Wing II
Report #17
6.13.2005 - LC Zeth Durron
WC/LC Zeth Durron reporting in for Wing II/SSSD
Sovereign - 13.06.2005 "Even a fool knows you can't touch the stars, but it doesn't stop a wise
man from trying." - Harry Anderson
Weekly Wing II report #17
welcome to another edition of the wing report.
AS already pointed out in a previous mail: teh "pilot vs command" winners:
LC Tempest - 292,359
CM Moagim Daar - 198,567
LC Zeth Durron - 218,376
LC Zeth Durron - 147,431
CPT Granite - 103,092
The Iron Stars were all requested & already awarded. Gratulations to the winners again.
I finally received all MSEs (again a little late - guess I need to slap a few CMDRs here >:P
Nevertheless I`m at the MWE right now.
Anyway, last week mainly saw e-group spamming. Yahoo claims it was the month with the most traffic for the Wing in 2005 so far
- thanks to Jon & Tempest =P
Next to spamming the e-group the wing personnel was busy helping the Sovereign in the SP part of the IMP Storm,
Jon & Ninj even helped Stele in the planning phase of the last MP fight -
there is only one word to describe the situation: PWNED!!
Reports indicate that the ATF personnel was pi$$ed about what happened for a few
days. Good job guys, as it looks the SOV will win the IS once again.
I need a graphics person to supply one, some or all of the following:
* New template for the EH domain
* New template for the TC site
* Components for the new TC uniform system (can be just rank badges, medals or more)
If you're interested, post a reply. - Astatine
Wing Orders
Mandatory Wing Orders:
well..have fun & spam my inbox with whatever stuff you feel like my inbox
needs to be spammed with
Kappans play in your competition
IMP Storm is going on, you`re involved...go play/fly
Mini-Squadron News
-Kappa: MSE & WSR received
-Sigma: MSE & WSR received | Atf
breaks for 1st time Bruks BSF count
-Sin: MSE received | Enzo does
some GFX stuff & whooped the WCs a$$ in 3 JA games
Wing personnel
- no one left (good) - no one joined ( ppl in here would be cool I guess)
CM Moagim Daar
LC Tempest
CPT Granite
CM Brukhar
MAJ Aft Skylek
Wing II personell without a CoB at present:
everyone else has one
CM Brukhar
MAJ Aft Skylek
total of BSFs since last report: 13
Fleet News from the last 7 days
Monday · June 13 · 2005
Imperial Storm - Battle for Korriban Results
12:06 - HA Priyum Patel
After a fierce struggle over the azure skies of Korriban, the Sovereign team has emerged victorious! Decimating the ATF's first wave, they forced their opposing team into a swift retreat, inflicting minor damage on the fleeing ships while securing their position in orbit. This means that the Sovereign team will now have captured the planet at the end of Turn 5.
However, thanks to their Single Player results, the ATF team has managed to save enough points to ensure that a TIE Advanced squadron was saved from the onslaught. Well done to the ATF Pilots. The full details of the losses inflicted on both sides can be seen on the War Office site.
I thought I'd release some statistics from the war game so far:
Number of TIE SP submissions: 50 (who said TIE was dead?)
Number of XvT SP submissions: 34
Number of Battles: 3 (Ryloth, Mon Calamari & Korriban)
Number of participating MP Pilots: 14
Number of losses: M/FRG (x1), E/S (x2), ATR (x7), FRG (x1), TRN (x1), CRCK (x1), DREAD (x2), STRCK (x2), VSD (x2), T/F (x24), T/B (x36), T/A (x87), T/D (x97)
War is expensive.
Sunday · June 12 · 2005
AES Squadron CMDR Sought
06:49 - SA Cyric
VA Gidda has decided to start accepting applications for the position of Avenger Squadron Commander from now in order to avoid a lack of leadership in the ASF Elite squadron when GN Nightmare will transfer to Reserves at the end of this month.
Candidates must have passed the SM/3 course (preferred: MP and AMP). They must know very well the multiplayer aspects of XvT and/or XWA and of course they must be active multiplayer pilots themselves. Other than that it is required a fast email response time, the ability to work with other ASF Officers for the creation of multiplayer events and no HCI convictions whatsoever in your record.
If you met those requirements and if you think to be the right person for the job send your application to BGCOM Gidda including a brief list of activities you would run as new AES CMDR.
Saturday · June 11 · 2005
[TO] Edumacation Competition Ends Monday!
15:01 - AD Stuart
You still have 2 days (until late monday) to earn up to an IS-GR!!
Once per week, I will be choosing an IWATS course, ANYONE who completes that IWATS Course during that specific week will get an IS-BR. (This means if you can figure out week 4 and don't have it and pass the course you get a medal!)
Also, if you complete at least 2 of 4 IWATS courses selected every 4 weeks at any point during the 4 weeks, you will get an IS-SR in addition to any IS-BRs you may have obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week.
