Fury Squadron
Report #4
8.5.2005 - CM Golbez Harvey
Fury Squadron
Weekly Squadron Report 05/August/05
CM Golbez Harvey reporting in for Fury Squadron.
What's outside? The beat of the nation, What’s outside? The heart of the city
What’s outside? Retaliation - Burning flags What’s outside? The real world
We live in a fairy tale, We dream of the mating season
We dream of evergreen trees, Wake up in heart-rending cries
Feel a coming tidal wave
What's inside? The pulsing blood, What’s inside? Turmoil and chaos
What’s inside? Noises, images, What’s inside? The rhythm of time
The pressure of daily life... Nothing to be afraid of
New planets to conquer
A calm week of summer, and in Fury we have a transfer from the SSSD Sovereign… lets give a welcome to LT Marek Stelle! who has joined Fury Squadron!. We have a competition running now, the “Furious of the Month” it’s a flying enjoyable comp with an IS-BW for the winner, participate! and check the details below. I’m glad that some of you participated in the BGCOM´s :), also the participation in the Fury board is increasing J, continue with that and remember that we need more pilots in our squadron, join me and try to recruit some! (more pilots= more fun). I’m on mIRC almost all days come and share the fun here too!
Fury/ATF News
ATF BG COM´s Own July 2005 – Wing XIX ! / ATF Squadron of the Month July – Chaos! / ATF Pilot of the Month July – TK- 7764 / Congrats to all !
A Fury Competition is running: Furious of the Month
LT Marek Stelle has been transferred from Beta - Wing I to Fury Squadron (1-2) Wing XIX ! Bienvenido Marek!
CM Tycho Celchu on LoA until 07/08
LT Alan Makhlar is back from LoA
One Flight Leader Position is still open for applications, send applications to me
I will be updating the Fury Site almost once peer week, so you can be sure you will find always something new J also as I said before let me know if you have any suggestions or something you wish to add
If you still have not seen the new Fury Homepage and message board do it now here and here
TIE Corps News
Mantis Squadron in Wing XV needs help with FL
Ky Terrak needs a new Star Wars tattoo! Medals will be awarded to the first 3 places, check the the details on the comp section
FA Vladet Javier is back to business for at least another week
Imperial Storm turn 16 concluded: The Sith team has invaded the Sovereign-held world of Telos.
Congrats to Lieutenant Colonel Kayle Bayron chosen as the next Wing Commander (XVI) of the ISD Predator!
LCM Prost Varsis was inadvertently promoted to the rank of RA and given COM of the Challenge :P. During his brief stay as COM he had performed admirably, even getting out a report for the ship, however he has been returned to his squadron TEMPEST and given old rank of LCM by the Flight Office. The real COM of the ISD Challenge is VA Maverick / welcome!
The place to get all your news and updates on Imperial Alliance! http://ia.emperorshammer.net
LT Marek Stelle
From Beta - Wing I to Fury Squadron (1-2)
IWATS Courses
Fury Squadron Participation on the BGCOM´s Judgment “July”
Tie TC Battle 193: CM Golbez Harvey (1st place)
XvT DB Battle 10: CM Golbez Harvey (2 place), LT Alan Makhlar (4 place), CM Tycho Celchu (6 place)
Fiction – Revenge of the Sith: CM Golbez Harvey (1st place)
Fury Squadron were on 3rd place, I hope the participation continue increasing in this prestigious competition, good work guys!
I’m the new Avenger DJ! feel free to send a message to the fleet, to say hello, or to request a song! you can listen to me at the following URL: http://www.corporatedivision.com:8000/listen.pls and on mIRC on #hammerradio
Check this amazing ST movie called IMPS The Relentless
CM Golbez Harvey
. E-mail / IRC Activity
Requested / Approved Competition for Fury
Posted on the Fury Board
Messenger Activity
Administrative Duties
LT Marek Stelle
. Joined Fury / Welcome :)
CM Tycho Celchu
. LoA until 07/08
IRC Activity
LT Alan Makhlar
Posted on the Fury Board
Messenger Activity
LCM Zzythnu
. Posted on the Fury Board!
LT Albert Garza
Messenger Activity
CM Torrance Darkcrest
. E-mail Activity
CM Yun
. None reported, PLEASE REPORT IN ASAP
BGCOM’s Judgment here
Furious of the Month details here and here
Ky Terrak New Tattoo here
Avenger Circling Angels here
FCHG Battle Competition – Mission designing, details here and here
Standing Orders
Have Fun!
Report In
Check the New Fury Site! and post on the Fury Board!
Keep in touch with your fellow pilots
Participate in Competitions
Write something
There’s a lot to do :)
Fleet Commander's Honor Guard
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
[276] CM Yun
Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[166] CM Tycho Celchu
Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[129] CM Golbez Harvey
Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[96] LCM Zzythnu
Lancer [LANC] (25 points)
[31] LT Alan Makhlar
[27] LT Albert Garza
Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
[22] CM Torrance Darkcrest
Squadron Roster
Fighter Suppresion COMMANDER: CM Golbez Harvey
NICKNAME: Council of Honor BANNER: fury.jpg
MOTTO: For the welfare of the Empire
HOMEPAGE: http://eh-furysquadron.blogspot.com/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=103
Nickname: Dukes of Freedom Motto: We fly to protect the Empire
1) CM Golbez Harvey
2) LT Marek Stelle
3) TBA
4) CM Tycho Celchu
Nickname: Earls of Justice
Motto: We die to save the Empire
1) LT Alan Makhlar
2) LCM Zzythnu
3) LT Albert Garza
4) CM Torrance Darkcrest
Nickname: Counts of Unity
Motto: We fight to serve the Empire
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) CM Yun
4) TBA
Total: 8
Respectfully Submitted,
CMDR/CM Golbez Harvey/Fury/Wing XIX/SSD Avenger
BTM/PRT Golbez Harvey/Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak