Cyclone Squadron
Report #10
8.21.2005 - CM Katherine Cantor Flyer
- 'Grats to
Shrike on his two ISMs (he just has a raft of those things), and to
me for my Commendation of Loyalty. I was rather surprised to see that
I got my CoL not from the Wing, but the Flight Office, which I find
extremely flattering. Whoever recc'd me, thanks a lot. ^^ Drinks are
on me. - Wing X is
the Flight Office's Own! We flew like 2500 missions in two months.
I'm pretty sure that TK and I accounted for 1400 hundred of those.
</no life> - Check the
competitions section of this months wing competitions. - Squadron of
the Month is Cyclone Squadron (July) - TAC FCHG
competition - Training
Office Summer Patrol 2-1 - Col.
Domi 2-2 - Maj.
Fink 2-4 - Lt.
Erinyes 3-1 - Lt.
Commander Marlin FLIGHT I - MISSILE
FCHG comp battle: Developing
Cyclone RPG with Marlin:
The distance closed rapidly. Both Alex and Brukhar were sweating as
they barrel-rolled straight at the other. Only one pilot could win.
They were closing fast. Alex screamed a war cry into his helmet. Both
pilots squeezed their triggers and four cerulean bolts flew at each
Interceptor. An Interceptor was disabled and the other flew away,
the pilot screaming and cheering. It took the Challenge a few seconds
to identify the pilot, but the winner was clearly
Commander Shrike, Cyclone 1-3
Hiyo Cyclone
and Wing X and everybody. =P It's been another week for Cyclone, and
I've been able to make double-digits in reports without being fired!
Hooray! I suppose the biggest pieces of news is that Kappa vs Cyclone
is over; that we have a new member and that CoLs are in. With the
arrival of Lt. Erinyes though, we've had to temporarily wave goodbye
and wish luck to Phelan, who has been deployed to Iraq for the next
2-3 weeks. God speed to you Phel. In the meantime, next week will
likely be somewhat quiet for Cyclone as we continue to focus on the
TO Summer Patrol and I think about the forthcoming SSL. Right, so
eh, comedy..
- The new Cyclone
website layout is complete! Go to
to have a look, if you haven't already. It has a new competitions
page, as well as revamped banners. Whoohoo.
- Welcome to Lt. Erinyes,
who joined us on Monday from the Daed! Her arrival puts us at
11 pilots, and I've already got a line on the 12th! =) We won't be
full for long though, because I'm going to be forced to conduct AWOLs
soon. Sadness = P
- Lt. Phelan has shown the whole initiative thing and started a new
runon on the Cyclone message board detailing what happened when our
little squadron was reopened. Shrike and I have developed a fun plotline
to go along with it describing the recruitment of Fink and how Shrike
got his name, among other things. Fun times. ^^
- Citations are Cyclone's top priority. :P Fly your citations assignments
for the week, and I recommend you for an ISM. It's just that simple.
Fly all of them for the month, and I'll talk to Cor about getting
you a PC. Congratulations to Shrike, who once again shouldered the
load and flew his citations assignments! I'm in awe of this guy. =P
- Cyclone Squadron is the ISD Challenge Squadron of the Month! And
apparently we've been SotM since last June! Whoohoo!
- Kappa vs Cyclone is over, and sadly, the won the flying portion
by taking the top two scores. =P On the bright side, the margin was
only 1900 points from first to fourth (go Fink and me), and we outsubmitted
them 5 to 2. =) Fiction results are still forthcoming. Oh, and Maverick
reminds me next time to not have a sense of fairplay when setting
the competition conditions. I will take his advice. =P
- Wing X meetings
are 6:00 EST on Sundays in #wing_x. Join us for amusing trivia and
news from around the fleet.
- Go to
for the newest fleet news.
- Imperial
Storm V
This is is almost over. I think. Yay. =P
is hosting the annual TAC FCHG competition. 'Cloners with mission
creation skilled are encouraged to roll up their sleeves and create
a six mission battle. Winner takes home an IS-PR. I'm working on my
submission right now. =P
- Cyclone Trivia
Each week, I will be sending out a set of trivia questions to the
mailing list. Answer as many correctly as you can, win a prize at
the end of the month if you answer the most. This competition is temporarily
suspended because I'm just that lazy.
