Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Commander Jaques Landeux (#11704)

Name: Jaques Landeux

Rank: Commander

Current Assignment: Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus

Scandoc Transmission Code:

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Date of Birth: unknown, said 20 years old when enlisting

Place of Birth: Corellia

Marital Status: Single

Family: Jaques grew up on Corellia as one of two sons of an information broker. His father was mostly busy with the buisness, but involved Jaques in the work, so they had a good relation. His mother was a housewife, who cared for everyone. During the rebellion his older brother started to drink and finally drunk himself to death. Jaques blamed the rebellion for it because he thought his brother had been a rebel sympathizer and couldn`t withstand the pressure of the Galactic Civil War, although in reality he just had high debts because of gambling, which he had kept secret. After this his mother changed a lot and grew more and more aggressive. The only one who kept stable was his father. Jaques tried to keep his time at home to a minimum and stayed mostly with his father to evade his mother and her quarrels with his father. Therefore he finally joined the Navy to end the chaos of the rebellion and escape his troubled home.

Social Status: Poor

Quote: Yes, Sir!

Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: The most significant event of course has been the death of his brother, as it changed his former home into something to escape from. Maybe he would never have left the planet without this. Apart from that his childhood went normal except that he watched CorSec drag some of their neighbours away when he was 10, which impressed him and led to the thought of becoming a CorSec member when grown up but this idea did not keep up for long.

Significant Events of Adulthood: When Jaques was brought to platform Daedalus after enlisting he looked out of the shuttle`s window and saw his first Star Destroyer. Not on holo or HoloNet but in real. "Now I really believe the Empire will win." he thought to himself in awe. He continued to watch the mighty ship and patrolling fighters until the shuttle entered the hangar. Also impressive were those events which most excited young men joining the navy experience like being in space with their fighter for the first time and his promotion to Lieutenant.

Alignment and Attitude: Jaques is commited to his duty and always tries to fullfill his tasks in the best way possible. As he is from Corellia he sometimes acts before he thinks which gets him into nasty situations. He`s not violent or likes killing, but does what he thinks needs to be done to support the Empire and thus stabilize the galaxy again. Due to his past as an information broker he developed a kind of curiosity for all kinds of affairs so his comrades contact him whenever they need some gossip. His attitude towards life could be formulated as "Let`s see what comes, I`ll deal with it.".

Former Occupations: Except his experiences while helping his father as information broker there is nothing which could be called a former occupation.

Hobbies: He is interested in technology, especially for information gathering and is always caring to get the newest information on this. Jaques also likes to read a lot of mostly old works of all kinds. If he does not spend his freetime with this or hangs around in the pilots lounge he brushes up his non-flying combat skills and trains in the gym to keep himself prepared and in a good shape.

Tragedies: As he had no problems whith his brother and it destroyed his family this has been a tragedy. Apart from this there is only the death of his beloved pet Guybrush.

Phobias and Allergies: Jaques has not yet encountered any phobias or allergies he has.

Personal View of the Empire and EH: He disapproves of some of the actions of the Empire but thinks that this will get better once the rebels are history and the Empire can concentrate on it`s problems. Jaques also feels that the Empire is the best way to restore peace in the galaxy which in his opinion has to be done as fast as possible. By serving the Emperors Hammer he tries to make that change come as fast and with as few victims as possible.

Reason for enlisting in the EH: Escape his troubled home and participating in what he sees as the best way to restore peace.

Other Comments: Hail to the Empire! Aww and I miss Guybrush. *sighs*

ID Line: CMDR-PROF/CM Jaques Landeux/Iota/Wing VIII/ISD Colossus PCx3/ISM/IS-1BW-3BR-4SW-4SR/LoC-CSx4-Rx2/MoC-1BoC/CoB/LoA [GALL] {IWATS-AMP-HIST-IBX-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-MP-PHP-RT-SM/3-TLN-TT-WPN-XTM/1-XTT}

Submitted: 8/14/2005 4:26:00 AM