Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Major Amano Ginji (#11325)
Name: Ginji
Rank: Commander
Current Assignment: Mantis
Scandoc Transmission Code:
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 1/01/22XX
Place of Birth: New New York, Earth
Marital Status: Single
Family: Mother and Father were Jedi Knights, in the last war against the rebels, although killing many rebels, were eventually overwhelmed and kill by an ambush of the Rebel Jedi. Some of the inhabitants of some planets have seen my sister, and whenever I get to the planet she was said to be on, she is not there, but I know she is alive somewhere. My Brother is a Jedi, who survived the war against the rebels.
Social Status: Nobility
Quote: "If your gonna live... live."
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: I was born and raised by my parents in Cloud City. My brother and sister also lived with me. We were a happy family. The Dark Jedi helped to keep out the Rebels so peaceful lives would be able to take place. However, when we become an adult in Cloud City, we are supposed to join the Emperor's Hammer and help them to defeat the rebels and rule the universe one day.
Significant Events of Adulthood: I became a pilot of the Tie Corps. I also joined the Dark Brotherhood and am still training to be a Dark Jedi Knight. I joined the Corporate Division in order to help with the more political involvment in the Emperor's Hammer.
Alignment and Attitude: If someone is to get me mad, everyone knows that something that the person did would either have to be severe, or consistent. I normally am in a calm mood, but my desire to keep my friends and family alive drives me to destroy all rebel threats. Most Rebels who ever messed with my family or friends, have wound up dead, including the ones that killed my parents.
Former Occupations: Pilot, Dark Jedi Apprentice, Civilian of Cloud City
Hobbies: My hobbies include killing rebels, becoming a greater pilot and Dark Jedi Master, Making sure justice is always served, and those close to me are protected.
Tragedies: My parents death in the line of duty.
Not being able to find my sister, although she's alive.
Loss of many pilots on the Vanguard.
Phobias and Allergies: None
Personal View of the Empire and EH: The Emperor's Hammer is a great place for people to meet and make friends with other people. And if you are looking to fly against people, this is a great place for that. There are also a variety of things you can do that are non-flying. The thrill is great, and I really think the Emperor's Hammer is a great place. You can talk to anyone about anything on IRC.
Reason for enlisting in the EH: My reason for enlisting was to help Lieutenant Colonel Thom Zack in his never ending quest. To meet new people, and fly against other pilots. Also, to seek vengance on all rebels who thing they can get away with murder.
Other Comments: If you are a rebel, and I catch you murdering anyone, especially the young and the innocent, you can consider yourself with a death warning, because the moment I find you again, will be your last moment to live. The moment I see you, you will be dead in a heart beat, just like that.
ID Line: CMDR/CM Ginji/Mantis/Wing XV/ISD Vanguard
Submitted: 8/9/2005 9:43:00 PM