Iota Squadron
Report #3
8.27.2005 - CM Jaques Landeux
*tired with slow steps CM Landeux enters the briefing room stopping at a podium and facing his chatting pilots*
Commander Landeux reporting in for Iota Squadron on the 27th of August 2005.
Ok pilots, welcome to this report. Again a good week. Excellent activity from LT Darkstar and even more from LT Araujo. You two are doing a very good job at the moment. Imperial Storm has finally ended and the Sith team won, congrats to them. Your Commander has a dog now and is even more tired than usual but nevertheless happier, so don't worry to fill my free time with your .plt files. :p And there are lots of news so let's go on to the next point.
Squadron News
*nothing special except very much BSFable activity happened
* Commendations of Loyalty have been awarded and all three for Wing VIII went to Iota Squadron or Ex-Iotarians. Well done!
Congrats to LT Darkstar and myself.
* Our squadron is not yet complete so the call for recruits still remains. Go out there, grab your friends, schoolfriends, relatives, strangers from the street and tell them about the fame, the women and the free drinks which will await them here!
* Pay Iota Squadron's website a visit to find news and competitions there
*Check out the Iota Squadron Battleboard ( ) or use this thread (with colour code for easy orientation! :P ): to see which battles need to be flown to get Iota a citation
If you are flying anyway, why not fly these battles?
Last week citations rose from 9 to 13 due to the work of LTs Araujo and Darkstar. Soon they won't be able to do anything more so all the others get flying too.
*Make sure you log into the messageboard at least once or twice a week to have fun and even more important to keep you informed. You don't have to read the whole messageboard but at least the Iota part, especially the Datalog, which makes it easier for me to track your activity and for you to show it:
*mIRC presence is also welcome #ISD_Colossus, #tiecorps, #emperor's_hammer or #ehcoc for mp *feels alone in #isd_colossus*
Wing and Ship News
* The COM is still away I believe so Zystem Fryar is still A-COM.
* The WC has ben AWOLed and a replacement has already been found. Congrats to MAJ Steve Strangelove, former Commander of Eta Squadron.
* IS has ended and as I said the Sith team won. TCBG placed third, just 7 points behind the Sovereign. Plus we are still somehow alive and they aren't. Guess that makes us second. :P
*LT Araujo raises a hand*
"Permission to speak, sir?"
"Permission granted." CMDR Landeux answers.
"What about competitions this week?"
"Well ok there are some with quite much to gain for you. And remember the month ends in 5 days so you've got to do the Squadron competitions soon."
Iota Squadron
* Fiction:
Iota's New Commander
Write a piece of fiction concerning Iota's recent change of command and the squadron's reaction/celebration/whatever. :) Winner gets an IS-BR.
1 entry from LCM Clark yet. Come on don't let him get the medal that easily. :p
6 days left.
Whistle it!
The exhausted pilots of Iota squadron and the other pilots in the Colossus' cantina are in dire need of entertainment! To provide this a whistle chorus is planned. The only problem is: it still needs able men and women. Therefore you will whistle the Imperial March and the Cantina Song and record this. The soundfiles are then sent to me and judged by me. Best whistler for each song will get an IS-BR.
For this one you have got a whole month time, so until the 9/14/05.
No entries yet.
* Flying:
Iota's Monthly Hero August
I will announce a battle each week. At the end of the month all scores will be added and the pilot with the highest score will get an IS-BW.
For this month I'll have to announce three battles in this report, as the competition started a bit late. So fly XvT-TC # 5, XvT- TC #22 and XvT-TC#24. Next month you'll have one week per battle.
For this last week of this month fly XvT-TC # 11
All missions flown from LT Darkstar and LT Araujo. No other participants yet.
6 days left (yah I noticed I wrote 1 week left last time. Always remember: thinking that the month ends with the next report is wrong…. :P
Colossus and Wing VIII
*There are a few Run-Ons going on, started long ago but I'm sure there'll be medals sometime, so look at : - 1 word COMM Run-On - 1 word Collie Run-On - Collie COM Run-On
the one word run-ons are a really easy way to show activity and get medals so take 5 minutes to post. Besides it's fun. :)
*Summer Patrol 2005
There is a new fleetwide competition by the Tactical Office called Summer Patrol 2005.
Information can be found here
It is about flying certain battles for 5 weeks without skipping one of them. At the end an IS-GW awaits you so don't let that opportunity pass. Basically it's one battle per week which really is doable. Good luck.
