Avenger Squadron
Report #7
8.13.2005 - MAJ Tek Selkirk

Avenger Elite Squadron

.: Avenger Elite Squadron - Report #7 - August 13th, 2005 :.

.: News :.

  • Major news is the commotion AES has likely made on the Emperor’s Hammer message board.
  • Avenger vs. Asp Squadron competition is still running.  More on that to follow.
  • Major Ace has been sent to the reserves due to general lack of activity.
  • Major Malloy has been promoted to FL 3-1.  Congratulations to him, well deserved.
  • Major Malloy is also working on some sort of pilot wings graphics for the squadron
  • Brent has found a new coder for the website, Mousedroid.  Hopefully the site will be up and completed before you can say “XvT/XWA WoW” five times fast.

.: Activity Report :.

  • Due to our competition with Asp Squadron, all activity is from this point on =classified=
  • But perhaps more importantly, Avenger Squadron will be dark until certain things happen.

.: Promotions, Medals, and Orders :.


  • Malloy to 3-1


  • None


  • Fly vs. Asp Squadron.  Gara is on IRC frequently and is willing to fly most of the time.  The other pilots will be tougher to get in touch with, so I recommend all pilots to directly mail their challenges to Asp Squadron pilots in the next week.

.: Competitions :.

Beat the CMDR Competition

·          ·          ·          Any pilot that beats me in a multiplayer match receives an IS-BW.

Avenger Recruitment Incentive

·          ·          ·          7/11 - ?

Any Avenger pilot (past or current) that refers a recruit to the CMDR whom is subsequently invited to join the squadron will receive an IS-BR.

Avenger Elite Squadron CR Race

  • 7/11 - ?

Highest CR gain each month earns an IS-BW

Avenger Squadron vs Asp Squadron

·          ·          ·          8/6 – 8/20

·          ·          ·          4 IS-BWs in total. One to the highest win/loss in each platform, and one to the highest kill/death in each platform, for a total of four.  The winning squadron will also rename the losing squadron’s flights for one week.


.: Roster :.

Elite Squadron - Open by invitation only
NICKNAME: Executors of the Emperor's will
BANNER: avenger.jpg
MOTTO: De Oppresso Liber
HOMEPAGE: http://aesquad.minos.net/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://mb.emperorshammer.net/viewforum.php?f=32

Nickname: Ultor fuga unicus (Avenger Flight One)
Motto: Ultio absque clementia (Revenge without mercy)
1) MAJ Tek Selkirk
2) LC Kenath Zoron
3) CM Patrick Blastfire
4) CPT Bryan

Nickname: Ultor fuga duo (Avenger Flight Two)
Motto: Actuarius letum praes (Swift death at hand)
1) GN Dax Corrin
2) CM Kysar Xero
3) LC Brent Tainer
4) TBA

Nickname: Ultor fuga trecenti (Avenger Flight Three)
Motto: Latio isutitia inimicus (Bringing justice to the enemy)
1) MAJ Fox Malloy
2) TBA
3) CPT Azrael
4) TBA

.: Commander’s Desk :.

So, report number seven is complete.  Don’t worry about the lack of activity reports being shown, everything is being tracked and accounted for.  I am happy with the amount of flying you are all still doing despite the blackout.  And now, that will be put to the ultimate test.  You can find me on IRC, and I’ll be wiling to fly with you gentlemen whenever you can- for fun.  Lastly, here are some funny excerpts from the Wing X channel:

[23:00] <`Maverick> DV, I'll return all post WWI respect to France if you have EuroDisney burned down
[23:00] <DirtyVader> euro disney's cool?
[23:00] <DirtyVader> for me
[23:00] <DirtyVader> what happened to you there my yank friend?
[23:01] <`Maverick> Eurodisney mickey was smoking a cigeratte and called me a stupid American
[23:01] <Phel_whorin> LOL
[23:01] <`Stan> HAHA
[23:01] <Malloy> HAHAHAHAHAH!
[23:01] <`Maverick> and then said in France mickey doesn't laugh or make funny...then he proceeded to drink a bottle of wine with goofy singing Fara jaca
[23:02] <Malloy> lmmfao
[23:02] <`Stan> lol
[23:02] <DirtyVader> THAT'S SO BLOODY COOL
[23:02] <`Maverick> That's what happened...and Minnie Mouse...she didn't shave
[23:02] * Phel_whorin falls over laughing
[23:02] <DirtyVader> HURRAY TO FRENCH PEOPLE
[23:02] <`Maverick> Have you ever seen a hairy cartoon mouse...<sniff> I wish i hadn't


 [22:16] <SpamG0d> You convicted me, you prick :P

 [22:17] <`Maverick> Then shouldn't you be under my heel still

 [22:17] <SpamG0d> Hah! No! The tables have turned, punkass inquisitor :P

 [22:17] <`Maverick> I still have my whipping stick

 [22:17] <Malloy> Manah!

 [22:17] <SpamG0d> Go clean my flagship with this toothbrush


.: The End! :.

Thanks for reading this report.

Major Tek Selkirk

CMDR-PROF/MAJ Tek Selkirk/Avenger/VSD Aggressor




[Blackshirt] [300 Club]
ASF Escort Squadron - SCIV, SCVII Champions
COO Escort

.: Until next week, fly fast and shoot straight gentlemen :.



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