Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Vice Admiral Maverick (#2758)
I've served in the following positions (Please note some of these positions were held years ago):
Inquisitor on the HCI (ret.)
CA:RO (ret.)
Consul of Clan Scholae Palatine(ret.)
IWCOM (ret.)
IWXO (ret.)
IWFO (ret.)
Commodore of the MC-90 Fear, M/FRG Oriskany (ret.)
Wing Commander of the MC-80b Fear (ret.)
Commander of many different Squadrons in the Tie Corps and the IW (ret.)
VPP in the Corporate Division (ret.)
A:PRF in the Hammer's Fist (ret.)
MAA in the Dark Brotherhood (ret.)
P:MAA in the DB (ret.)
M:HM in the DB (ret.)
QUA of House Acclivis Draco of CSP (ret.)
AED of House Acclivis Draco of CSP (ret.)
AED of House Caliburnus of CSP (ret.)
Commander of Guardian Squadron in HSP (before it's clanning)(ret.)
Flight Member of Praetorian Squadron (ret.)
Moff in the EH Dir (ret.)
Emissary of the Assembly of Consuls (ret.)
Hobbies: I'm a hopeless romantice, writing stories and poetry. Flying circles through the most dangerous course I can find also is a hobby, as long as it makes the girls blush and giggle. A born lady charmer.
Tragedies: The destruction of Alderaan. As well as the defections and dishonor given the Infiltrator Wing about 4-5 years ago.
Phobias and Allergies: Phobias: None
Allergies: Chocolate (The Coco Bean)
Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Empire is order from Choas and the Emperor's Hammer is the Hammer that will strike the blows to forge the new Empire.
Reason for enlisting in the EH: I wanted to avenge the loyal Imperial cilivians that had to die on Alderaan along with the Rebellion scum.
Other Comments:
ID Line: COM/Vice Admiral Maverick/ISD Challenge
Dark Side Adept (Sith)ED/SB/GC/(SC-SoA)/(SE-WG)/DC-KC-O-CS/CF/(LSS)/CoL {SA: CORE}
Submitted: 8/2/2005 1:38:00 PM