office.

The new REAL COM of the ISD Challenge has made his way from the Reserves and takes the chair of the Challenge. Please welcome the TC's newest COM, VA Maverick!"

Oh wait, that happened for real. I would have left the guy as COM if it was up to me.


Still no contact from our new SL Alistair Klessin... hellloooo... Alistair....

Got computer and joystick down at house here! yay!...          YAY

Power keeps going out though, next house is going to be in a suburb with more girls in it, have at least a paved driveway and possibly be on the hospital grid. Mmmmmmm.

Weekly Squadron Report is slowing turning into a weblog.............   arrrrggghhhGGHGGHHHGHGHGHGGHERJFKFLF

I'm gonna challenge Phoenix to a FCHG race. No particular reason why Phoenix, just Choosh used to be in Phoenix and he used to talk a lot of %#%# on our forums. Years ago. Close to last decade really. But Choosh was alright, for a monk. Daniel Russell is Phoenix CMDR now and he seems an alright bloke.

Oh.. sorry to you Europeans if my english goes down the drain a bit sometimes, I figure most of you(who are alive) don't seem to have any trouble speaking the lingo, so...

Reelo, lemme know what type of motherboard you have cos I've got a motherboard-gameport connector here... not 100% sure the pins are right, but if we can find pins on your motherboard, I'll mail it to Romania haha.

Odin "To Do" List:   Something new, and in no particular order:

- Make the WSR less unsightly
- Get Reelo's joystick working
- Get WSR logo working
- Start FCHG comp vs Phoenix, or someone else.
- Find out what semi-planned old name for Odin FCHG comp was
- Fix WSR appearance in emailed html
- Find Jaxon
- Get email out of Alistair.
- put titles on WSR emails, not entirely sure who if anyone is reading all the GOOD STUFF written in these, so I'm gonna start putting big titles on to draw the punters in

Odin Squadron Activity:

1) CM GHORG - mMM... little
2) LCM Reelo Antaan - sent yahoo IMs...
3) MAJ Devin Taralis - thought he sent me yahoo IMs, but then realised Devin doesn't speak Romanian....
4) TBA

MAJ Kelh - Saw him on msn... waved...
2) LT Jaxon DeJaniker - no Jaxon
3) TBA
4) TBA

CM Shai - Don't mind him, he's shy...(boom boom)
2) SL Alistair - Still no contact..... I don't entirely understand how some SL's seem to turn up dead in the water...? They make it through the silly test-thing but then bomb out on the home run.
3) TBA
4) TBA

 Squadron Wrap-up:

Ok, we are soon gonna have activity... even if I have to FLY MISSIONS MYSELF YEARGGGHHH.

Oooh! Oooh-OOhh-OOOH ! I just had a good idea. XIII has CMDRs right? and CMDRs are meant to do stuff right!?!? Well if all the XIII CMDR's combine their doey-stuffy powers! We will be unstoppable! Take off your clothes for every zig!

But seriously, we've got 5 CMDR's in this squadron all doing their own sweet little thing, trying to kick activity out of their squadrons, or not as the case may be, but if we get all 5 CMDRs to organise %$^^ like FCHG comps and MP training nights together...! THINK ABOUT IT! GENIOUS!

If you want to get hold of me:

msn: gerfonk@hotmail.com
yahoo: fearmeforiamthethingfromyouranus@yahoo.com
ICQ: 111168624
IRC: irc.undernet.org, 6667, #wingxiii
Or do loud burnouts on Kelvin road in Maddington(hi crim, this means you)

CMDR/CM Ghorg/Odin 1-1/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf
PCx2g8vS-4OXO2B-bhhh%%10-40ox/oB/OV [EXC] {IW-J_bo-S-XT}

==Odin  Squadron FCHG==





==Odin Squadron CR==
Marksman 4th
* [13] MAJ Z'Harm Kelh Gasu'lk

* [2] MAJ Devin Taralis
* [1] LCM Ghorg

"Phwoarrr.... He just went into turn three higher than the first 4 rows of a Bob Marley concert."

    -Speedweek Motorbike racing commentator


CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports