Wing XIV
Report #10
6.24.2005 - LC Apophis Kuma

Wing XIV Weekly Report #10
WWR Date: 06.24.2005
The Snake Pit


Top 5 Fleet News headers this week

New TCCOM's Own Selected!
New Battle and Mission Releases!
Freeworlds - A New Empire
Imperial Storm - Turn 9
New XWA Release!

The details of these and more can be seen here: TieCorps News


A World of Cheese.


Welcome to the 10th Wing XIV Report. Wahhoooo! Ontime today for the first time in a while. As of this report Viper and Copperhead got their reports in before I sent mine. Great job! This is a step to bringing a closer unity for the Command Staff of the Intrepid. So lets all get on the same page okay? Alright, now there wasn't much work done this week as I'm still waiting for the COM to process my recent pilot file I sent him. But hey I'm just doing what I said I would and that's do atleast a free mission a week Can't say the same for half of the crew :P

There was a drop in activity this week, although it could be due to the short reporting week, since all reports were late last week as well as mine. However, as you see that's changing. I offered to cerate a new comp but only one person responded and that was LT Nutrientman. Thanks LT! I will finish working on that comp and get it put out as soon as I can get it approved. Not a whole lot going on other than that save for the last Wing Comp left running til the end of the month and so far no one has reached that primary goal in order to get a BS for their next MSE. I guess medals aren't what they used to be or nobody cares any longer.

One thing to note for the wing as a whole. I will be sending out an email to every individual over this weekend and if you don't respond or if I get a bad email sent back to me or I can't get a hold of you, then you might just be sent off to the RSVs, simple as that. We need active members and not a lot of door stops. As it was brought about earlier, we don't want this to be the retirement ship of the fleet and we'll start to change that this weekend.

ASP if you have any work (BSFs) or otherwise that need to be done send everything to me right now as CM Gara is on leave. Same goes with Krayt. I don't know what's up there but I'll handle the work load if you guys have anything for me to BSF for ya! All members of Krayt are to report in to me by June 26th by midnight.

WC's Work: I flew several FREE missions this past week and shall continue to do so each week and I expect each member to do the same. At least 1 free mission each week to show a bit of effort will be sufficient. I have finished one comp and started another. Which is also finished winners announced below. I have also graded 2 IWATS courses.
Remember that I will also accept any work for those of you who are doing FW on your spare time. So please don't forget to send me any activity you have for this platform. I will add it to the report and get you any rewards in which you are entitled to. If anyone needs me please use email. This is the fastest way to make contact with me right now, so I have minimum distractions. Thanks.

(SP) FCHG Stuff: I'm pretty sure that CM S 4patas is the leader this month in BSFs submitted, with more following. I'll make a tally of the BSFs completed and submit that next report and we'll see who's the lead runner this month so far. I do know one thing, I'm included there having competed in all of the Wing comp so far. The only one I can't do is the MP right now. So let's get busy!

PS: Don't forget my new email address is so be sure to update your address books, also if it's during the work week Mon~Fri then please make sure you include as a CC email address, that way I can do Wing stuff while I'm at work. Remember you slithering snakes, DO SOME ACTIVITY! nuff said!

That's it for this week, cya next time!


POTW: Well no candidates this week, however, CM S 4patas was/is still Pilot of the Week for the last 3 weeks! Great work keep it up!


Some Wing comps going on. Wing MP Top Gun is currently running and is where if you get 13 LoCs or better you get awarded. The more the merrier and the one who take the top prize also gets an IS-SW. Look here for details. Members in the running for this are: CM Gara and CM S 4patas. I find it hard to believe that nobody wants a BS for their end of the month award. There is only a few days left until midnight on the 30th and anyone who gets 13 LoCs or greater will be awarded a BS at the end of the month. Your choice see ya then.

A new comp is coming and we'll be using XWA this time so standby for further details and I'll let ya kow when the comp is approved.

We've made it through 8 rounds of Imperial Storm without any new major engagements, maybe it's our destiny this time to come out ahead, we'll see as time goes on. But we're waiting for word from the frontlines. Standby for further details.


None at this time.


None at this time.


None at this time.

REPORTS RECEIVED (as of this report):


Rewards: As all things come to an end, such as rewards for work accomplished. There were no medals posted this week, with none pending save the MSE ones, which I'm not sure if they were awarded or not, hopefully they will come soon. Just remember I will gladly get you a medal or promotion if you put forth the effort. I promise you I will if its within my power to get you these things. All you need to do is show me that your ready for it. Nuff said.

Have a great day!

Respectfully Submitted,

Lieutenant Colonel Apophis Kuma
WC-TCT-TCS-PROF/LC Apophis Kuma/Wing XIV/ISD Intrepid
[PIN: 9554]
"You don't have to believe. But be prepared to be proved wrong."
- Grand Admiral Thrawn


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