Anyone who completes all 4 IWATS courses at any point during the 4 week period will receive an IS-GR in addition to any IS-BRs obtained from completing a course in the appropriate week.
IWATS courses can be taken at
TO Reports can be found here:
-No weeks will be CORE or OPT
-No weeks will be courses without professors
-Week 1 was based on a TC Platform
-Week 2 will be in the 'general' category
-Week 3 will be a course that is about to be closed
Week 3 needs some further elaboration. In preparation for the newest course MCBS mission creation courses /2 are being phased out. Check out all the mission creation courses to try and find one that hasn't been phased out yet!
-Week 4 this one is a nasty communication device that is primarily used on UNIX
Medals So far: (medals are awarded at the end of the 4 week period)
Week 1 : 2 IS-BRs
Week 2 : 3 IS-BRs
Week 3: 2 IS-BRs 1 IS-SR
Archived reports that may be of some use:
Alright people, put 2 and 2 together and shoot for those BR, SR, GRs!
EHSP 3.0 for XvT and BoP Released
06:58 - FA Ender mBind
* Add the B-Wing*, TIE Defender, TIE Phantom, Pursuer Enforcement Ship, Missileboat, System Patrol Craft*, Scout Craft, Corellian Gunship, Container Transport*, Medium Transport*, Assault Frigate, Modified Corvette*, Modified Frigate*, Passenger Liner, Carrack Cruiser, Light Calamari Cruiser*, MC-90 Calamari Cruiser*, Communications Relay, Sensor Array, Astromech, Probe Capsule, Gunplatform, Large Gunplatform, Laser Battery and Pilot. (*= XvT Only)
* Makes the T-Wing and R41 Starchaser flyable.
* Fixes bug in XvT and BoP that keeps Corellian Transports from firing their lasers.
* Adds Melees and Combat Missions to allow usage of added fighters in MP.
* Replaces datapad and graphics to IA/EH style ones.
* Does not replace any existing Craft. (EXE Installer - Can be installed together with other patches and kept installed permanently, also for MP.)
More info and a screenshot in my latest report
Friday · June 10 · 2005
New Battles Released!
21:33 - AD Frodo
TIE TC 224 and XvT TC 116 have been released at a mission compendium near you! Go and have a look.
Any beta testing files can be sent to me directly.
Thursday · June 09 · 2005
Temporary Freeworlds Forums
12:37 - HA Priyum Patel
Following some accounting problems with the host Brinkster (a good reason not to use them), the Freeworlds forums have gone down. However, Gumba has set up some temporary ones:
You will have to register again but unlike the other forums, it's pretty much instant. If anyone has any information from the old forums saved - particularly user lists for the EH, please email me.
Tuesday · June 07 · 2005
Freeworlds: New Republic vs Sith Cult
13:29 - HA Priyum Patel
Pilots - The New Republic will be launching an attack against the Sith held base of Imperial Sector Command on Sunday 12th June at 8PM GMT / 3PM EST. All loyal Imperial Pilots are expected to attend and aide our allies in their plight. More details will follow in my internal email
Imperial Storm -->
Kappa campaign
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 5/2/2005
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 6/27/2005
Parties Involved
Kappa squadron
Missions/Battles Used
TieFREE94, 104, 105, 106, 121, 127, 138, 139.
Medals to be Awarded
IS-BW for all pilots which will complete entire campaign.
Miscellaneous Information
This competition should last for eight weeks and is supposed to bring overall activity in Kappa to higher
levels. To succeed in this competition, pilots will not need to achieve high
scores, but to fly at least one mission per week for quite long period of time. I will assign one free mission for each week and every pilot which will manage to complete all eight missions in time will get
Wing Communication
mIRC: #airlock54
W2 HP:
MBs (SOV board):
W2 citations:
Flag Officers - 1
Kappa - 6
Psi - 9
Rho - 0
Sigma - 7
Sin - 5
Theta - 0
Total: 28 (0)
"i've flown more battles than you Zeth >:E" - CM Brukhar
"I'm not bald, I'm just taller than my hair :P" - LC Tempest
"i could tell you....for a price =p" - CM Conker
"Stele is a member of the Inner Party" - CPT Dweezil
"yeah... Go there and commit "aggressive negotitations"" - CPT Granite
"I flew, but don't remember what it was about" - MAJ Aft Skylek
"just didnt want to get my head lopped off hehe" - MAJ Enzo Matrix
"you destroyed my master plan :)" - LCM Blitz
.::[ ID
line ]::.
WC/LC Zeth
Sith Battlemaster Zeth Durron
Quaestor of House Caliburnus
Magistrate to the Herald
ISET & ESET Pontiff
DB-PIN: #122
Durron (Sith)/House
Caliburnus of Scholae