Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Major Fox Malloy (#11285)
Name: Fox Malloy
Rank: Major
Current Assignment: Avenger Elite Squadron CMDR
Scandoc Transmission Code:
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 04/03/1989
Place of Birth: Silus Van
Marital Status: Single
Family: Born to Michael and Irene Malloy. No siblings.
Social Status: Well-to-do
Quote: "Malo Mori Quam Foedari"-Malloy Family Motto
Significant Events of Childhood and Adolescence: Born to financially astute middle-class parents, Fox enjoyed a relatively normal childhood. From an early age, he always enjoyed all kinds of flying craft, this being due to the fact that his father, being a former Imperial pilot himself, had described his fighter-jock days in such detail that it had completely enthraled Fox. The fact that his father also owned a successful starship repair business only helped that love along more. Fox never really wanted for anything during his childhood. He was by all means an active child, playing on many team sports either in or out of school throughout his adolescence, though he always had a special love for the outdoors, and shooting sports especially. While in school, he was relatively popular, getting on well with the whole crowd. However, due to his handsome, muscular features, dark look and his height of 6 feet, girls and young women found Fox raffishly handsome, and themselves attracted to him, which often resulted in him being chased down with offers of numbers, dates, and other things too explicit to be mentioned here. Indeed, life had been good to Fox so far. After he finished school, he worked for his father. Before he even consciously realized it, though, his love of flying soon enveloped him completely, and a mere 2 hours later, Fox had enlisted in the TIE Corps, and was on his way to the Imperial Academey.
Significant Events of Adulthood: During his 4 years at the academy, Fox had a recurrence of his high-school years. Again, he seemed to be well liked by all, and most of his instructors were amazed by his quick grasp of what they had to teach. Though he did not graduate with top honors, being edged out due to a small exam that came back to bite him, Fox finished in the top 10 percentile.
After the academy, he was sent to the fleet's replacement wing for craft certification, earning certifications on the TIE Interceptors, TIE Advanced, and what would turn out to the most constant in his career, the TIE Phantom.
During the first few months of his career, Fox saw numerous engagements, proving himself time after time to be a skilled and brave pilot. However, just as the action was winding down a bit, the Intrepid recieved orders to conduct operations in a region of space known as "The Zone." It was here that the Intrepid entred combat for a week straight with numerous enemy fleets. After a week's sustained combat, Fox had emerged with 21 victories, but had distinguished himself as the only LT at the enagement to do so. As a result of his bravery and courage, he was decorated, and sent home for 2-weeks furlough. It was then that father bestowed upon him his own Malloy family Armorial. This was indeed a great suprise to him, the rest of family, as this honor was only shown to those that had truly proven themselves to live up the heroic deeds of their ancestors. Indeed, he found himself a bit choked up when he was presented with it.
Weeks later, it was also discovered that Fox Malloy, a young Lieutenant, with about 20 combat victories, a Zone enagement and two and a half months experience, was also Force-sensitive.
At the urging of his then Commodore and Consul of CSP, Gidda, Fox joined the Dark Brotherhood to hone his Force abilities. However, he eventually decided to leave the Brotherhood for a while to pursue his TIE Corps career. This turned out to move much faster than his DB one, as he was quickly promoted to a Flight Leader in Asp, and then Lieutenant-Commander in the same position not long thereafter.
In another two months, Fox would wind up in command of Viper Squadron, Wing XIV, ISD Intrepid. His first CMDR ToD was a successful, albeit quiet one. After two months, he was promoted to Captain, and at the end of his initial ToD, he decided that he had a plan: reactivate Asp Squadron, and mold it into a top notch combat squadron. In that endeavor, he was successful indeed, bringing a small, but needed, influx of pilots into the wing, most of them seasoned veterans who had seen action on the Zone or in the #outerrim.
As a result of the newly reformed squadron's successes, they found themselves in the news. A lot. Times were good, medals and praise of all kinds came in from every which way. However, this was not to last, as news from home, and a slew of other problems forced Fox out of action and into the reserves only days after being promoted to Major, and after only Asp being reopened 3 months before.
Only two months after his 1st year of TC service had past, Fox found himself ready to go back. No longer was the FNG he had started out as, that first year was one of rapid promotion, lessons learned, and experience gained. He put in a transfer request to Asp, his home. However, he was not to tarry there. After only a week and 5 days of being back on active duty, he was selected to join Avenger Squadron. He instantly accepted, making perhaps the most important move in his career. The chance to fly along side such legends as Tek Selkirk and Dax Corrin in combat at first seemed like Christmas, his birthday, and one's first time all rolled into one. However, common sense got the better of him, and he vowed to do it by the book. However, he did cut lose in one area: Being as handsome as he was, dropping the elite pilot/squadron line would not hurt his attempts to woo the ladies. Yes, Avenger was starting to feel like home, and he was getting quite used to it already. And then it happened. After quickly becoming Avenger Flight 3 leader, unfortunate circumstances conspired against CMDR Tek Selkirk, Avenger Squadron. Not long after, Fox was selected as the new Avenger Commander. This is where we leave our hero for now, to see how is path turns out.
Alignment and Attitude: Loyal to the Empire and those close to him, Malloy is brash, swaggering, and charismatic, with a good sense of humor. He usually finds some degree of respect from those around him. When in a cockpit, he tends to fly instinctively, by the seat of his pants. Although he has been instructed in BFM and AFM, he tends to believe that thinking while one is up there leads to hesitation, which leads to a "Deeply Regret" transmission to your parents from the Fleet.
Former Occupations: Father's Starship repair business; Asp Flight Member(1-2), Asp Flight Leader(2-1), Viper Squadron Commander, Asp Squadron Commander, Reserves (2 months,)Asp Flight Member (2-4,) Avenger Flight Member (3-2,) Avenger Flight Leader (3-1.)
Hobbies: Flying; Getting drunk in the cantina with my squaddies; building models; firearms and shooting sports, history, military history and tactics; computers; women, snowboarding, cycling.
Tragedies: None as of yet.
Phobias and Allergies: Seasonal allergies. No phobias.
Personal View of the Empire and EH: Being pro-Imperial, I feel I have a duty to protect and uphold the ideals of the EH and the Empire. I will not rest until order is restored to the galaxy. So be it, until there is no war, but peace.
Reason for enlisting in the EH: I enlisted in the EH becuase I never was a big fan of the Rebellion, and have and will continue to think of them as misguided fools who must learn the error of their folly.
Other Comments:
ID Line: CMDR/MAJ Fox Malloy/Avenger/VSD Aggressor
Submitted: 8/26/2005 8:55:00 PM