JAG Banner Competition
Fleetwide competition to create a new banner for the JAG Office. Winner
gets an IS-PR. Entries are due Sept. 1.
Want an IS-GW? Then fly the assigned number of missions for the "Training
Officer's Patrol" for five weeks straight! Easy, huh? I expect
high Cyclone participation for this one, since we are (after all)
the best and most active squadron in the Wing. Let's go!
Cyclone Blogging
Not so much a competition as an ongoing event. Cyclone members are
encouraged to maintain a blog on the MB detailing their activity,
their thoughts, etc.
1-1 - CM
- IRC activity
- MB activity
- AIM activity
- Wrote this report
- Updated the website
- Working on battle for TAC competition
- Enacting citations plans
- Posted to Cyclone runon
- TAC beta testing (the new Hammer to Anvil installment!)
- Flew the following - TIE-TC-221, 223, 41, 42; XvT-TC-107 and 112
1-2 - Lt. Phelan
- Computer trouble (new motherboard coming soon)
- AIM contact
- E-mail contact
- IRC contact
- Good luck in Iraq, see you when you get back!
- Cm. Shrike
- E-mail contact
- IRC contact
- Posted to Cyclone runon
- Writing lengthy fanfic series
- Flew the following: TIE-TC-5, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48; 215; 221
- Lt. Augustus Meridian
- E-mail contact
- AIM contact
- Computer troubles
- Completed IWATS Linus (78%)
- IRC contact
- Contact me ASAP
- E-mail contact
- Flew TIE-TC-221 and TIE-TC-03
- Lt. Blenheim
- IRC activity
- AIM activity
- Flew the following: XWA-TC-01; XvT-TC-107; XvT-TC-101
- On leave
- AIM contact
- Flew the following: TIE-TC-221; TIE-FREE-01
- Contact me ASAP
3-2 - CM Dulcatos
- No contact
- Maj. Enzo Matrix
- AIM contact
- IRC contact
- MB activity
- Made two banners for the JAG competition
Every week, I select a pilot who's high activity and excellence served
as an example for all Cyclone pilots. The selected pilot earns an
IS-BR at the end of the month, and their profile is enshrined for
the week on the Cyclone Squadron website.
to CM. Alexander Shrike, Lt. Blenheim,
Major Fink and Lt. Erinyes, who all get Pilot of the Week
this week because they took my order to fly the Training Office Summer
Patrol battles to heart and did just that. There's nothing that will
look better than if 5 (5!) Cyclone pilots pick up IS-GWs from Stuart
in a fleetwide competition. =) - Standings are Shrike - 3; Blenheim
- 1; Fink - 1; Erinyes - 1
SQUADRON : Heavy Assault
COMMANDER: CM Katherine Cantor Flyer (
NICKNAME: The Demolition Crew
BANNER: cyclone.jpg
MOTTO: Destruction Imminent..
Nickname: Flyer's Flight
Motto: Always ready, always deadly
1) CM Katherine Cantor Flyer (
2) LT Phelan (
3) CM Shrike (
4) LT Augustus Meridian (
Nickname: The Hellstormers
Motto: We are the Fury after the Storm
1) COL Domi (
2) MAJ Fink (
3) LT Blenheim (
4) LT Erinyes (
Nickname: Close Support
Motto: We're in and out before you know it.
1) LCM Marlin (
2) CM Dulcatos (
3) Maj. Enzo Matrix (
4) TBA
<Kyral> Flyer...
<Kyral> You left that T/F out there
<`Flyer> I know
<`Flyer> lol
<`Flyer> I dunno if I care to move it
<`Flyer> I suppose I will
<Kyral> I blew it up
<`Flyer> oh well
<`Flyer> good for you
<Kyral> the hell did it do 600 damage to me?
<`Flyer> rofl
<`Flyer> SUPER TIE
<`Flyer> I must have been flying that thing
Numbers that only matter to me
Battles Flown: 19
IWATS completed: 1
Transfers: 0
Citations garnered: 3
Pilots of the Week: 4
New webpage layout:
Status: Done
Status: In progress (Mission 6/6)
Status: On hold
Cyclone Campaign:
Status: In progress
Status: 17/100 citations
Kate Cantor "Valkyrie" Flyer
CMDR-TCS/CM Katherine Cantor Flyer/Cyclone/Wing X/ISD Challenge