Fury Squadron
Report #7
8.26.2005 - CM Golbez Harvey

Fury Squadron

Weekly Squadron Report 26/August/05


CM Golbez Harvey reporting in for Fury Squadron.

Greetings Fury, I’m glad to announce a new member from PLT Daedalus that has join us… lets give a Welcome to SL Rs´Manuell! our squadron looks great now/now I would like to see more of your participation :) It’s the end of the month and also the end of competitions such as Furious, at this moment CM Tycho Celchu has completed all battles and the free taking the first place. Try to participate in BGCOM´s Judgment you still have time for this.

Fury/ATF News
Position of Fury FL Flight III is open for applications
SL Rs´Manuell joined Fury Squadron 3-2
Trapper Commander position is open for applications
Congratulations for CoL to: CPT Von Predator, CPT Eifel, COL Andrijas, COL Astix, CPT Daar Skeloria, COL TK-7764, VA Kane Reese, COL Mouse Droid and MAJ Aurelius Erasmus.
COL Mouse Droid is in Tie Corps for nearly two years, special attractions coming soon J
Fury Competition is running: Furious of the Month
TIE Corps News
Tie TC #225 corrected and ready to download
Congrats to Maj Steve Strangelove on being named the new Wing VIII WC!
An interview with Mara Jade! Send your questions to Ky Terrak or AD Joe with the subject “Mara Jade Interview”, only the best will be chosen
Summer Patrol second week will end in two days
There is a question for you in the Survey Center for Imperial Storm
The Mission Compendium Update is now Complete
FA Vladet Xavier is back from LoA
The place to get all your news and updates on Imperial Alliance! http://ia.emperorshammer.net

SL Rs´Manuell
. PLT Daedalus à Fury Squadron 3-2


IWATS Courses

CM Golbez Harvey
. E-mail / IRC Activity
Flew Tie TC #241, Tie TC #223
Messenger Activity
Administrative Duties

LT Marek Stelle
. None reported, please report in

SL Amran Surion
. None reported, please report in

CM Tycho Celchu
. E-mail / IRC Activity
Flew XvT TC #103, XvT TC #112, Tie TC #198, and flew again Tie TC #1 for the Furious!

LT Alan Makhlar
E-mail Activity
Flew XvT TC #103, XvT Free #3
Messenger Activity

LCM Zzythnu
. None reported

LT Albert Garza
None Reported, please report in

CM Torrance Darkcrest
. None reported, please report in

SL Rs´Manuell
Joined Fury / Welcome
Reported in, on LoA until 07/09

CM Yun None reported, please report in

BGCOM’s Judgment here
Summer Patrol here
Furious of the Month details here and here
FCHG Battle Competition – Mission designing, details here

Standing Orders
Have Fun
Be Furious and participate in the Furious of the Month
Report In
Check the Fury Site / post on the Fury Board!
Keep in touch with your fellow pilots
Write something
There’s a lot to do :)

Fleet Commander's Honor Guard

Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
[276] CM Yun
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[183] CM Tycho Celchu
[161] CM Golbez Harvey
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[96] LCM Zzythnu
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[37] LT Alan Makhlar
[27] LT Albert Garza
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
[22] CM Torrance Darkcrest

Squadron Roster

Fighter Suppresion COMMANDER: CM Golbez Harvey
NICKNAME: Council of Honor BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire
HOMEPAGE: http://eh-furysquadron.blogspot.com/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=103

Nickname: Dukes of Freedom Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CM Golbez Harvey
2) LT Marek Stelle
3) SL Amran Surion
4) CM Tycho Celchu

Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire
1) LT Alan Makhlar
2) LCM Zzythnu
3) LT Albert Garza
4) CM Torrance Darkcrest

Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) TBA
2) SL Rs'Manuell
3) CM Yun
4) TBA


Total: 10 :)

Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM Golbez Harvey/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger

BTM/PRT Golbez Harvey/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak


CMDR Reports
TIE Corps Reports