Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Lieutenant Tavrim Kain (#12109)

Name: Tavrim Kain

Rank: Sub-Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Iota 1-4/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: 11/20/15 years Before Yavin

Place of Birth: Corellia

Marital Status: Single

Family: None, raised in an Imperial orphanage on Coruscant

Social Status: Well-to-do

Quote: For the Empire!

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: As a young child, my family was killed in an accident while hunting in the plains of Corellia. The only reason I was not with them was because I was sick at the time. The Corellian senator at the time was an aquaintance of the family, and he took me to Coruscant to an orphanage he had helped set up. I grew up in the first glowing days of the Empire as peace was enforced throughout the galaxy. When I was too old to stay at the orphanage any longer I enrolled at the Imperial Acadamy.

Significant Events of Adulthood: I graduated from the Imperial Acadamy just after the battle of Endor, things were very chaotic and I chose to leave the planet in search of my fortune. I wound up as a freighter pilot for a mega-multi-system conglomerate. I was extremely unhappy with my life, but plugged away. Finally, a break occured for me when my freighter was routed through the Phaere system. I heard about the Emperor's Hammer and decided to join up and put my acadamy training to real use.

Alignment and Attitude: I am very grateful to the Empire, as it raised me as its ward. I look forward to the excitement of battle and the prospect of striking a blow to restore order and peace to the galaxy.

Former Occupations: Freighter Pilot.

Hobbies: Collecting Holos of major historical events. Meditation excercises. Martial arts. Zero-gravity sports.

Tragedies: Family died while a small child on Corellia.

Phobias and Allergies: I strongly dislike spiders.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Empire is my family, the EH is what I see as the Empire's best chance to restore order to the galaxy.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: The chance to use my acadamy training for the good of the Empire. I feel that I owe the Empire for turning me into the person I am and for bringing me up. This is my way of repaying the Empire with my service.

Other Comments:

ID Line: FM/SL Tavrim Kain/Iota 1-4/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus {IWATS-HIST}

Submitted: 8/28/2005 1:46:00 AM