Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Captain Ulath (#9844)

Name: Ulath

Rank: Captain

Current Assignment: Extended Leave.

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Hfel

Date of Birth: 08/05/2030

Place of Birth: Prydiir IV: Upper Antioch

Marital Status: Single

Family: I havent seen my family since the great Split of `35. They went their way and I went mine, it just so happened that their way led to a lair of angry Xvarts and, well, that was the end of them.

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: We have reason to believe your Tuna Cassarol is leaking troop movements to the enemy, and, as such, must be eliminated. There will be no Mercy!

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: The time we went over to Coruscant during the war. I wore an onion on my belt....which was the style at the time. You couldnt get those white ones, you could only get those big yellow where was I........oh yeah, the important thing was I was wearing an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. But you couldnt get those white ones...

Significant Events of Adulthood:
*Joined the TIE Corps
*Promoted to Lieutenant
*Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
*Promoted to Commander and given command of
Python Squadron. Foolish Command Staff......
*Promoted to Captain
*Given command of Echo Squadron. They just never learn...

Alignment and Attitude: 1)10 degrees out
2)Too much of it, according to my friends :P

Former Occupations: Turnip Farmer and assistant Hatter. They say most Hatters were mad due to Lead Poisening, but I never felt any Ill-Effects from it whatsoever. Whats that Doctor? Medication? Why, I dont take Medica.......................
*The rest of this recording consists of loud screaching noises and the odd Dog barking. Ulath's caretakers requested it be left in as a warning to any prospective employers*

Hobbies: I kill people for money. No, seriously.........

Tragedies: Well, my family dying was pretty bad, and I seem to have lost Several months in there somewhere, and people avoid me on the street a lot.........but other than that I'm incredibly well balanced.

Phobias and Allergies: Turnips. And any music beginning with the word 'pop'.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Republic wouldnt take me, something about a policy against employing Sanity-Impaired pilots, so I'm just happy that the Empire would. FOr now I'm happy to stay as I am, biding my time and picking the best moment to.....erm......never mind.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: Everyone else was doing it............

Other Comments: I enjoy Polka.


Submitted: 8/19/2005 8:22:00 AM