First week has ended and information about the next battles and about the pilots who survived the first week are online. 1 day left for second week.
*JAG Banner/Motto
Design a banner or motto for the new position of JAG. Medals ranging from IS-PR to IS-SR, so there's much to gain for you. Deadline is 1st September.
6 days left
* FO Report Theme Comp
as taken from: :
Comp will revolve around FO reports and a theme that I will write into it. It won't be every week, but I will announce it at the start of the report.Incentive to read the reports for some easy IS's
as taken from the last FO report:
I've started a report type comp! It is a very easy way to get some IS's. Periodically I will announce that there is a theme in my reportsand the first three people to send me the correct theme AND the clues will get their IS's.
* Mission Creation
as taken from the news :
We are in desperate need for more missions and more mission creators in the Emperor's Hammer! Its time for many of you to give back to the mission compendium and try your hand at mission creation! Here's a handful of links to help you out in your journey with mission creation!:
Remember that you can earn a Bronze Star of the Empire if you build 20 missions between now and September 14th 2005!
* 2005 FCHG competition
as taken from:
look there for more information
It's once again time for the bi-annual FCHG mission design contest held by the Tactical Office. Battles must follow the standard requirements stated in the Tactical Manual. They must as well follow the additional following requirements:
1. At least 6 missions long
2. Must involve combined forces from several subgroups of the Emperor's Hammer, in a plotline which must involve the Emperor's Hammer as a whole.
The awards are, in addition to MoTs:
first place: IS-PR
second place: IS-GR
third place: IS-SR
*EH Paparazzi
as taken from:
The most interesting, quirky or "best" member photo that is uploaded to the Image Gallery will win this competition. Only member photos on the Gallery will be considered.
I already submitted two strange photos, so don't let me wait to see yours. :P
*If you're looking for IWATS courses to take you could do your revered commander a favour and visit the Rebellion Tactics Course ( ) ;)
(wait, that's more work for me…What have I done?! Nooooo! :P )
* Numbers of missions flown last month
ISD Colossus - 246
ISD Challenge - 1521
ISD Relentless - 455
ISD Immortal - 0
We can't just leave it at that, can we?
*If you are looking for a MP opponent try to catch me on mIRC in #ISD_Colossus or on ICQ: 95832740 and we can fly a match or two, XvT or XWA doesn't matter
of course you can always contact me for any questions or complaints too
Activity Report
Landeux (myself): recieved CoL, flew Tie-TC 222 for SP2005, Tie-TC 20,22,25,28, submitted pics for EH image gallery
Tursembayev: none
Drake: none
Darkstar: recieved CoL, mb, XvT-TC 5, 11, 22, 24 for Hero of the Month, completed XTT IWATS
Araujo: flew XvT-TC 3, 4, 6, 7 (citation), 8, 9, 10 (citation), 48 XvT-TC 5, 22, 11, 24 for HotM, , XvT-TC #101 (SP2005 week 2 )
Sevrian: none, but back from France in a few days
John T. Clark: mb (run-ons, fiction, spam), mIRC, submitted fiction for Iota's New Commander, submitted mottos for JAG, laughed at my pic in the EH image gallery :P
Kadon Beir: none, on leave
Edwards: none
Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: CM Jaques Landeux ( - #11704
NICKNAME: Wolfpack
MOTTO: Woe to be you, so they are released...
Nickname: Alpha Wolfes
Motto: TIE Defenders? We prefere to call them Attackers...
1) CM Jaques Landeux ( - #11704
2) LT Galem Tursembayev ( - #11681
3) GN Drake ( - #2821
4) TBA
Nickname: Deadly Bite
Motto: We don't bark, we only bite!
1) LT Flint Darkstar ( - #11939
2) LT Araujo ( - #11929
3) LT Sevrian ( - #11715
4) TBA
Nickname: Final Blow
Motto: Our teeth will sink into your neck, before you'll know what or who...
1) LCM John T. Clark ( - #11690
2) LCM John Edwards ( - #10063
3) MAJ Kadon Beir ( ) - #11335
4) TBA
And at the end some wise words again to make this report seem even more useful and interesting. I know you're just reading it for the interesting quote at the end, eh?:
" The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- Alan Kay
That's all people. Dismiss!
CMDR-PROF/CM Jaques Landeux/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus