Corporate Division
Report #32
8.5.2005 - FA Khadgar
President Report #32 – 8.5.05
“A bank book makes good reading - better than some novels.”
This week we’ve been playing “Corporate Musical Chairs”. First off, Ovidius Naso has resigned as CDNG CEO. If you’re interested in CDNG CEO, you must be willing to help boost submissions to the NL via the CDNG. All of the standard requirements as per the CMD course also apply. If you're interested, mail FA Khadgar ( and VA BubbaX ( Next, we have a new (or old, depending on your perspective) DEMI CEO, CG Baron.
RA Brukhar had been fulfilling a double role as VPT and VPO, but he has only today announced his intention of resigning.
Hence, VPO is now open for applications. This is an important position in the Corporate Division, and should not be applied
for lightly. People applying should keep in mind the following duties of the VPO:
- Approving activity bonuses and Swamp Donkey orders regularly.
- Supervising PLT Revenge since there are no current plans to appoint a new VPT.
- All of the usual reporting required as per the CD Manual.
Again, send applications to FA Khadgar ( and VA BubbaX (
As I mentioned on Any CEO that is missing a report or activity bonus submission will be fined 10,000 credits. Any CEO missing both will be fined 15,000 credits. You have until next Sunday to submit both. These fines will continue every week henceforth.
Unfortunately, the radio seems to be down at present. Stay tuned for updates (wakka wakka).
The President's Office
I decided this week to print a new song I wrote:
Rebel DJs attack HARA (AKA “Not another Ackbar joke!”):
Lando: All DJs report in.
Red Leader: Red DJs standing by.
Grey Leader: Grey DJs standing by.
Green Leader: Green DJs standing by.
Pilot: Lock equipment in attack transmission.
Ackbar: May the force be with us.
Lando: We've got to be able to get some reading on that station, up or down….Well, how can they be jamming us, if they don't
know…if we're coming. Break off the attack! The station is still up!
Wedge: I get no reading. Are you sure?
Lando: Pull up! All DJs, pull up!
Admiral Ackbar: Take evasive action. Green DJs, stay close to holding frequency MD-7.
Lackey: Admiral, we have enemy DJs, frequency 47!
Ackbar: It's a trap!
That’s all for this week.
Stay in profit,
Fleet Admiral Khadgar
President of the Corporate Division
PREX/FA Khadgar/VSD Warhammer